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Migrated site now only homepage works


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Hi guys, sorry if this post crosses over somewhat with another of mine.

I've just migrated a site to a new server and as I usually do, I transferred files and folders, exported and imported db and changed config.php.

The issue is that the homepage loads up fine but any subsequent pages throw a 404 error.

There is a UNIX error it gives me at the bottom of the page though

mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/

Have any of you any idea what this may mean?

I have tried using rewritebase as my current url does contain a "~" but alas no joy.

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The issue is that the homepage loads up fine but any subsequent pages throw a 404 error.

This nearly always points to the server not reading the .htaccess file or not having Apache's RewriteEngine. Try adding some random characters to the very top of your .htaccess file, like "hello321" and save. Try to load your homepage. If you don't get a "500 server error", then the server is not reading your .htaccess file. I think this is the most likely scenario and if you find it to be the case, you'll need to ask the web host to enable .htaccess support. Let us know what you find?

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Sounds like a possible RewriteBase problem to me, so I guess that's what onjegolders is referring to with the "~". Site has been developed at the document root on the localhost and then it's migrated to another server where it's run under a user account, for example. So RewriteBase setting would need to be changed to /~someusername/siteroot.

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