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Everything posted by diogo

  1. I was looking at brakets with much interest as an open-source software, but this makes me think that it will be just another adobe family product... Don't get me wrong, i understand that business is business, but it does turn my curiosity down a bit because I can imagine that 90% of their effort will have to do with making it work with other adobe products instead of focusing in the real text editor developing challenges. I may be wrong though...
  2. @pwired, there isn't any software that keeps compatibility with old versions of modules forever. That's why I think it's great that you don't have to use lots of third party modules with ProcessWire, and everyone should be aware of the risk of making a website completely dependent of them. Anyway, no one is forced to upgrade immediately to a latest version (or even at all), and Ryan shows he is always very concerned about breaking things for people, so I'm pretty sure that when it comes the time when that step really has to be taken, all modules (or a good alternative to them) will be already compatible. One thing I think it's important to keep in mind here is that software has to evolve. And this evolution will always be a balance between backwards compatibility and new and better features. You really don't want to use a software that stopped in time...
  3. Wow, I just had a flashback...I was using intype on windows. this was some years ago already, and I think it was still in alpha, but i liked it so much that i used it as my default editor. I can't say I was a coder back then, but for my basic learning it was great, and It looks even nicer now. Unfortunately I can't try it on linux. It's all explained here if you feel like some really geeky stuff
  4. kongondo, I edited the post. You might like to see my silly example
  5. nice tip: if you remove "&showoptions=1" from the url, you will have only the list without the search options. So, a very simple example of a link would be: echo "<a href='{$config->urls->admin}page/search/?submit=Search&template=article&category=general_news&sort=created&display=title,path,category,author'>all general news articles</a>"; edit: here is a quite silly example of how this could be used dynamically in a custom page (code and screenshot): echo '<dl>'; foreach($pages->get(1)->children("include=all") as $p){ echo '<dt>'; echo $p->title; echo '</dt>'; echo '<dd>'; echo "<a href='{$config->urls->admin}page/search/?submit=Search&template={$p->template}&sort=created&display=title,path'>search all pages with same template as {$p->title}</a>"; echo '</dd>'; } echo '</dl>';
  6. Like Wanze I really like the way that articles paginate in the admin, but you can always create a page in the Admin that lists all the articles any way you prefer. A very simple way o do this is to link to a pre-defined search in the admin. So, imagining that you want to list all the articles, just go to advanced search, and with the search field empty, limit the search to the articles template; or if you want all articles from one category, "limit to the template": "article", "search in fields": "category" and "search for": "category name or ID". You can for instance create a new admin page using my Admin custom pages module with some pre-built links. If you want a really clever system with this, study the urls that result from these searches, and create them dynamically by request. domain.com/processwire/page/search/?field=category&operator=0&q=general_news&show_options=1&submit=Search&template=article&sort=created&display=title,path
  7. Hello Igor, you have lots of questions there. All that is doable with ProcessWire, and answered already to the most simple question: PW is not to heavy for shared hosting, it's even much lighter than most known CMSs. Because you have so many questions, I will answer with links. After reading those, you will be able to to narrow down your questions a bit so you can get some really useful answers: categories: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3579-tutorial-approaches-to-categorising-site-content/ comments: There is a built in comment system (same as in PW site pages), you just have to activate t in modules: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/comments/ eCommerce http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1732-shop-for-processwire-apeisa/ (lots of suggestions besides Apeisa's module) http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3756-shopify-integration/ (most recent discussion) Contact form: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/form-template-processor/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/59-module-want-form-builder/#entry343 or http://store.di.net/products/processwire-form-builder group/permission http://processwire.com/api/user-access/roles/ multilanguage URLs http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2979-multi-language-page-names-urls/
  8. Out of curiosity, does someone use netbeans as PHP IDE? How does it compare with PhpStorm? And also: Ryan, did you setup Vim for PHP (I mean, with code sniffing, unit test support, etc)?
  9. Meanwhile I converted the Docs from the website in an ePub file. I know it's not really a book, and I confess that the conversion it's s bit clumsy, bute here it is for those that are interested https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6RyV62pA8iwckthSTE1XzBOQzA/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Still using textadept as my default editor here, but wanted to throw another editor that seems very solid to the discussion http://www.activestate.com/komodo-edit (trying it as I write).
  11. Done, moved it Wishlist & Roadmap -- Just a detail, but maybe I would change the order in my second solution: $link = $page->urlfield || $page->pagefield->url;
  12. I don't know if something like this is on the way, but I see two possible solutions. One is to have a text field that would serve for both (but you wouldn't have the url check ability, nor the page select interface) and do something like in the template or a process module: $link = is_numeric ($page->field) ? $pages->get($page->field)->url : $page->field; The other is to have both fields, page and ulr, on the template (maybe grouped under a fieldset) and write that only one will be used. On the template you would have something like: $link = $page->pagefield->url || $page->urlfield;
  13. where to start? from out of my head: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3265-fredi-friendly-frontend-editing/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3602-pw-online-installer-download-of-latest-pw-install-to-server/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3691-tutorial-a-quick-guide-to-processwire-for-those-transitioning-from-modx/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3745-hanna-code/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3474-admin-custom-pages-module/ and most importantly: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3498-karena-savannah-cramer/
  14. diogo

    Movie Talk

    Went yesterday to the cinema to see "Drupal & Joomla 6", and was not disappointed. Highly recommended!
  15. In this case it makes sense to show an alternative way of doing what Reno showed. Just to make it a bit closer to the TXP example: <ul> <?php foreach ($pages->find("template=skyscraper") as $s): ?> <li><a href='<?=$s->url?>'><?=$s->title?></a></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
  16. For me the best way is to leave the template without a file.
  17. The file displayed is always index.php, but the content being rendered depends on the url. It's like when you have a query string, like in domain.com/index.php?field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3, in that case all those pairs field/value can be pulled by get, and the content displayed can vary depending on them. Except that here, normal URLS are redirected to index, and via the URL segments the right page is displayed via some PW magic. I don't know exactly how it works, but maybe someone more informed can explain the details.
  18. and this http://devzone.zend.com/6/php-101-php-for-the-absolute-beginner/ edit: Fernando, there is already a spanish translation for the admin http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1003-spanish-es-es/
  19. How come not? Works with me on every browser I tried...
  20. @Harmster, he means the ID of the page from where render is called. @sakkoulas, you can use any of these techniques http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3660-what-page-was-the-caller-of-render/
  21. When I go to that page, I get the default apache welcome page, is processwire installed on a subfolder? Edit: Oh, and welcome to the forums
  22. You want it hardcoded or absolut? because they are different. You can have a dynamic absolute like this rtrim($config->urls->root, "/").$page->url; // rtrim removes the trailing slash from the root url or, if you really want it hardcoded (I can imagine you need it for javascript), you can view the page and copy the url, or just echo that code and copy the result
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