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Does using dedicated module files help a lazy programmer?


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Does using dedicated module files help a lazy programmer?

For a private helper module I wanted to built, I decided to use the possibilities of dedicated files (implemented in PW 2.5.5) and not to write all into a single module file. Until now, I totally missed or forgot about this possibility. To my excuse: on introduction I may have thought not to use it early in my modules to keep backward compatibility. And then totally forgot about it. :)

I allready use a tool for postprocessing in my sites. And I'm not familiar with all those popular node/grunt/gulp/npm/bower/and-what-else stuff out there. It looks to me a bit oversized for small to medium websites. But I also wanted not miss a comfortable, easy to use config for less and sass files, especially for those from frameworks like Bootstrap 3 / 4 or UIKit. So, what my toolbox should get added was a preprocessor (compiler) for sass (.scss) files first. I choosed the UIKit for the first shot.

The created files for a configurable module called PreAndPostProcessor and a process module called ProcessPreProcessor were:

  • PreAndPostProcessor.module
  • PreAndPostProcessor.info.json
  • PreAndPostProcessorConfig.php
  • ProcessPreProcessor.module
  • ProcessPreProcessor.info.json
  • ProcessPreProcessor.css
  • ProcessPreProcessor.js

As you can read about the differences to the old-schooled style in Ryans blog post, I focus on what I found out to be most useful for me. Starting with the Config file, I decided to use the $this->add() method in the __constructor(). It is the way what needs less code to define your inputfields for a configpage: just a collection of arrays with field or fieldset definitions.

Mandatory definitions are: type, name, label. Others are optional: description, notes, required, columnWidth, collapsed, showIf, ...
And, of course, you need the definitions specific to your fieldtypes (value, options, ...).

To group some fields into a fieldset, add a key called "children" to the fieldset array and add all field definitions to it as collection. Simple!



<?php namespace ProcessWire;

class PreAndPostProcessorConfig extends ModuleConfig {

    public function __construct() {
                'type' => 'Fieldset',
                'name' => '_compiler_conf',
                'label' => 'Compiler setup',
                'collapsed' => Inputfield::collapsedNo,
                'children' => array(
                        'type' => 'select',
                        'name' => 'site_mode',
                        'label' => 'Set this to the mode how this site is used!',
                        #'description' => '',
                        'notes' => 'In production mode, the compiler ONLY get started if the output CSS-file is MISSING!',
                        'options' => array(
                            'PRODUCTION_MODE' => 'PRODUCTION_MODE',
                            'DEV_MODE' => 'DEV_MODE',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 100,
                        'type' => 'checkbox',
                        'name' => 'compiler_suppress_debugcomments',
                        'label' => 'Suppress SCSS-Source-Line_Numbers while in Debugmode',
                        'description' => 'When in Debugmode ($config->debug => true), the default behave is Nested output with SCSS-Source-Line_Numbers',
                        'notes' => 'Check this to override the default and select an output format below',
                        'showIf' => 'site_mode=DEV_MODE',
                        'columnWidth' => 100,
                        'type' => 'select',
                        'name' => 'compiler_output',
                        'label' => 'Select how the CSS should be generated',
                        'description' => '',
                        'notes' => 'default is: Nested',
                        'options' => array(
                            'Expanded' => 'Expanded',
                            'Nested' => 'Nested',
                            'Compact' => 'Compact',
                            'Compressed' => 'Compressed',
                            'Crunched' => 'Crunched'
                        'required' => true,
                        'showIf' => 'site_mode=DEV_MODE, compiler_suppress_debugcomments=1',
                        'columnWidth' => 100,
                'type' => 'Fieldset',
                'name' => '_uikit_conf',
                'label' => 'Kit setup',
                'collapsed' => Inputfield::collapsedNo,
                'children' => array(
                        'type' => 'select',
                        'name' => 'kit_type',
                        'label' => 'Select the Kit you are using',
                        #'description' => '',
                        'notes' => 'currently supported: uikit, (planned: bootstrap 4)',
                        'options' => array('uikit' => 'uikit'),
                        'value' => 'uikit',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 50,
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'name' => 'kit_fullpath',
                        'label' => 'directory site path to your kits scss sources',
                        'description' => 'starts with "site/...", (your sitesfolder) without leading slash! But with trailing slash!',
                        'notes' => 'e.g.: site/templates/uikit/scss/ | must be writeable by PHP / PW!',
                        'placeholder' => 'site/templates/uikit/scss/',
                        'value' => '',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 50,
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'name' => 'kit_variablesfilename',
                        'label' => 'Custom-Variablesfile (basename with extension)',
                        'description' => 'Relative to your scss kit start directory without leading slash!',
                        'notes' => 'e.g.: core/globalpwsettings.scss | must be writeable by PHP / PW!',
                        'placeholder' => 'core/globalpwsettings.scss',
                        'value' => '',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 50,
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'name' => 'kit_startfilename',
                        'label' => 'startfile (basename with extension)',
                        'description' => 'Relative to your scss kit start directory without leading slash!',
                        'notes' => 'e.g.: uikit.scss',
                        'placeholder' => 'uikit.scss',
                        'value' => '',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 50,
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'name' => 'kit_outputcssfile',
                        'label' => 'CSS-output-file (site path with extension!)',
                        'description' => 'starts with "site/...", (your sitesfolder) without leading slash!',
                        'notes' => 'e.g.: site/templates/styles/uikit.css | must be writeable by PHP / PW!',
                        'placeholder' => 'site/templates/styles/uikit.css',
                        'value' => '',
                        'required' => true,
                        'columnWidth' => 100,

