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Everything posted by diogo

  1. It shouldn't be a problem to access that image directly, that's exactly what happens with the css and js files that you add in the templates folder. It could be a permissions problem in the server, but then you wouldn't have that 404 page. May seem too obvious, but make sure that you wrote the url correctly ?
  2. Hi Siddhi, welcome to the forum. That has more to do with the comments system than Processwire. You have to identify what is their strategy to refer to individual blog posts from a listing page. Your snippet of code doesn't give much away, all I can infer is that vuukle will use the url of the page to identify the post. So, I'm guessing they must have a strategy for listing pages where you pass the url of each post in the list to an attribute on that span (something like data-vuukle-url. Just guessing...). You'll need to see that in their documentation and then we can help you with implementing it in Processwire. Maybe someone in the forum has used this system before and can help you better.
  3. One way is to tell them to have the Hannacodes side by side, just like the buttons would be [[special_button url='example1.com' label='Visit Example1.com']][[special_button url='example2.com' label='Visit Example2.com']] But this depends on the html code that you are generating for that Hanna code. For that to work, you would need the root html tag of each of those buttons to be displayed as "inline-block" on your CSS. Another option is to use a single Hanna Code for both buttons, and style them to be side by side. This would give you more control over the styling, since you can have a parent tag around the two buttons. [[special_button url='example1.com' label='Visit Example1.com' url2='example2.com' label2='Visit Example2.com']] This could be the same Hanna code for single and double buttons. If the url2 is not given, show a single button, if it is given, create the second button. A shorter alternative might be: [[special_button url='example1.com|example2.com' label='Visit Example1.com|Visit Example2.com']] For this you would have to explode() the value of "url" and "label" by the "|" separator, and create one button for each value in the resulting array.
  4. @adrian I think the problem here might the wrong format importing (the separator precisely) and not the widths themselves. @Norman_12 Your question shows that you don't have an understanding of how a csv file works. Please have a look here https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/import-or-export-text-txt-or-csv-files-5250ac4c-663c-47ce-937b-339e391393ba. This is not related with Processwire at all. I don't know if you're a new web developer or the owner of the website doing some DIY, and I'm personally fine with any of those, but be aware that we're a bunch of seasoned developers offering you some valuable time, and we'll need to draw a limit somewhere.
  5. In "CSV fields separated with" you must must add the character that you want as the csv separator. That would usually be a comma "," or a semicolon ";"
  6. Interesting, should work, but can you try with the debug option instead? You can also with the manual option if that doesn't work. It would at least get you going with the work while you check what's wrong with this.
  7. Just follow the instructions on those messages. Add one of the suggested options to the end of your config.php file. This file is situated in the "site" directory of your Processwire install. Be aware that the debug option should be used only only on non public websites, so don't forget to remove it when you publish. Or just use the second option to always allow installing modules via upload. You can also add modules manually via ftp, as you can see on the bottom of your screenshot. Make sure to get yourself acquainted with how to install modules https://modules.processwire.com/install-uninstall/
  8. When you click the edit icon on those rows, does it open a contact page? Also, in the "Table fields to display in admin"area, did you write the names of the fields exactly, including text case, as they are stated on the yellow note below it?
  9. If the system is working well, and all you want to change is this detail, you can can use the Page Table field (it's in the core, you just have to install it). If all you want is to have an easy way to look at those contacts, and don't mind still having those pages as children, just create a "ProFields: Page Table" field, set "Select one or more templates for items" to "contact", and leave "Select a parent for items" empty. Then add this to your code right after $p->save(); $contacts_page = $pages->get("/contact/"); $contacts_page->of(false); $contacts_page->contacts->add($p); // assuming the name of the new field is "contacts" $contacts_page->save(); If, for any reason, you don't want the pages as children of the contacts page, you can create a page only for this purpose, and set it as the value to "Select a parent for items" in the field. Then you just have to replace $pages->get("/contact/") in the code by the correct parent.
  10. Ok, just out of curiosity, you mentioned you develop locally on XAMPP on macOS, I'm assuming that this problem is happening on the remote server and not on the local server, right? If so, is it a shared hosting German provider? Would be really strange if they don't have the German locale installed... If I assumed wrong, and this is all happening on XAMPP, then I guess you're right and you don't need to worry too much, as it will likely work when you transfer it to the remote server.
