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@Robin S Could you tell if there's a body class or something that I can use to disable the relative position for H1's on those sites? I don't have ProDevTools to check.

@Speed Could you elaborate a bit more? Also, what AOS version are you using? A few versions ago the search could be focused using double-tap the Shift key but that was removed because such issues you mentioned.

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v109 is up - see the readme file on date formattig:

  • PageListTweaks: ability to format unix timestamps in pagelists
  • PageListTweaks: using %field.property% will output the value in the user's language (if available)
  • PageListTweaks: always show extra actions
  • fixed language translator filterbox not appearing
  • possible fix for unclickable select dropdowns in ProDevTools API Explorer (reported by Robin S.)

"Always show extra actions" was a client request and removes the need to click on the ">" icon to see the extra actions. This can be handy for power users or when you often need to toggle pub/hidden states of pages. Or simply lazy :)



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  On 12/14/2016 at 12:03 PM, tpr said:


@Speed Could you elaborate a bit more? Also, what AOS version are you using? A few versions ago the search could be focused using double-tap the Shift key but that was removed because such issues you mentioned.


Usually, If you click on any input box in PW you'd see cursor blinking. This will confirm that input box is active. Now If you hold down Shift key on keyboard before you could hit on any keys on keyboard (i.e. to create first capital letter). The input box becomes deactive, the blinking cursor will disappear  The current version i had problem was 0.9.7.  I just updated to 1.0.9... Unfortunately, the problems still exist. 

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  On 12/15/2016 at 4:43 PM, tpr said:


Is the search box activated? The feature I was referring was removed in v0.999 so perhaps it's only a cache issue on your side. Try hard reload and see if it helps.



Yes, clearing cache have solved issues... Now I am facing a new problem right after updating. This come from old tread discussion on page tree If you can remember...

With this code that saved in /site/template/admin.css...

span.PageListNumChildren.detail:not(:empty):before {
    content: " ← click to show children - Number of Children: " !important;

This showed up without problem on localhost running latest update of AOS 1.0.9


after transferring files from localhost into livehost... It doesn't show, seem like admin.css isn't recognized.


It happen right after I updated AOS 1.0.9. However, I tried another approach. I've added site/template/admin.css into asset path it still wouldn't recognize. I have uninstall and reinstall, refresh cache and yet problem still exisit. 


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admin.css works fine here with the code above, in PW 3.042, AOS 1.0.9. I see you have "site/template" and not "site/templates", is that only a typo?

Can you check using the Network tab in the devtools that admin.css is not loaded? (using Chrome, you can filter by file types)

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  On 12/19/2016 at 8:39 PM, tpr said:

@Speed are you sure you can access admin.css directly in your browser? Plus AOS checks if the file exists, can you confirm that PHP can access it? (maybe a file permission issue?)


Edit: File permission for admin.css is set at 644 as default following config.php.  I have created new css file and call them two.css, added same code string, and set   site/templates/two.css into asset path. It doesn't detect two,css either. Can you elaborate how could I access admin.css through browser. Sure I can access .css for template with browser but not knowing how I could this for admin. 

Here are view source for Admin... it seem like it isn't detecting admin.css from site/templates/...


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v112 is uploaded and contains the submenu feature for custom nav items. See the readme for the instructions.

On the default theme its appearance is similar to the other 3rd level menus:


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  On 12/20/2016 at 8:40 AM, tpr said:



Could you try this? It's working for me when PW is in a subdir or in the root.

AdminOnSteroids.moduleFetching info...



Module that work for you... was this working on localhost or livehost?  It didn't work on me when I download and tried yours from livehost but worked on localhost. Although I did some test, I've added the code string at the very bottom of AdminOnSteroids.css. and this worked on livehost. So I am guessing somewhere in your module, i didn't detect admin.css in subpage of livehost. 

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I tried it on two servers (livehost), in a subdir and in the root.

You could try to uncomment the series of bd() calls in line 913 and further down in 961 to see what paths/urls AOS tries to use (requires Tracy Debugger).

You can update the module from the directory as it contains these fixes.

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Hello @tpr

here is an idea, what can also be useful for admins: It would be great if there will be a drag and drop possibility in the forms to change the position of a field in the form itself. You have added a great function to edit a field directly from the form.  So changing the position of the field in the form directly would also be a great addon (but maybe difficult to implement?!?)

I hope you understand what I mean. At the moment you have to open the template directory and change the position of the fields there.

With roles permission you can make this only accessable for superusers. Its only an idea.

Best regards Jürgen

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I think this feature won't be that hard to implement but I see it as an edge-case so I'm not sure too many users would use it.

The UI would be another question, I think the current "Edit template" tooltip could have an extra icon (eg. "Edit fields order"), and clicking on it the fields could be drag-and-dropped. But again, I would like to see others voting for this feature.

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