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GoDaddy 500 error

Peter Knight

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I think I've been through every GoDaddy related post on the forum but not had any success so far with this.

Basically, a client's site started to throw various errors after a failed SSL install by their host. 

Accessing https://www.domain.com results in an error and a redirect to


Accessing http://www.domain.not gives a blank 500 page


This page isn’t working

www.domain.com is currently unable to handle this request.


  Im happy to side step the SSL issue at the moment if I could get the site up.

I'm pretty sure it's a .htaccess issue as adding "blahdhdgdgd" to the start of the .htaccess file results in an "internal Server Error"

Tried every .htaccess tweak I could find to no avail. Even restored an older .htaccess file from last week before the SSL issue doesn't work.

It's a "real doozy", this one


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  On 9/20/2017 at 1:18 PM, abdus said:

Is it a managed server? Or is there a cPanel or a similar controller? I have very little experience with cPanel but it might have changed/intercepted logs into another file.



About as "managed" as the host gets :)

Thanks abdus. I've solved it by copying back all my working files and re-installing the database and it worked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Like a few others in this forum I have to use a shared server on GoDaddy to host a client's website. It took me about three hours to track down the problem that threw a 500 error after I installed PW 3.0.78.

It was a clearly a database connection problem. I checked and rechecked my credentials; they were good. I tried everything Ryan suggested in the .htaccess file. Nothing worked.

Finally I went back to the GoDaddy control panel, to Hosting Details > Manage Databases and clicked on the name of the database to bring up the Database Details screen. At the bottom it shows Hostname. This is not what I named the database, but it's what goes into the site/config file to allow the connection. It's a very long string.

I hope this helps other people to connect if they have to use GoDaddy.

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More GoDaddy weirdness.

Clicking many of the links within ProcessWire admin results in a 500 error. For example, Modules > Refresh does this as does the Upgrades link.

The only way I can get the site to work again is to reimport a backed up database.

I'm going to move this site asap but thought I'd add it to the list of reasons not to use this service.

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