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Everything posted by diogo

  1. But would be nice if everything would be kept in one place. We have also the tags. Maybe if each new module post defines a tag to be used when referring to it...
  2. diogo


    Ok, here is what happens between 700px and 480px: Also, not that important since it only happens under 360px, the titles break in a not very elegant manner in small screen sizes: LOVE FOR CREATION, SMALL AND BIG This is so easy to fix that I think it's worth it: h5{ white-space:nowrap; } Or maybe even better: <h5><span>Love for creation, </span><span>small and big</span></h5> h5 span{ white-space:nowrap; }
  3. diogo


    Very nice Adam!! I'm leaving in one minute, but just wanted to say that the animation has some problems under the 760px breakpoint. I can can test and report later, ok?
  4. Maybe you should try to put some text dynamically, even if you don't need it, just for having a feel of how PW works with simpler stuff. At the same time, finish your html with the images because PW won't impose anything to you. We'll be here to help
  5. I like this forum. I've been reading some posts on mobile during the vacations, and must say that it works great. The code bug is very annoying, but the smiley issue doesn't bother me at all. I actually prefer typographic smileys, but don't want to be the only one disabling the faces
  6. There isn't a dropdown field in the back end, but you can do the same with a Page FieldType. You will have to create a simple page (only title) for each option under the same parent, create a Page FieldType pointing at that parent, and put it on your template. Use the titles of these pages as your options. The page object will be returned as a result of a call to the field, so you will need to do this (considering that form_template is the page field): $form->template = $templates->get($page->form_name->title); Honestly, I still think that this method is not intuitive at all. But this was discussed already in other threads, and I do agree that it works well and that it's very easy and fast to create pages as options. I'm assuming you meant the 2nd line, because I don't see any logic if it's the 3rd.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by the pageArray method, but if what you mean is the Page FieldType, you should be able to do this: $color = $pages->get("color_code=0x00f"); $page = $wire->pages->get("parent=/boxes/, color=$color"); edit: oh, didn't see the previous posts... they appeared while I was writing
  8. Soma, you should think of changing your avatar, you're giving the wrong impression like this
  9. I would agree with this if the jQuery inspiration wouldn't be advertised on PW's homepage. In jQuery, something like parent($selector), would mean that you are selecting only $selector from all the results returned by parent(). This could bring some confusion to jQuery users starting with PW. I noticed that parents() works on PW to get all the ancestors of a page. I would say parents($selector) makes all the sense.
  10. diogo


    Ok, I got a little time and did it myself Please go there and change it as you wish. http://toolbe.lt/Processwire
  11. diogo


    Just found this website though Ethan Markotte's twitter and I think would be nice to put PW there. I really don't have much time right now because I'm on my way to visit one of the nicest markets in Paris but would be nice if someone could do it. http://toolbe.lt
  12. I'm not sure about the usefulness of this. I assume that on this kind of software people look for all the information on the website. These starting pages can get pretty annoying for someone that has to make lots of installs
  13. Wow, I've been missing some great discussions during my vacations
  14. You can embed the youtube videos using this jquery plugin http://tikku.com/jqu...beplayer-plugin. It will give you lots of freedom, like defining your own button for the controls.
  15. Marion, I think this is actually a great idea! There were already people saying that they wanted to put a link to PW on their website, but the client asked not to. I don't think any client would oppose to have this reference on the source code
  16. No prob My fault also, I will put the title on the link, like you did.
  17. Very nice post from Barry ProcessWire, my new favorite CMS in the whole wide world!
  18. Sorry, I misunderstood your question. It's happening a lot lately... edit: Have a look at http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-color-picker/ as an example of a field type module that includes some js and css on the admin.
  19. Hi ijsga, welcome to the forum! If you know how to do it easily in javascript, just use a normal text field to get the url, and do all the work on the templates. I think it will be easier and cleaner
  20. Second click has to be a bit for the right
  21. true, sorry for those things. i will correct them on my code for reference
  22. you just have to assign the page object to the field. //assuming that the video page was created before this foreach ($tags as $tag){ // get the corresponding tag page $tagPage = $pages->get("template=tags, title=$tag"); // if the page doesn't exist, create it if(!$tagPage->id){ $tagPage = new Page(); $tagPage->template = $templates->get("tag"); $tagPage->parent = $pages->get("/tags/"); $tagPage->title = $tag; $tagPage->save(); } // assign the tag page to the video page $videoPage->of(false); $videoPage->tags = $tagPage; $videoPage->save(); } Voilá! Didn't test this, but should work Edit: corrected the code according to what was said in the next two posts
  23. try $page->template instead of $page->template->name
  24. Actually I meant the normal use for repeaters... disregard that. I tried the module. it seems to work fine
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