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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Does your server support short tags? Try with regular tags to see if it works <?php
  2. Glad you solved it I marked the thread as answered.
  3. Do you use xdebug? http://www.wunderkraut.com/blog/fatal-error-maximum-function-nesting-level-of-100-reached-aborting/2013-01-31
  4. Some ideas seem great in paper, but then they don't work at all. What I like in this site is that it woks because it was very well thought. I can imagine all the difficult decisions that had to be made to balance the usability and the respect for the original idea of making it look like pure code. I must say I am impressed by how it works well. Not forgetting that his target are webdesigners and not final clients. I like it!
  5. I saw this website after it was tweeted by smashingmag, and had to share it here http://designersfriend.co.uk/ Very risky idea, since it could become very unfriendly for non-coder visitor, but I think Andy did a great job with the planning, and I happen to find it very intuitive.
  6. Not an expert in databases myself, but it seems to me that Ryan did a good job in indexing the tables to improve performance
  7. The user credencials are spread on the db, for instance, the passwords are on the field_pass table, but the permissions are on the field_permissions table. Best way would be to have a PHP script to restore the accounts. Use this method ti build the script http://processwire.com/talk/topic/130-lost-password/?p=931 edit: be careful with where you keep the script, of course, since it will contain all the passwords
  8. That must be an error in the tutorial, since that variable appears only in that line. I looked on google for this code, and it appears to be from here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2787-custom-menu-not-related-to-page-tree/, and the missing line would be this one: $has_children = count($child->children('include=all')) ? true : false;
  9. Hello wjkaluza, welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to go with PW Creating a hosting environment on your computer is very easy because there are programs that have all that you need bundled (Apache, PHP, MySQL): For MAC: http://www.mamp.info/ For windows (there are many, here are three examples): http://www.apachefriends.org/ http://www.wampserver.com/ http://www.uniformserver.com/ <- I like this one For Linux: Depends of the Distro, but if you are using Dreamweaver I can imagine you don't need this.
  10. De nada! Vais gostar de certeza
  11. Hi there! If you are only testing and you don't need to build a blog right now, I would advise to stay away from the blog profile for now, as it has some rather advanced concepts. Start by reading the docs and playing around with the default install. You can also follow the existing tutorials http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Small_Project_Walkthrough and http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial. You will be comfortable with PW in no time, and then you will be able to fully understand the blog profile.
  12. Speaking of inline mode, I also prefer to use it in the admin, but you can't use custom styles with it For instance, I want all the images inside the editor to have a max-width of 200px so they work as thumbnails. With regular mode i would define a css file from the field settings, but, as I told, this is not possible in inline mode. So, how to overcome this limitation? In the admin theme .InputfieldCKEditorInline img{ max-width:200px; } Not the perfect solution, but it works.
  13. I would say the ideal here would be to drop isotop and build the columns based on the amount of <p>s (cells). Coming from my head as I write: let's say in the markup we have the three columns, but all the <div class="section"> (sections) are in the first. We count all the <p>s excluding the advanced $('#container p').not('.advanced').count() and divide them by 3. Then we take that number, identify to which .cat it belongs to, select all the <div>s that come after it, and append them to the next column $('#container p').eq(result).closest('.section').nextAll().appendTo('#second-column') Do the same with the second column, but this time appending the rest of the <p>s to the third column. If the advanced option is selected, do the same without excluding the .advanced class. The sections would have position relative and the dropdowns would affect the following elements naturally. There also would't be changes of position of the sections while opening and closing the things. edit: changed .cat to .section, as it makes more sense
  14. In case you missed it, Sublime Text 3 is now open to non-registred users http://www.sublimetext.com/3
  15. diogo

    other CMSs

    https://www.contentful.com/ This is still in beta and I just asked for an invitation, so I don't know how it is. But the concept sounds good. Edit: just want to add that something like this would be really easy to do with a PW site
  16. You don't even have to do the first step that 3fingers referred. Knowing that the default class is "MarkupPagerNavOn" you could simply: $('.MarkupPagerNavOn').attr('disabled', true); or even simply replace all the content of that element (the link) by only the number: $('.MarkupPagerNavOn').each(function(){ $this = $(this); $this.html($this.children('a').text()); });
  17. $pages->find('created<=yesterday')->first()->parent() or shorter: $pages->get('created<=yesterday')->parent() Edit: but these will return only the parent of one of the pages created in that time, not all of them.
  18. Galaxy, I marked my answer as the solution instead of yours
  19. I added this line later: $total = 0; Do you have it in your code?
  20. Galaxy, you are too concerned about the html tags and I think that's what's confusing you. Listen to kongondo's advice: think of the content; understand how things get grouped; and only then add the tags into the right places.
  21. // taking your code from some posts ago: foreach($result as $child) { echo "<li>"; echo "<a href='{$child->url}' class='list-title'>{$child->title}</a>"; $image = $child->logo; if (count($child->logo)){ echo "<span style='padding-right:140px;'><a href='{$child->logo->url}'><img src='/site/assets/uploads/yes.png'></a></span>"; } else{ echo "<span style='padding-right:140px;'><img src='/site/assets/uploads/no.png'></span>"; } // and from here on do the same as you did in the individual page, but adapted ($page is now $child) $total = 0; foreach ($child->grants as $grant) { $total += $grant->amount_approved; } echo "Total grants: <span>\${$total}</span>"; echo "</li>"; }
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