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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Packt Publishing is offering a free eBook for those that register or sign in during today http://www.packtpub.com/
  2. Here all all the parameters https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#Parameters
  3. Somehow I missed this post before... nice module Soma! Thanks! And thanks Alan for bringing this up again
  4. You can always hide all the other things with css
  5. Have a look at the output of this to know what are the attributes that would be important to target on each field. foreach($page->fields as $f) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($f); echo "</pre>"; }
  6. I'm with WIllyC here. Maybe you messed around the pages in the tree...
  7. You have to define the access of the desired template. You can do it on the template edit page.
  8. The error I got from the server is undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() || imagecreatefrompng() || imagecreatefromgif(), on the file ImageSizer.php edit: ok, here a strange thing. I disabled JS on the browser, uploaded the image, saved the page, and got the exact same error. then I enebled javascript again, and the image was there on the page... edit2: I disabled the "Display thumbnails in page editor?" option on the images field, and the uploads and was able to upload images with js enabled. Then I enabled the thumbnails option again, and had the same error, but now just by opening the page editing page. Clearly there is an error everytime imagecreatefromjpeg() and the others are called. edit3: I was expecting already, but tried it anyway just to be sure, and this also shows the same error: foreach($page->images as $i){ echo $i->width(300)->url; } edit4: one more edit. Everytime I visit the page one image is resized and an error is shown. So, is I keep refreshing the page, one more url is echoed, until all the files were created. So, the resizing works before the error stops the script. edit5: Solved! I installed the PHP GD Library, and everything works now. Strange thing is that this problem started suddenly, things used to work before and I didn't make any change to the server... well, how do I mark this as solved?
  9. Some more on this here http://coding.smashingmagazine.com/2011/12/05/sisyphus-js-client-side-drafts-and-more/
  10. ok, this is strange... is it an error in jQuery?
  11. I have the same problem on all of them, using a multi-site installation
  12. I'm having a strange problem when uploading images. when they are bigger then 10kB (some even under it) the upload hangs in 100% and nothing else happens. The Files are present on that page directory but not added to the database. What can be happening? edit: this is solved now.
  13. After upgrading to 2.2.9 I'm getting an error while trying to access the templates page in the admin. -> Error Call to undefined method stdClass::attr() line 113 of ProcessTemplate.module All other processes seem to work just fine. Anyone can reproduce this?
  14. diogo

    adobe webfonts

    It's so easy to add them to your website, that the best is to preview them there.
  15. diogo

    adobe webfonts

    Ok, not finish yet... one more and then, bed! http://html.adobe.com/edge/webfonts/
  16. Ok, one more Just used this to build a rather complex expression http://gskinner.com/RegExr/ Easy peasy!
  17. diogo


    This looks like a great tool to create graphs with jQuery and Raphaël http://oesmith.github.com/morris.js/
  18. Thanks SiNNuT, I was just about to edit my post to refer that.
  19. My suggestion was simply to create a "projects" page, and have all the projects as it's children: -projects (template "projects") --projectA (template "project") --projectB (template "project") --projectC (template "project") Template "projects" doesn't need any field, or even a template file associated. It exists only for holding the children. (in the "family tab" of template editing, choose "project" as the only allowed template for children) Template "project" has the fields "title", "budget" and "description". Doesn't need a template file if you don't want them to have their own URL. (in the "family tab" check "no" for "can this template be used for new pages?") On your "construction projects" page template do something very similar to the above: <? foreach($pages->get("/projects/")->children as $project): ?> <h3>project name</h3> <p><?=$project->title ?></p> <h3>project budget</h3> <p><?=$project->budjet ?></p> <h3>project description</h3> <p><?=$project->description ?></p> <? endforeach; ?> The editor just have to create a new page under "projects" for each project. This is the most common way of doing this kind of thing on PW.
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