This is the complete config file! No other definitions or methods, also in the main module file are necessary. Unbelievable! :)


Another nice thing I discovered, is the use of the *.info.json files. So, this I have used before, but not like here. :)

The behave is like with the *Config.php files, - you write really less code, just arrays with key - value pairs and PW does the rest for you! Only difference here is, that you have to write it in JSON notation.

The ProcessPreProcessor.info.json file contains the neccessary and common parts: title, version, requires. And some others: permission, permissions, page and nav.

Page and nav are specific to Process modules. With page {name, parent, title} you define where PW should create you a page in the admin, and with nav, you can define a complete submenu for this page.

For those who are yet not familiar with the internal structure of Processmodules: you can navigate to a submenu entry by calling it: {pw-admin-url}/{main-module-url}/{submenu-url}/.

Calling the main menu url invokes the ___execute() method of the module. Calling a submenu url invoke the ___executeSubmenu() method. This all is really simple and straight forward. And it is really really helpful in cases like with the new toy for my toolbox. :)

The nav is a collection of arrays, each holding at least an url and a label. Thats enough for PW to implement the menu and submenu for you in the admin. But you also may define an icon too. Aaaand, you also can add your own custom key / value pairs to it. PW does not complain on it.

I have added a description. The nav was generated by parsing all core distribution scss files from the UIKit. They have a name and description in their first two lines. I programatically read this out and generated this nav notation for the info.json file:



    "title": "Process Pre-Processor",
    "summary": "",
    "version": 1,
    "author": "Horst Nogajski",
    "href": "",
    "icon": "",
    "requires": "ProcessWire>=3.0.18, PHP>=5.4.0, PreAndPostProcessor",
	"permission": "preprocessor",
	"permissions": {"preprocessor":"Run the Pre-Processor Config"},
	"page": {"name": "preprocessor", "parent": "setup", "title": "Pre-Processor"},
	"nav": 	[
                {"url":"globalpwsettings\/","label":"GlobalPWsettings","icon":"code","description":"Defines Sitewide Settings, also for other modules (LazySizes, etc)"},
                {"url":"alert\/","label":"Alert","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for alert messages"},
                {"url":"animation\/","label":"Animation","icon":"code","description":"Provides a useful set of keyframe animations"},
                {"url":"article\/","label":"Article","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for articles within your page"},
                {"url":"badge\/","label":"Badge","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for badges"},
                {"url":"base\/","label":"Base","icon":"code","description":"Sets default values for HTML elements"},
                {"url":"block\/","label":"Block","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles to create horizontal layout blocks"},
                {"url":"breadcrumb\/","label":"Breadcrumb","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a breadcrumb navigation"},
                {"url":"button\/","label":"Button","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for buttons"},
                {"url":"close\/","label":"Close","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a close button"},
                {"url":"column\/","label":"Column","icon":"code","description":"Provides a responsive, fluid and nestable columns for text and inline elements"},
                {"url":"comment\/","label":"Comment","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for comment threads"},
                {"url":"contrast\/","label":"Contrast","icon":"code","description":"Utility class to adjust colors for dark or colored blocks"},
                {"url":"cover\/","label":"Cover","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for images and videos to cover their container in a centered position"},
                {"url":"descriptionlist\/","label":"Descriptionlist","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for description lists"},
                {"url":"dropdown\/","label":"Dropdown","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a toggleable dropdown"},
                {"url":"flex\/","label":"Flex","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles to create layouts with flexbox"},
                {"url":"form\/","label":"Form","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for forms"},
                {"url":"grid\/","label":"Grid","icon":"code","description":"Provides a responsive, fluid and nestable grid"},
                {"url":"icon\/","label":"Icon","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for icons"},
                {"url":"list\/","label":"List","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for ordered and unordered lists"},
                {"url":"modal\/","label":"Modal","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for modal dialogs"},
                {"url":"nav\/","label":"Nav","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for list navigations"},
                {"url":"navbar\/","label":"Navbar","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for the navigation bar"},
                {"url":"offcanvas\/","label":"Offcanvas","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for an off-canvas sidebar that slides in and out of the page"},
                {"url":"overlay\/","label":"Overlay","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for image overlays"},
                {"url":"pagination\/","label":"Pagination","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a navigation between pages"},
                {"url":"panel\/","label":"Panel","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for reusable content areas"},
                {"url":"print\/","label":"Print","icon":"code","description":"Optimize page for printing"},
                {"url":"subnav\/","label":"Subnav","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for the sub navigation"},
                {"url":"switcher\/","label":"Switcher","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for the switcher"},
                {"url":"tab\/","label":"Tab","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a tabbed navigation"},
                {"url":"table\/","label":"Table","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for tables"},
                {"url":"text\/","label":"Text","icon":"code","description":"Collection of useful text utility classes to style your content"},
                {"url":"thumbnail\/","label":"Thumbnail","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for image thumbnails"},
                {"url":"thumbnav\/","label":"Thumbnav","icon":"code","description":"Defines styles for a thumbnail navigation"},
                {"url":"utility\/","label":"Utility","icon":"code","description":"Collection of useful utility classes to style your content"}


