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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Facepalm; of course, the C.sheet! Thanks Soma...
  2. Bookmarked! Thanks guys... Please remind me what eq does? Googling a two-letter word can be tricky, thanks
  3. Glad you got it sorted Joe. As you rightly suggest, key here is to make sure "Home" and "Event" do not share the same template. Otherwise the code would return home as the first parent. You may wish to mark this as solved (you answered your own question )
  4. I'm not sure I follow to be honest. Did you find a solution? As you were typing, I tried to think this out logically...technically, what you want is the child (Event3) of the rootParent (Events) who (the child) is a parent/grand-parent, (has_parent) etc of the sub-events under Event3 Getting that logic in a selector..... Edit: Kind related...but about downward ancestry.. http://processwire.com/talk/topic/956-how-to-get-grand-childs/
  5. So are you saying you don't know how many levels deep your events will be going? From your example I assumed you wanted the grand-parent... Edit: I don't get this bit "how many parents are the current page/event". Since current page/event cannot be its own parent, did you mean to say.. "how many parents (recursively) the current page/event will have"?
  6. echo $page->parent->parent->title; works just fine
  7. It seems like very few of us are going to get some sleep tonight (after watching this)...that feeling you get after watching Avatar... the surreal bit (not the sorrow!)
  8. OK, what programme did you use to make that spoof video?! After effects or something? My goodness! Avoine/Antti, thank you very much!!! As for you Mr Cramer, I don't know what to tell you. Seriously, mate, I can't pick an adjective apt enough. Let's just say that you Sir are one of the best things that has happened to the open source community. Hats off! cheers /k
  9. +1 for Diogo's advice.. I also suggest you do your tutorials/tests on a local install of PW rather than on your live/remote server (e.g. WAMP, XAMPP, etc)
  10. Hi Tester. Welcome to PW and the forums. Not sure what you want to achieve in the end but users in PW are also stored as pages. Hence, they come with a template. You can add as many fields as you like to the user template to store your data and retrieve and display these like any other field using your template file - hence extending "user". To view the "user" template, go to Setup->Template. Then under filters panel, under show system templates, select yes. Scroll down to the now revealed "system" templates. Select the "user" template and you are ready to start adding your custom fields to it . If you wish, you can then hide the system templates when you are done... About IDs, users are automatically assigned IDs when you create them Edited for clarity...
  11. No worries, Have you tried to install again? Same thing happened? If it still doesn't work, I can have a quick look. PM me if you wish me to do so..I notice however that it seems your mysql version is 5.0.8 and PW recommends 5.0.15 or greater. Anyway, let me know
  12. Displaying so much info about your server details publicly is normally not a good idea. No reason to give the "bad boys and gals" any more info than they need
  13. That will get the pages. one page [and you need include all {of course}, see below].you then need to delete them ... Edited for corrections..see below...slow Tuesday kongondo!
  14. IIRC, one.com only run LAMP stacks? Would PW even start the install if Apache wasn't available btw? Just curious. @ Bram, welcome!, PHP version?
  15. Just so we are on the same page understand each other Home About Mission History 1800 1900 2000 rootParent of About = About rootParent of Mission = Mission rootParent of History = History rootParent of 1800, 1900, 2000 = History $page->parent of About, Mission, History = Home $page->parent of 1800, 1900, 2000 = History $page->parents of About, Mission, History = Home $page->parents of 1800, 1900, 2000 = History, Home
  16. You can use Soma's remote installer...at least that way you'll have the /wire/ files in place..you can then deal with the db and the /site/ folder
  17. Lol x3! Steve please! Hehe. You've made my evening mate cheers /k
  18. NikNak, Welcome to PW and the forums! I haven't used this module myself and I can't remember the screenshot you are referring to. However, in many cases, module settings can be accessed by clicking on the "gears" icon that you see when you are viewing the list of modules on your site (the icon just before the module version number). Did you try that? Or, if using Modules Manager...the "edit" link should take you to the settings page of that module (I think?)
  19. Handsontable can do shift-click natively. Using checkboxes to select non-consecutive rows is easily doable (as seen on the video demo on that thread.
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