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need help for CMS only for images/video and audio upload


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I already found a way to upload pictures and videos which are already uploaded in youtube or vimeo. I'm know trying to create the CMS part for the music. The client will basically have its music uploaded via soundcloud. The client could copy and paste the embed option of soundcloud and insert it into a field. This could be echoed trough a foreach loop.

What I dont know is how will I do this. Which field should I use and which method is the best?

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Daniel, ProcessWire will put the info exactly where you want it to be, it doesn't make any distinction between things like "title" or "alt". You have to read carefully the instructions of prettyPhoto to know how it works (I din't have any contact with it until now), and build your html from there. That's why I told you that you should have the gallery displaying exactly has you want with html, and put the dynamic things only later.

That would be the best way. Just create a text field (gallery_name f.e.) and put it next to the images field on the template. Then, complete your code like this:


You only need unique names for each gallery if you will put more than one in one page. If this will happen, you risk that people give the same name to both gallery, and it will mess everything. You have two options for this:

  • Tell people that they can't do it, either verbally or on the field description.
  • Create unique ids for each gallery.

Here's how you can create the unique ID's:

Simple option is to a random string


Another option, is to use some information that is, for sure, unique to this gallery (this will depend on how you will put more than one in each page)

galery_id = "gallery-" . $page->name;

Hello again,

I have the pictures working and also with the videos from youtube and vimeo included. The last step would be to create an option for the rel="" field. I read your post but there is one thing I do not understand... If I create a new text field as for example gallery_name as mentioned above how does this link to the field where I have the images? So, there are two fields, one called images and the other gallery_name. HOw are these linked so I can have different galleries?

Another method I thought about is using the name of the fields. Therefore if the field was called friends at park the value inside rel would be rel="{friends at park}". This way when the client creates a new image field with a different title it will create a different gallery. Is this possible?

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I think you are going too fast here. Maybe you should have a better look around the forums and read the documentation on the website to have a feel of how ProcessWire works. There is a great walkthrough here http://processwire.c...ct-walkthrough/. You will see that it feels great when you understand the full potential of PW, and start wanting to find out these things for yourself.

Having said that. Here is a tip... For having several galleries on a webpage, best thing is to have each gallery on it's own page on the tree (you don't have to show them as pages on the website itself though). Then, you can get them all from your template.

foreach ($page->children as $child){
   foreach($child->images as $image){
       echo "<img src='{$image->url}' rel='$child->gallery_name'/>";
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Hey I've been trying and I read the documentation but I still dont understand it 100%... I undesrtand that the code you've uploaded me is the play with the url of processwire and activate any page which is in the tree of my template and activate the picture uploaded in that page. I hope this makes sense... otherwise I'm very lost hehe.

The code in comment is the code which is selecting the way to display video or photos depending of its content. The problem as I said is that I want the client to be able to add a new gallery of pictures/videos and this then to be displayed in a row under. This is the code I have in this moment and the page I created but I don;t get any effect. Could you please guide me?

foreach($page->photo as $image)
$description = $image->description;
$img = $image->url;
$thumb = "<img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='DJFemke photo/video'>";

if(strpos($description, '@') !== false)
list($description, $link) = explode('@', $description);
$link = '';
if($link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$link' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>";
if(!$link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$img' rel='prettyPhoto[gal1]' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>";
echo $out;
foreach ($page->children as $child){
foreach($child->images as $image){
$img = $image->url;
$description = $image->description;
$thumb = "<img src='{$image->getThumb('thumbnail')}' width='50' height='50' alt='DJFemke photo/video'>";

if(strpos($description, '@') !== false)
list($description, $link) = explode('@', $description);
$link = '';

if($link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$link' rel='gallery_name' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>";
if(!$link) $out = "<div class='single'><a href='$img' rel='gallery_name' title='$description'>$thumb</a></div>";
echo $out;


Under is the image of what I have displayed in the front end with the code thats is within comments in the code above. The effect I wish is that if the clients requieres to add a new gallery of pictures/video it will appear in a row under. This is done with CSS of course, but I need to make a CSS property which will create a div with these properties.

I also put a picture of where the new page I created "party1" is. I hope it helps.

How should I proceed? Really thanks guys... If I have this done, processwire is done for this website... After I will go on with processwire because it has a lot of potential. I think I understand it but I miss the last part...



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