  11. Last one. Try adding these 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge' to the end of the setlocale function to see if something comes out. echo setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF8', 'de.UTF8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de.UTF-8', 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge');
  12. diogo


    I'm not really sure if a forum about technology full of strangers is the best place for you to open up in this way, but I trust and hope that in this community you won't be made fun of. I won't pretend to have understood most of what you expressed – I didn't – and although I respect the vulnerable place you find yourself in, I don't think I could be of much help myself, so the purpose of this reply is solely to try to break a silence that must be heavy on you, and initiate a positive and respectful spirit on the responses.
  13. You still didn't say what is the result of echoing setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF8', 'de.UTF8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de.UTF-8') ? Fair enough that you don't want to continue trying. Just keep in mind the purpose of this check, in case you have a related problem in the future. Has written in the code: * Warning about servers with locales that break UTF-8 strings called by basename * and other file functions, due to a long running PHP bug If you don't have ssh access to the server, you can also do this inside php var_dump(\ResourceBundle::getLocales(''));
  14. "C" is the default value for the the "C" field in the translations, so I'm guessing it's taking it over your "de_DE.UTF8" , I noticed that you are mixing different locale languages on that call to setlocale. The idea is to add different forms of locales for only one language, to find out which one is recognized by the server. Can you try exactly what I suggested above, and see which one of them is echoed? <?php echo setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF8', 'de.UTF8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de.UTF-8');?> Also, a correction to what I wrote before: If you add a list of locales to the "C" field, you should add them separated by commas, but without the quotation marks. de_DE.UTF8, de.UTF8, de_DE.UTF-8, de.UTF-8 instead of 'de_DE.UTF8', 'de.UTF8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de.UTF-8' I modified my other post to reflect this.
  15. Also, what do you get when you echo this? echo setlocale(LC_ALL, 0);
  16. The message suggests that the en_US.UTF-8 is already set in the "C" entry, so I guess the problem is that the server doesn't understand with that format. You can try to add several formats to that field so the server can use the one that it understands. Just enter them separated by commas: de_DE.UTF8, de.UTF8, de_DE.UTF-8, de.UTF-8 ...or add this to a file, and it will echo the first locale that is recognized by the server. Then you'll know which one to use: <?php echo setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE.UTF8', 'de.UTF8', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'de.UTF-8');?>
  17. I had a go at something like this a few years ago, exactly after I played a bit with the Perch trial. It didn't gain much traction and I never got to develop the concept further, but what I had was working flawlessly.
  18. Softaculous doesn't provide hosting. If the hosting supports Softaculous, usually they will say it clearly in their marketing and prices page ("One click install over 400 applications!!" or something like that). I think this means that all Softaculous applications will be provided, but I'm not sure if the hosting can cherry pick. Softaculous gives you the choice to install via ftp from their web interface, but I don't see an advantage on doing that. As an example, check the info provided by a2 https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/installable-applications/softaculous/manage-your-applications
  19. You could try any shared hosting with softaculous. Just checked the demo on their website, and it's up-to-date https://www.softaculous.com/apps/cms/ProcessWire
  20. Reopening the offtopic for a moment ? I guess life takes people in other directions. That's not my case though (the older ones must remember me a bit ?). Still working with ProcessWire every day, and I'm hugely thankful to Ryan for this. Just not posting much lately. I have a bunch of sites to add to the directory and have to find a bit of time and will to do it. Aside from Processwire I'm also exploring Svelte and the very new (still in Beta) SvelteKit. They don't replace Processwire though, and can even be complementary if Processwire is used as a headless CMS. I started a new thread, so the discussion can go on without getting on and off topic all the time
  21. Where do you want to import the captions to? To the description of the image, to a custom field on that image, or to a separate field in that repeater item? For the first and second you would just add this line before saving the new item: $newItem->post_image->description = "whatever"; or: $newItem->post_image->custom_field_name = "whatever"; For the third you would add something like: $newItem->field_name = "whatever";
  22. Kind of unrelated with the topic, but this is pretty funny ? https://pudding.cool/2020/12/judge-my-spotify/
  23. And one more http://youmightnotneedjquery.com/
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