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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Yes, I assumed it would check the template of each page to be returned and only autoload those relevant fields. Right, but there wouldn't be any downside either, would there? It's a good point of course. I suppose the autojoin would be more useful for example on a blog parent page (showing featured image, title, author, tags, date, summary etc) for the latest 10 posts, rather than an individual blog page showing all those fields plus the full body content.
  2. @ryan - this sounds like another awesome update! Admittedly I haven't played with this new version yet, but my initial thought after reading the blog post is whether we could have a: $pages->find("$selector, field=all"); as a complement to: $pages->find("$selector, field=none"); For many pages/templates, I always need to access all fields on every load and this would make it much simpler than listing out all the fields separately. Does that sound like a useful addition?
  3. Perhaps, but I would play around with it - you'll find many of its other features invaluable ?
  4. Try @tpr's essential AdminOnSteroids module which packages everything needed for this to work.
  5. In PHP 8.0 the deprecation notice is converted into a parse error: If short_open_tag is enabled, the use of <? is a parse error. If short_open_tag is disabled, <? has no special meaning (as before). In PHP 9.0 support for short_open_tag is dropped entirely: <? never has special meaning, it is always interpreted as plain text. This deprecation and removal plan avoids unintentional code leaks during PHP version upgrades. https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate_php_short_tags_v2 As for echo vs print - I am not suggesting one over the other - just that you shouldn't use either in a <? shorttag because it won't be available soon. <?= is still OK though. As for the whitespace, here is a test I just tried: Now, I do see a whitespace character after the "11111" but that is after the </p> I don't see any whitespace where it shouldn't be. Perhaps you can do a similar test with screenshots to show us what you are seeing.
  6. What type of field is "something"? I am not seeing any whitespace issue here with a text field. Also, that code as you have it is a bit weird and might not actually work at all on some systems. You either want the opening php tag to be: <?php or, you want to use like this: <p><?=$page->something?></p>
  7. I actually have a new version in the works that allows restricting Tracy completely from specific superusers - trouble is I've been really busy with client work and haven't managed to get it released yet. I also have other changes partially complete. I think for the moment, grab the version I posted for Pete: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/24932-feature-requests/?do=findComment&comment=210040 which will let you prevent your other superusers from messing with things. Keep in mind of course that as a superuser, they could still adjust their permissions to get around this limitation, but I expect that like Pete you're really just trying to make sure they don't do things accidentally, rather than maliciously. Let me know how that version goes for you - it would be good to get someone else testing before I release it.
  8. Hi @Ivan Gretsky - glad you're enjoying it! Not really sure what you mean by "safe". Are you worried that non-authorized users may have access to use it? There are no issues there. Otherwise, it's only as safe or dangerous as the code you run.
  9. Not sure that I have ever tested to be sure, but it sounds like the problem is because the field is set to be "required". That said, I feel like it might be useful to be able to reset even required fields to empty values using this action so I might have to take a deeper look.
  10. Glad you found the problem - modules and other hooks are usually the cause of weirdnesses like this. FYI - recent versions of PW have the built in ability to force unique email addresses so no need for that hook.
  11. Do you mean uninstall rather than disable? And is BD meant to be DB (database)? Also, what is stopping you from disabling or uninstalling - do you get an error message or just nothing happens? I feel like there has to be something strange about this installation if you are running the same versions of everything on others and it's working fine.
  12. It only lists modules that are autoloaded which should be all you need to worry about and it's also all that the PW supports disabling.
  13. It's not if you use Tracy's Module Disabler panel like I suggested above ?
  14. What about disabling other modules / hooks? If that also doesn't help, can you please try forcing the module to use the 2.7 branch of the Tracy core package by modifying this code block: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/ed45cbf4d2b2827b8e74b07bbf8673c16b53b400/TracyDebugger.module.php#L332-L340 If that doesn't help, please try reverting to an older version of the entire module, perhaps this one as a starting point: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/releases/tag/4.21.29
  15. Hi @Spiria - that bookmarks url is a PW annoyance when it gets lost ? and is not specific to Tracy. I assume you have logged out and back in again (or used Tracy's PW Info Panel > Clear Session and Cookies option? If that doesn't help, I am not sure at the moment. Can you try disabling any other modules and hooks you have running? Tracy's Module Disabler panel can help with the first part of that.
  16. PS - it's definitely interesting to see that Rockfinder still seems much more efficient - wondering if you are planning on pointing out that comparison to Ryan to see if he can tweak findRaw()?
  17. Not really, I ran them both separately without clearing the results of the previous run. I also used the ability of the Console panel to only run the selected code so I didn't need to comment out one and then the other. Make sense?
  18. Absolutely love this Ryan! I know this is a very simple example, but take a look at the difference in the execution time and memory usage ?
  19. "What is a Cordova plugin? A plugin is a bit of add-on code that provides JavaScript interface to native components. They allow your app to use native device capabilities beyond what is available to pure web apps." That said, I haven't done anything is Ionic or Cordova for a few years now and not sure I would again as I think things like Flutter seem like the best current approach.
  20. Sounds like you need to double check the name of the "option_type" field and check that it is set to support multiple values. Debugging this stuff is much easier with the Tracy Console because you can dump at each step of the process to figure out where the problem actually is.
  21. Not sure @Mike-it - it's working here like this: What exactly are you seeing when you say it doesn't work?
  22. Weird, adding a long comment and calling from the Console still breaks things for me: It is truncating somewhat - you can see the ... in the middle, but it's still overflowing. I don't have a pure Tracy instance running anywhere - maybe I should install your PW standalone and try it there. It might be hard to post this as Tracy core issue at the moment - I'll test more and see exactly why it's failing.
  23. Hi @bernhard - I think it's worth posting this to the Tracy core repo because from what I can tell, it's only an issue when you have a comment on the same line as the bd call. If the contents on the call itself are long, it is properly truncated. PS - you might be better off posting a screenshot using Tracy in your PW standalone project where it's just Tracy core CSS because I have moved things around so much.
  24. @Violet - just a reminder that with AOS as I mentioned, point #2 is also possible - you edited your post to note that #1 is possible, but I want to make sure you understood that #2 also is (even if it does require a module). AOS is essential on all installs in my opinion - I don't use many of its features, but there are a few I really appreciate.
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