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asset manager / asset selector


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hello world

sometimes it would very helpful if there would be a «cross asset selector». my idea is to upload the images/pdfs etc. just once in a manager (similar to soma's images manager) and then to be able to select the assets via regular image field (or a new one). clients wouldn't have to upload the images more than once (and crop, resize etc.) and it would save a lot of disk space.

any feedback about the idea?


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soma's approach is one file/image == one page - this works great on central based assets like downloads (you could counting the downloads...)

For images i used this approach in my first PW projects, too.....BUT i switched to the PW way of handling images.

I've used some tools like:

ChangeImageSelect - changes the $page of the image select dialog in PW Image Plugin for RTE's


AutoImagePages - to have a nice way to upload a buch of images and regardless get single images/pages from the uploaded files


but all this feels a little bit hackish and on the long run the users have to take different places while editing (1. upload images there 2. choose images here)...the Processwire appproach of taking files/images with the needed page (and for shure you have access to images from other pages if needed) is very straight and much easier for the enduser. (1. upload image 2. choose image - all in one place - the actual page)

I was stamped by my former CMS to have a kind of media managment....but this is not really necessary on normal pages.

And any kind of Overview (Files, Images) and Buchediting could be done with some modules like Lister Pro or BatchCildEditor.

My current setup of using files/images:

Setting for Content Images

- images belong to the used page

- images in the content right/left/something else - i use PageTableExtended to render different Typs of Contentblock like part_text, part_image_text_right....and so on

  (i don't images within RTE fields....so i strict provide my users given "minitemplates" to use - PageTableExtended rocks for such kind of contentblocks)

- using CroppableImage or ImageExtra if needed

- "cross assets" are under a special imagefield of the homepage (if there was less) and under a special gallery setup in the pagetree (if there was more)...

- for special image things like sliders i use an extra PageTableExentended field that renders output in the backend and edit slides via PageTable

Setting for Files

- using a central hidden place in the pagetree

- using one file == one page approach

- counting download/access

- with this i can provide clean urls  like   www.mywebsite.com/downloads/file.pdf

- using PageTable field to build a User UI for adding new files easy

(see screenshot in this topic)

best regards mr-fan

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