The (main) ___execute() method of the ProcessPreProcessor.module should present a submenu list with file infos. This now could be done by parsing the info.json file:

    public function ___execute() {
        // generate a navigation
        $dump = json_decode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.module') . '.info.json'));
        $nav  = $dump->nav;
        $out  = "\t\t\t<dl class='nav hnpp'>\n";
        foreach($nav as $obj) {
            $out .= "\t\t\t\t<dt><a href='./{$obj->url}'>{$obj->label}</a> ></dt>\n";
            $out .= "\t\t\t\t<dd>{$obj->description}</dd>\n";
        $out .= "\t\t\t</dl>\n";
        return $out;


To make it even more friendly for lazy devs, :), I created one method that is called from all sub-execute methods by simply passing their own name over into this function that loads and parse the scss file and displays its config page:


    public function ___executeGlobalPWsettings()  { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines sitewide settings, also for other modules (LazySizes, etc)
    public function ___executeAlert()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for alert messages
    public function ___executeAnimation()         { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Provides a useful set of keyframe animations
    public function ___executeArticle()           { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for articles within your page
    public function ___executeBadge()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for badges
    public function ___executeBase()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Sets default values for HTML elements
    public function ___executeBlock()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles to create horizontal layout blocks
    public function ___executeBreadcrumb()        { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a breadcrumb navigation
    public function ___executeButton()            { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for buttons
    public function ___executeClose()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a close button
    public function ___executeColumn()            { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Provides a responsive, fluid and nestable columns for text and inline elements
    public function ___executeComment()           { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for comment threads
    public function ___executeContrast()          { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Utility class to adjust colors for dark or colored blocks
    public function ___executeCover()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for images and videos to cover their container in a centered position
    public function ___executeDescriptionlist()   { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for description lists
    public function ___executeDropdown()          { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a toggleable dropdown
    public function ___executeFlex()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles to create layouts with flexbox
    public function ___executeForm()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for forms
    public function ___executeGrid()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Provides a responsive, fluid and nestable grid
    public function ___executeIcon()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for icons
    public function ___executeList()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for ordered and unordered lists
    public function ___executeModal()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for modal dialogs
    public function ___executeNav()               { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for list navigations
    public function ___executeNavbar()            { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for the navigation bar
    public function ___executeOffcanvas()         { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for an off-canvas sidebar that slides in and out of the page
    public function ___executeOverlay()           { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for image overlays
    public function ___executePagination()        { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a navigation between pages
    public function ___executePanel()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for reusable content areas
    public function ___executePrint()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Optimize page for printing
    public function ___executeSubnav()            { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for the sub navigation
    public function ___executeSwitcher()          { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for the switcher
    public function ___executeTab()               { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a tabbed navigation
    public function ___executeTable()             { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for tables
    public function ___executeText()              { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Collection of useful text utility classes to style your content
    public function ___executeThumbnail()         { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for image thumbnails
    public function ___executeThumbnav()          { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Defines styles for a thumbnail navigation
    public function ___executeUtility()           { return $this->run(__FUNCTION__); }  // Collection of useful utility classes to style your content



The first version work out nicely. Here is a screenshot of it:




... and to answer the initial question: Yes, it does!  :)


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