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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Yes. It is a good idea, especially if you want to take advantage of newer features. I am not saying it is the reason for the errors you are experiencing. ProcessWire tends to be very stable across versions. It could be a case of Media Manager using one of the newer ProcessWire features. Upgrading ProcessWire is mainly a matter of swapping out /wire/ with the current latest one. However, some files such as index.php, .htaccess might also need overwriting with their latest counterparts. However, just in case something went wrong, it is a good idea to create a database backup of your site in case you needed to roll back. In the case of Media Manager itself, if you have implemented lots of changes and uploads, you might want to back those up. However, if you don't mind losing these (since you are still experimenting), I'd start from scratch. As for the Media Manager files themselves, the ProcessWire upgrade will not affect them. However, to ensure a fresh start, it is better to fully uninstall Media Manager, then upgrade ProcessWire. In summary: Create a whole site backup (e.g. using ProcessDatabaseBackups or some other database tool). Completely uninstall Media Manager. Upgrade ProcessWire. Please see the docs here. If the upgrade goes OK, do a module refresh on the site. Install & enable Tracy Debugger (if you don't have it already). Re-install Media Manager. Test Media Manager features. Please let me know how it goes.
  2. This is a relatively old version of ProcessWire. Any reason why you are not on the latest main/master version (3.0.200) at least? Thanks. I'll have a peek.
  3. I have narrowed this down to ProcessWirev3.0.204 at least. I have tested in 3.0.203 and install runs OK.
  4. The last of the PHP 7.x series, PHP 7.4, will become fully unsupported (no active support + no security support) on 28 November 2022. At this point (around 2.5 months from today), the minimum PHP version requirement for Padloper will be PHP 8.x.
  5. Hi @kono, Welcome to ProcessWire and to the forums! Thanks for the purchase. Apologies for that bad start. I have tried to reproduce this on a fresh ProcessWire install (version 3.0.204 [dev]) and I am not getting the error. Could you please let me know your environment: PHP version MySQL version ProcessWire version Are you testing on a remote or local server? In addition, could you please install the module TracyDebugger to see if it catches any errors? If your site is remote, I can have a look if I could get temporary admin access to the backend (in such a case, credentials via PM). Thanks.
  6. He @alexm, It seems ProcessWire v3.0.204 is the issue. I don't know what exactly. I had some issues with this dev version (unrelated to Padloper) but Ryan fixed them. I'll look into this issue but it might take a while since no error is thrown. I'll try and test in older dev versions (e.g. 3.0.203). Otherwise, Padloper 005 works fine in ProcessWire 3.0.200. Thanks.
  7. Hi @cehlo, Thanks. It is very easy (from Padloper side, at least). Please have a look at the addons documentation and specifically the payment addons docs. Hope this helps.
  8. Hi @creativejay, I doubt it. There will be some Class name collisions at the very least. Why not just set up Padloper 2 on a local dev environment for testing? Even on a remote server for testing would work. Have a look at the import API. There's a post here somewhere where a user has successfully migrated from Padloper 1 to 2. Two main differences are: Backend: Padloper 2 houses everything in one place; Padloper 1 has stuff in different places under setup. In addition, Padloper 2 has additional dashboards, including the landing/homepage. I can give you access to a demo site if that would help. API: Padloper 2 ships with a $padloper variable that gives you access to many features in an easy, predictable and powerful way. Other than that, its all just ProcessWire pages as usual and some other optional additional features such as categories, brands, etc. I have probably oversimplified ?. Deprecation is always something to think about, e.g. PHP7. I don't know what type of customizations you have but Padloper 2 ships with an addons interface that allows you to easily extend Padloper. Hope this helps.
  9. Done! @kalimati Please see Demo-5. Thanks.
  10. Just a note, in case you haven't seen them, there are 5 demos currently ?. The READMEs explain it all. Thanks.
  11. You cannot use $config (or other variables such as $page, $pages, etc) inside a function. They are out of scope. Use wire('config') instead.
  12. Hi @kalimati, Apologies for the late response. I wasn't able to use the excellent idea by @flydev ??, i.e. HX-Redirect. It wouldn't work for me. Nothing happened at all. However, we can use htmx:afterSettle and redirect using vanilla JavaScript. I have created a demo for the whole thing here in Demo-4 in the demos repo. See the README for more details. Please let me know if you have any questions. Next I'll work on a demo with respect to your question about a minimal checkout form.
  13. Thanks Ryan. The language bit was a weird one. After more tests, it seemed to be related to the use of ProcessDatabaseBackups. I couldn't replicate the issue a third time so didn't debug further. Will keep an eye out, thanks.
  14. Same here. In fact, the upgrade changed my multilingual site's default language to German ?. Edit: It also converted a non multilingual site to multilingual and made German the default.
  15. Forum for now. Would have wanted GitHub (or similar) but the issue is that this is not an open source project. No easy way to report bugs that I can think of given the situation. Good catch. Silly oversight on my part then. This will also affect products with variants and attributes. I'll fix today and re-issue as 005.
  16. Hey @Spinbox, This is now fixed in the current (005) release. Thanks for reporting.
  17. Hi @Spinbox, I have been way, hence the delay. Great catch! I'll fix this ASAP and report here. Thanks.
  18. Hi @Spinbox, Currently, it is not possible. Could you please explain the specific use case? E.g., Why do you need to change the order? Is it something you'd like the editor to be able to do? Will you have one criteria for the change? I am asking to see if you could at least do this using a hook.
  19. Hi @Spinbox, Apologies for that and thanks for reporting. Fixed (but retained version 004). Please download again and try. Thanks.
  20. Hi @Sonia Margollé, I have now released version 004. It updates the fieldtype order schema to include details of selected shipping rate name and delivery times. This is also now displayed in the GUI when viewing a single order as per the screenshot below: Please grab the latest version and test. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
  21. Hi @Jan Fromm, The Hooks are now ready per the latest release today (004). A demo implementation is here (demo 3) in the demo repo. The hooks are (per demo linked to above): PadloperProcessOrder::checkCustomOrderCustomerFormForErrors This will allow you to reject business customer form and return it to them for amendment, .e.g., in case they stated they are a business customer but did not fill in the VAT number or VAT number is invalid. It is better to hook here instead of PadloperProcessOrder::processCustomOrderCustomerForm as it gives you early access to the form. Please have a look at the demo and let me know if you have any questions. and PadloperUtilities::isChargeEUDigitalGoodsTax Please see the demo for an example. This will allow you to apply/exempt EU digital tax per line item in the order based on complex conditions as you state above. Note that this demo is not a robust solution compared to the VAT library you have linked to. For instance, the demo doesn't check for country-specific prefixes in the VAT number. Please let me know if you have any questions. Grab version 004 using your purchase link, per usual. Thanks.
  22. Thanks @Jan Fromm. Started working on this. Will let you know.
  23. Yes. Good ideas, thanks. This is not future proof. Similar to things like products and products titles, rates can get deleted, renamed, etc. Hence, for orders we want to 'freeze' the state of things when the order was made.
  24. @Jan Fromm. Just to add to my question, do you want to tell the customer if the validation fails?
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