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Everything posted by LostKobrakai

  1. I've read this a few days ago. While of course you could implement this behavior, this is what I missed in ProcessWire for a long time. A field like this matrix thing, where one could freely combine different preselected content-types. In the current dev version you could mimic this with PageTables, but it's still not quite as convenient, as it's in Craft, because most of the information is hidden in the page-lightboxes. Also you do have the hassle to always provide a pagename for each contentblock. I use PageTables on my own website at kobrakai.de/sense/, where I can freely arrange video-, image or issuu-content. But it seems so overkill to have a page / lightbox for only an image or a video-/issuuid, just to be able to freely change the order of the apperance. To me the shown matrix-field is kinda like the perfect mixture of repeaters and PageTables.
  2. Seems like your searching for url-segments. Take a look here: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/URL_Segments.
  3. Especially small clients should get as much value for their investment as possible. Hoster as 1&1 do deliver exactly the opposite. Especially if they manage the site by themself, good support on the hosters side is really key, in my opinion.
  4. I've gone to bed last night after the regular gametime, as it's just sad to see a game, where both teams try to not loose the ball. While the Dutch seem to have a fine team, I'm just not impressed with this ultra-save backpassing strategy, and Argentina did almost the same yesterday.
  5. It's not that difficult. E.g. for the page which should get the data from the old homepage: if(...){ //determine if stuff should be imported $oldhp = $pages->get("/"); $new = $page; $new->of(false); $new->title = $oldhp->title; $new->headline = $oldhp->headline; $new->save(); } Maybe even: foreach($oldhp->fields as $field => $value){ $new->set($field, $value); } The things to remember is, that this will only copy the direct value of the field, so e.g. repeater fields or images must be imported seperatly in the way you normally would fill them via the api, because the hidden pages of the repeater must also be generated and the images have to be uploaded again (which also works via the url to the old file).
  6. There's a chance this isn't doable even with the api, as you always need to set a parent to save a new page. Edit: I need to think before I write: - Create a new page with the same template as the homepage. - Copy all the data over from the homepage to the clone, easiest via the api. - Now you can easily override the homepage with the template of the new homepage site. - Copy the data over from the existing site to the homepage. - Delete the old site, which should now be the homepage
  7. As much as I'm happy that Germany is in the finals, I just feel bad for Brazil for being ditched that hard. They just collapsed after the first one/two goals with no recovery.
  8. I don't know if you used js somewhere on the page. It could be a to greedy click-handler with preventDefaults(), which affects the top part in some way.
  9. This sounds like an issue with your "RewriteBase" in the .htaccess file.
  10. Diffing the .htaccess could be done only for the part between start- and endcomments for the processwire defaults. The only thing I use to change there is the rewritebase. Everything else comes at the end of the file after the last comment. So if the diffing would only detect the change of the rewritebase I know I've nothing to do.
  11. That's one of the backdraws I found while using wordpress. There's so much old and halfbacked stuff available as plugins, that you easily get outdated / insecure php code in your project. Also, I've seen clients try to install functionality like a member-only part of a page on their own by installing a bunch of plugins, with only a bunch of html/css knowledge.
  12. The easiest solution would be to look at the few other admin templates that use the new module feature.
  13. This should work, as it appends to the end. $result = wire('pages')->find("template=xx, field_x=439").append("template=xx, field_x=417").append(...).append(...);
  14. Thanks for your replies. After a little more research, think I'll go with mandrill.com. It seems easy to set up, 12.000 free mails / month and I have the benefits of tracking and template-/spamscore-testing included. So we can actually see, if the system is indeed working for their clients, too. All in all this seems preferable, especially with the webpage going live on a shared hosting enviroment by now.
  15. Maybe one could also remove the grass in the window of the car, as it's a cutout. The other parts are nice. I especially like the transparent header. Makes the fixed bar not as visually heavy as they use to be on other sites.
  16. I know these. The website is already finished, I only need some advice about using the internal mail system of the webserver vs. using a external service.
  17. Hi there, I'm building a website for a small firm, which plans lighting and builds a specialized led-lamp system. They wanted their visitors so not have anonymous access to all their downloadable files, so I integrated a simplified memberaccess. The visitors need so fill a small form, if they're interested in one of the restricted-access files, which asks for some general information about the person. If they do so they get a password and the download link via email. So at least the email has to be right, to get to the download. With the password they can now download other files, without filling the form again. But the downloadlinks are always send via email. Now my question is, if I should implement a mailservice like e.g. sendgrid or mailchimp to send those emails. I've never really used more then simple php mail(), as I never needed something other, but now it will be more critical, that it just works for their clients. Greetings, Benjamin
  18. It's a bit since I last used code tags, but if I remember correctly you should use <code> in conjunction with <pre>, like this: <pre> <code> [code-snippet] </code> </pre> Maybe this helps.
  19. Really great site Soma. The only thing I don't like is, that it's nearly impossible to navigate by scrolling on a touchpad. Maybe this could be improved in further iterations.
  20. LostKobrakai


    I don't get it, too. Sounds a bit like using your viewers as bitcoin mines. Nothing I wanted a website to do on my computer. Quite as unpleasent as recaptcha is using it's users to identify housenumbers for google.
  21. The given version number can't be from gd, as the latest libgd version is 2.1.0 (http://libgd.bitbucket.org/). Look at your phpinfo() page, there should be a point "gd" where the version is stated like this "GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)". If it's below 2.0 you need to update.
  22. But working without js is still more accessable as it just works everywhere and I think it's not to complicated for smaller webseites without thousands of pages, to have them working even without js, at least for basic forms an such things. Not every website can do that, but if I see a parallax webpage which essentially only holds text, images and videos, which where heavily composed with js animation and parallax effekts, I do wonder, why they can't manage to present just the content in a simple structured way, if js is disabled.
  23. To quote a earlier entry here: That's my opinion on js dependency and I try to build my websites as accessible as I can. I find it quite sad, that most of the time even big agencies don't even care about a text only fallback for their fancy new parallax whatever websites, while at the same time lots of webdevelopers fight for a more accessable web.
  24. @apeisa I know, but my current projects are still on version 2.4 and I don't want to switch to dev version as the will go live soon. But it's just great to finetune who can see and do things in the backend.
  25. @ Soma How do you think about the few people who indeed disable js on their side?
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