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JQuery Ajax call can't reference Global Variable


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Hi there,

I have a globally declared variable where I want to store a mapping table.

var _Pagelist=new Map();

The following Ajax call doesn't seem to set _Pagelist above. I think I have set the context parameter correctly to 'this'.

I've scoured through Stackoverflow and JQuery documentation but I can't figure out what is wrong.


Any pointers would be much appreciated.



    if (!pagelist){

            url: '/site/pagelist.php',
            context : this ,
            success: function(result) {
  		//here this._Pagelist is null, can't refer to This._Pagelist
                for (var x=0;x<result.length;x++) {
                    this._Pagelist.set(result[x].id, result[x].url);	//This will throw an error as _Pagelist is NULL.

                window.localStorage.setItem('pagelist', JSON.stringify(_Pagelist));      
                //The following will not update _Pagelist. Next 2 lines are just test code.
		this._Pagelist = result;
                window._Pagelist = result;

            error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                alert(xhr.status + ' ' + thrownError);


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Where comes the this from? Is this a class? Complete code?

Usually it's because of the scope. Inside function you don't have this. Try this somewhere before ajax():

var that = this;

then in the callback functions:



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