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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. I don't think it's possible, I could be wrong. I saw a post about this but can't find it now. Such a user will be able to "view" but not edit pages. See also this module http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-edit-per-user/ (page edit per user). This may also be of interest: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2443-hide-pages-from-page-tree-asmselect-problem/ ("hiding" pages by putting them under Admin page)
  2. Galaxy, These should get you started...nothing really special about accessing repeaters http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/958-repeatable-fields/
  3. And we have you to thank for hiring him in the first place which led us to Hanna Code! Thank you!
  4. Massive! Thanks for the write-up Ryan! I'm especially intrigued by the import script and the URL hook.
  5. Thx Ryan. I've said it before - with PW, we are spoilt for choice!
  6. Stefan, From what I understand, In modules and in functions $page is always out of scope (?). In functions, use wire ('page') or $wire->page instead since is global. In modules use $this -> //These two are equivalent, so what syntax you prefer to use is up to you: //http://processwire.com/api/include/ $mypage = $wire->pages->get("/about/contact/"); $mypage = wire('pages')->get("/about/contact/"); See also http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3638-this-scope-in-modules/?p=35554http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3056-cant-use-input-urlsegment1-in-a-function-is-this-my-php-weakling-status-showing/?p=30044
  7. I'll hazard a guess. I know PW prevents u from running php scripts directly in site/templates/ and some other places. Maybe also in assets folder? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/407-processing-contact-forms/?p=3106
  8. It does clarify things, thanks for posting. Once you've configured the macro, does the placeholder then get replaced or it stays in place?
  9. Sorry; I just wasted your precious time! I forgot to set it as my textformatter after I made a couple of changes! Thanks
  10. Is it just me or is Hanna version 1.0.4 broken? It no longer works - it outputs the raw tag Don't know what's happening but even older versions do not work any more. I'm stumped. Ideas? Using it on 2.3 stable
  11. /site/assets/cache/HannaCode/ . The PHP are stored as PHP files
  12. Other uploaders/topics that may be of interest http://www.plupload.com/ (by TinyMCE guys) - this is a beast! http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/multiple-file-upload/# http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/AjaxFileUpload-Demo/ http://pixelcone.com/jquery/ajax-file-upload-script/ http://www.jscripts.info/mfupload.php http://www.jquery4u.com/plugins/10-jquery-ajax-file-uploader-plugins/ http://www.9lessons.info/2012/09/multiple-file-drag-and-drop-upload.html http://www.nacodes.com/2013/04/14/DROPAREA-jQuery-Html5-drag-drop-file-uploader-plugin
  13. You do that server side. Dropzone will deliver the file to your PHP file. With that you can do whatever you want
  14. I have tested Hanna with single {, ( and [, i.e. (hello) [hello] {hello} They all work fine in both PHP and Text mode. Ryan, are these OK or they could throw up issues? Thx.
  15. I have been testing it this week. It is simple and works out of the box. I settled for https://github.com/Widen/fine-uploader though due to its many features...(note: it is OS but for those not wanting GPL, they can buy a commercial license; Initially I thought it was all commercial)
  16. Good point. Let me update the post...but will just leave the attachment up with a note
  17. WillyC, even the following will work with Hanna Edit: with normal text; with PHP no....see below LAST EDIT:) All work single ( or { or [ {piranha} Just change the tags you want to use in TextformatterHannaCode module. I haven't tried it with PHP yet. These single tags/square brackets will work in PHP mode. All the below work in hanna in PHP and text mode [piranha]{piranha}(piranha) Sorry for digression
  18. OK, for the truly lazy like me...here's the html version attached. Clicking on Advanced twice seems to add ++ instead of just one? No biggie though...I removed the Google Analytics stuff - you don't need those. You can easily use this in your PW template file of course. All credits to Soma of course Edit: Note (see post by Soma below) - this Cheat Sheet will need to be updated with PW 2.3 additions pw2+cheatsheet1.1.zip
  19. Wrong link Soma...that links to this thread ...we get your point though . Thanks for the tip!
  20. Maybe these will help? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5801425/enabling-ssl-with-xampp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643462/setting-up-ssl-on-a-local-xampp-apache-server http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?t=31448
  21. Was just thinking about this! It would also solve offline issues (run it locally)
  22. Mindplay, I have read your post 4 times and I still don't see the fundamental differences between what you are suggesting and what the 3 tag parser modules we have (shortcodes, tag parser and hanna) do . A couple of thoughts... I see no difference between your placeholders and the tags/tokens used in the above modules. They are all placeholders in my book . I see no difference between { } and [ ]. The names in the above modules are also arbitrary (at least in the case of shortcodes and hanna). You can even change the "placeholders" you want to use. In the current modules, you make the decision about what type of "macro" you want when creating the "placeholder". The difference between your approach and the current approaches is when the decision is made. In fact, IMHO, if I'd be more confused if sometimes {fish} can mean images and in other cases {birds) and they "don't mean anything at all". I suspect I just don't get what you are suggesting . I agree though, that a GUI would make work easier for some people. I would accept this as a another choice rather than do away with the approach offered by the current modules. One very important difference between the current modules and other CMS is what the modules actually do. I'll give an example from MODX since it is a tag based system I have used before. In MODX, when the system encounters the tag [[*content*]], it replaces that with the "body" content. That is a fundamental difference with above modules. I consider the PW modules nothing more than search and replace tools . Unlike in MODX, where the user doesn't care how MODX works its API juju to replace [[*content*]] with actual text of the "body" content, in the PW modules, the user must still be able to write "PW API" (the PHP the tags will inject). I think this is a good thing and is in line with PW philosophy about the types of users it is targeting. PW is growing and it is attracting many people with different skill sets. Part of this crowd are wanna-be-coders like me . These modules offer choice to people like me. Come to think of it, the modules are also useful to seasoned coders - e.g. ability to inject some code on a page rather than at the template file level. As long as these modules are not part of the core, I am happy. If I want point and click I'll use Joomla. I have to admit initially I was concerned with the different tags used by these modules (including Image Manager). Maybe it is not a big deal? After all, they are not part of the core. Anyway, I probably haven't understood your proposal. However, there is a place (and in the near future, I suspect a very big place) for modules like hanna considering the crowd PW is attracting. My 2 cents Cheers/k
  23. Solved the problem...I hovered on "more" (that's what I see instead of "download") and MM told me what the problem was openssl extension not loaded Sorry for wasting your time!
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