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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Hi everyone, This is the new official thread for the module that was previewed some time ago here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/14117-module-settings-import-export/ Big thanks to @Robin S for help testing and feature suggestions! http://modules.processwire.com/modules/module-settings-import-export/ https://github.com/adrianbj/ModuleSettingsImportExport Module features Ability to copy and paste settings from one PW install to another Optional automatic backup of module settings on uninstall and ability to restore settings if you reinstall the module Backup current settings at any time Restore backed up settings at any time Import option checks module name and version number and warns if importing settings from a different version As always, let me know if you find any problems or have any suggestions!
  2. PS, if you need hook documentation, you can get Captain Hook offline with Tracy: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/#captain-hook-panel
  3. Not free, but probably the best way: https://processwire.com/api/modules/api-explorer/
  4. It's fully functional. I'll PM it to you to try out. I'd be curious to get your feedback, and then maybe I'll just release it, maybe on its own, or maybe packaged with Module Toolkit, along with core module support to address @tpr's request.
  5. @szabesz - firstly, sorry for renaming that setting on you I just posted a response in that Wishlist thread - I agree that we need this badly - I have added some suggestions for how, and also to include a "Breaking changes" flag in the ProcessWire Upgrades module, which I also think is important.
  6. I would also love to see this - I think it would be great if we could define it in a Github repo changelog.md file and have the automatically imported into the text in the modules directory, and perhaps even displayed in the module info within a PW install. Perhaps it would even be nice to have a way to add a flag about breaking changes that would show up in the ProcessWire Upgrades module so you are warned before upgrading. @ryan - any thoughts on this? I'd be happy to work on it - obviously I could do the PW side of it from the repo, but would need access to the php files for the modules directory to make that side of things work.
  7. @Jozsef - that error should be fixed in the latest version - please let me know if you have any more problems with it. @Ivan Gretsky - latest version adds that new setting - let me know if it works as expected. I also added to/revised the explanatory text for the various access settings in the hopes of makes it easier to understand. Cheers, Adrian
  8. I think Profields Table might be the nicest solution for this - one column each for "quantity", "unit" and "ingredient".
  9. @Jozsef - I'll look into that shortly. @Ivan Gretsky - Yeah, I did change behaviour slightly there. Previously the debug bar would display in DETECT mode on a local dev environment even without the "tracy-debugger" permission. Even though as far as I know it isn't possible to spoof $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], I thought it still might be a little confusing/concerning to users. I would be happy to bring this back as an option though. I'd add a new config setting checkbox that says - "Force development mode for guests when DETECT determines localhost", or something like that. Would that be helpful for your workflow? On the issue of debugging under different roles, don't forget about the User Switcher panel which allows you to switch to any user (including logged out as guest) and still have the debug bar enabled.
  10. FYI - I had to add it to init.php on certain servers: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/184#issuecomment-280079855
  11. Tracy went to language school! Now she shows page titles and names in the current language, along with the title and name of that language in the Summary section. And she has a completely new Language Info section showing a summary of the title, name and active status of each language. Hopefully this should help to debug why something is not showing on the front-end. The ⓘ icon highlights titles/names that are missing in the current language. It shows the default title/name instead, along with this icon. Let me know if you notice any problems!
  12. Please see my second post - I have updated the module with that fix (actually done differently), as well as some other improvements / updates. I would recommend grabbing the latest version of the module. Cheers, Adrian
  13. @Roman Schmitz - just wanted to let you know that I have committed a new version to Github that fixes your issue, as well as updates the module in several ways for newer PW versions. Please let me know if you have any problems with the new version.
  14. @chrizz - I am not really sure why this works - not much time to test right now, but it does. $this->addHookBefore('WireMail::send', null, function($event) { $event->object->toName = 'testrecipient@gmail.com'; }); I would have thought it would be: $event->object->to, but doing that just adds another address. This seems to overwrite the existing one. Keep in mind I am not sure if this works with multiple recipients, but hopefully a decent start to get you going. Please let us know what you find. PS - I put this in site/ready.php
  15. Hi everyone - @tpr has done a great job on changing the way the ML info tooltip is displayed - it's now part of a hidden row. Here is his screencap of it in action! This and all the other recent ML changes are now committed to Github. Please test carefully and let me know if you find any problems, and don't forget the AOS language switcher for changing between languages!
  16. Not sure if it suits your needs or not, but TracyDebugger has a Mail Interceptor panel that intercepts all outgoing emails and instead shows all their details/content in the panel. If not, I can look into changing the address like you want, but thought I'd mention that first just in case.
  17. I do something similar, but instead of styling the page for the email, I have a separate template file for emails that builds the html for the email using tables and inline css and sends that directly to the list of subscribers. In my case, a monthly enewsletter is composed of several different articles (each a separate child page). The template for these child pages has a field to select what month/year the article belongs to. The email sending script queries matching articles, compiles, and sends. The possibilities are endless really
  18. Hi @Roman Schmitz - sorry about that! I will commit a fix a little later (I want to clean up some other stuff while I am at it), but for now please change: https://github.com/adrianbj/FieldtypePhone/blob/56ec89e7fc81cdc693ce72f9f9030edf3f49bd63/FieldtypePhone.module#L159 to: if($value['data_extension'] != '') $pn->extension = wire('sanitizer')->text($value['data_extension']);
  19. Of course, happy to have your help. My only concern is that if it takes a click to display/hide ML info, then it might not actually be much quicker than clicking the modal edit button, especially if you end up needing to edit anyway after you view the info. I trust your judgement though and you are still a bigger ML user than I am.
  20. Sorry, it looks like you downloaded as soon as I posted - I already fixed the "$this" issue is the version that is posted. I'll look into the language text issue.
  21. I did think about something like that, but thought I'd go for the simpler option first. Surely I could just override text-transform to prevent the uppercase. Would you mind testing that in BatchChildEditor.css at around line 38? Or maybe I need to override the table#bceLanguages td rules?
  22. I'd love to see some results with MyISAM on the same server if you have the time.
  23. Thanks again @tpr for the feedback. I have changed the icon to the info-circle. I have added a new tooltip which provides a summary of titles/names for all languages: For the Add New page problem - I decided to go with populating the default language with the values for the current user language so there is at least valid entries for these that can be edited later if needed. Note that I also added a Language label at the top of the table (rather than being added to several columns in the table). I would also like to mention the awesome Language Switcher in your AOS module - I think that having that enabled along with the new changes to BCE actually makes for a pretty decent start to multi-language support because it makes it so easy to instantly switch languages. I think this new version is ready for release, but will attach here for one more review by you (and anyone else who is interested). Thanks, Adrian BatchChildEditor.zip
  24. @k07n and everyone else who uses this module. I just committed a pretty major revision to the API export method. It now works like this: $modules->get('ProcessTableCsvExport'); // load module // field name, delimiter, enclosure, file extension, multiple values separator, names in first row, columns to export, selector(filter) string // columns to export can be index starting at 1, or column names $page->exportTableCsv('table_field_name', ',', '"', 'csv', '|', true, array('col1', 'col2'), 'year=2017'); Unfortunately this is a breaking change, but I realized that the old approach didn't allow calling the method on an alternate page. This new version also supports limiting the exported columns (an array of column names, or indices starting at 1), as well as defining of a selector filter. Please let me know if you have any problems.
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