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About strandoo

  • Birthday 09/19/1961

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  1. @marie.mdna Hi Marie. Sorry for the delay, but if you still need it, here is a bit more info that may help. My site sells educational courses, (not products) and each instructor conducts classes in various locations for various fees. There is a master Stripe account for the website owner and each instructor has their own Stripe account which is set up as a ‘Connected Account’ via the master Stripe account. (For me, getting the Connected Accounts set up (onboarded) was the most confusing part; see the Stripe documentation). In ProcessWire, I set up pages for instructors, courses, dates (events), etc with the necessary fields to link these. You’ll have to set up your PW for whatever you are trying to sell; make sure you can save an order with at minimum the buyer info, seller name/id (instructors in my case) and seller’s Stripe account number (this will be their ‘connected account’ number), and price. Then here’s what I did: - Installed the Stripe PHP Library (via Composer or manually) and set up your Stripe development stuff (secret and publishable keys, web hook endpoints, etc; you’ll have to look up how to do this in the Stripe documentation). - created a Stripe form processor template and page using code/examples from the Stripe documentation. This page gets my stored API keys and sends the order info to Stripe to create the payment page. - created a template with a form to collect the buyer’s name, email, etc. and the course info, instructor’s name, etc. This page contains a second Stripe form (essentially one hidden field and a hidden button) that works with the Stripe form processor page. On order submission, the form processes via Ajax: it does some checks for required fields, etc, then saves the order as an unpublished page. On success, js populates the second (Stripe) form with the id of the saved order page then submits it to the Stripe form processor, which fetches all the data to submit what it needs to Stripe. - created a webhooks.php file to receive data back from Stripe to verify success or failure of an order and do any post-order processing (get and publish the order page, set fields with order confirmation data, send confirmation emails to the customer and store owner, etc). It’s supposedly more reliable to use the web hook data for this rather than rely on the form submission success page. If I recall, you can find an example/template of webhooks.php from Stripe. I hope this is enough to get you started. - P
  2. Thanks of the reminder though. I need to add a bit of disclaimer or something in those cases. Cheers.
  3. @benbyf Did you consent to the cookies? We use Termly to manage our cookie settings and permissions. If you don't consent to all the cookies, you will get the errors (on all pages, not just the booking form). If you click on the 'Consent Preferences' in the footer, you will be able to accept all cookies. Please try that and see if you can submit the form. TBH, adding the consent stuff is sometimes a pain, since not accepting sometimes break scripts in non-obvious ways.
  4. Hmm. Thanks for the heads up. I just tired it on Firefox, but can submit the form no problem. I see the jquery errors and will investigate. I'm on a Mac w/ Firefox 129.0.1. How are you stopped from proceeding?
  5. @marie.mdnaI've been a bit busy this week, but I'll try to get you some details. In the meantime, this is the site: https://www.collegeofbowenstudies.co.uk and the process starts on the Booking page. You can fill out the form and proceed to payment without having to enter any payment details. This will at least show you what the Stripe-hosted page looks like. I'll try to have a closer look later in the week. - Paul
  6. @marie.mdna I did something similar using one of Stripe’s hosted pages (I think it’s their Checkout system: https://docs.stripe.com/checkout/quickstart?lang=php). Stripe has something called Connected Accounts, which allow you to take a payment through a “main” account and pass on it (all or a portion of it) to a Connected Account. When you onboard someone’s account (I.e, you make them a Connected Account on your site), you get a special account number which you pass to Stripe during a transaction. I built a form that saves the product details, buyer info and the seller’s name as an unpublished page then redirects the user to the Stripe Checkout page. When a successful transaction occurs, the order page is published and an email is sent to the buyer, seller and site owner so the order gets fulfilled. It works pretty well, but it’s a bit fiddly setting up the accounts.
  7. Hi @benbyf I've just downloaded, installed and tried out the module. It worked fine to start with: I could send between 2 users and see the messages. I was viewing source and accidentally hit one of the 'delete' thread buttons and since then, I am unable to see any message threads. I can send between clients and it acts like there are messages (with unread message counts, etc), but no messages are displayed. Not hidden by CSS either (they don't appear to be in the DOM). Any suggestions? PW 3.0.210, PHP 7.4.33. Thanks.
  8. @gmclelland Thanks! This is just what I was looking for. (I'm not sure how I missed it).
  9. Hello folks. I've got a site with lots of images (large hero images, people's bio images and company logos mostly). I've noticed the site takes up a lot of disc space and then saw that many of the uploaded images are quite large (5MB). I use ImageSmush, but until now hadn't limited the file size on upload. I'd like to be able to give the client a list of the largest images so that they can re-upload a smaller version and/or smush them, clear variations, etc. Basically see if we can get some disc space back. I would love a page/system/module to give a report on all pages with images overs XX kb (for instance). Also, many photos have been uploaded as pngs (less than ideal), so having an option to find all pngs, for example would be nice. Has anyone seen a module like this or has a suggestion to create a report like this? Or any other thoughts. Thanks.
  10. @LMD Yes, that's a great point. I'll check with the client to see if they are unique or not. Either way though, if the user fails to log in, the change/recover password system could be amended to include instructions i.e. 'Please ensure that you have selected your original country yada yada...' But I still think the requested changes will make things more complicated than they need to be.
  11. @flydev Brilliant! This looks very helpful. I'll be starting on this again this week. I do have an older version of LoginRegisterPro and I'll have a look at that. I think this would also be a good time to purchase/upgrade it. Thanks, flydev.
  12. @LMD I think the number part may not be unique. In any case, that user name format pre-dates the website. It’s what the company has been using for customer/dealer ID numbers for years and they are part of their internal ordering system. I agree that what they want complicates things. But the idea to hide the country code comes from the company’s Managing Director, so I’ve got to try to implement it. ?‍?
  13. @bernhard Good question. There’s also a drop-down ‘region’ selector in the navbar to select your region. Presumably, once the new system is instigated, there will also be text on the login page along the lines of “Please ensure your region matches yadda yadda.” The site is live; the log in is the DealerNet link in the footer: https://teak.com. (Regions are currently limited to 3.)
  14. Ok, it turns out it's very easy to do this with the 'normal' /processwire/ login form: https://processwire.com/api/ref/process-login/login/ A quick test hook confirmed this. But I'm using the form generated from the LoginRegister module and that one's not so obvious (to me anyway). Maybe the Pro version would permit me?
  15. Hello ProcessPeople. I need some help, please: I've built a site that's mainly a catalogue of products, but certain approved Dealers can login to gain access to dealer-related stuff (mainly place orders with the manufacturer). Each Dealer is pre-assigned a username in the form of Country Code and Number (UK-12345, FR-56789, etc). I'm using this with the LoginRegister module and it works well. Not content with this simple setup, the client would like me to modify the login so that the Dealer only types the numeric part of the Username (12345) and have the Country Code (UK-) invisibly prepended to the user-supplied part when the Submit button is clicked. The user's Country Code is captured when they first arrive at the site with an IP-based geolocation service, so getting the Country Code is easy. Is there a way to hook into the ProcessLogin module (or the LoginRegister module) to quietly insert the Country Code? I'm still a bit new to hooks. Thanks for any suggestions.
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