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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Nice site and I rather like the fact that they allow dogs! Pebbles likes her pub outings - lots of laps to sit on.
  2. It is interesting to balance the discussion of in-page editing against the ideas being discussed elsewhere about versioning, drafts and previews. For me, although I love the tactile idea of in-page editing, there needs to be some sort of safety system in place that stops people experimenting/publishing/experimenting more/republishing/changing/forgetting to publish and so on. However intuitive it might be, I can see some huge holes opening up on a live site if there is not strict editorial controls or someone writes something in a block of text that is too short but thinks - "nah, that will be fine!" To me, this sort of editing is fantastic when developing a site - it is really useful to see where you are heading, but after that it can be pure danger unless there is a draft/versioning/preview/editorial system in place so that changes can be made and double checked before the existing page is replaced. Of course, this applies to editing in the back end too, but I think with front end editing clients will often think "oh yeah, see a mistake, click on it, change it, bosh ... it is done" without realising the implications of editing a site in that way.
  3. Oh, I avoid command lines as much as possible - lousy memory. I like big bright things that say "press me!"
  4. Trust me, I am very patient .. happily wait for years...
  5. This is a thread for Foundation 5 profiles - sine I am not the only one putting one together, perhaps others want to post their's here too. There are currently two versions Joss's Demo Profile (explained Below) Gebeer's Dropin Template = http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5293-zurb-foundation-5-profiles/#entry51707 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: This is very out of date now. If you want to install Foundation or any other framework, please use this tutorial: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/installing-a-css-framework/ Joss's Demo Profile - v 0.4 (Updated to Foundation 5.2.2) This demo profile includes the current Foundation 5.2.2 framework including the scss files and was created using the current PW 2.4. Download: https://github.com/jsanglier/foundwire/ View: http://foundation5.stonywebsites.co.uk/ It demonstrates some of the basic Foundation 5 applied to ProcessWire including: Top Bar Content Dropdown Orbit Slideshow Tabs Clearing Lightbox It also includes Font Awesome and a spell checker for TinyMCE There is a readme included in the archive that gives more information and the files are commented. Use this as a starting point for your own project. Changes for this version: Updated to Foundation 5.2.2 Changed JQuery (Latest v2) and Fastclick to CDN Some other slight changes Foundation CSS is generated from the latest scss files, without adornment! To install: Download the PW Dev from Github https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire In the site directory, replace the install, modules and templates directories with the one from the profile archive and add the tinyMCE directory at the same level. Install as normal. Just Using The Framework If you don't want to actually use the profile, but just want to use the framework bit, just copy everything from the "templates" folder and use what you need. Note about SASS I am new to working with scss files, however, I downloaded Scout for windows which comes complete with Ruby and Compass and made it wonderfully easier! http://mhs.github.io/scout-app/ I am mostly using PrePros now, though the full version is a paid version - http://alphapixels.com/prepros/ It has the advantage of covering sass, less and lots of other bits too. I did find one thing though - if like me you are developing on an external server that is linked through your own network, Scout will not find its way through the network folders on Windows Explorer - you need to map the folder to a drive and add the project that way. The Foundation SCSS files are, unhelpfully, not in the Foundation 5 download. However, you can get them on github https://github.com/zurb/foundation Or https://github.com/zurb/bower-foundation (which has everything, I think) All the photos are © Joss Sanglier (that is me) - other bits are stolen from ProcessWire and Foundation!
  6. Oops! I am also doing a fuller Foundation 5 demo profile. I am using the SCSS files for minimal modifications - it is more or less the standard Foundation css with just some colour and font changes to make it more PW. It demos just a couple of bits of Foundation functionality such as dropdown, the top bar menu, orbit and tabs. Nearly finished....
  7. sorry about the dog - mine is resilient to anything but the loudest of commands. And even then tends to look at you with a "why should I?" sort of pose. http://www.pebblesthepuppy.co.uk/ By the way, what is the code for "Don't press that!!"
  8. Nice one Ryan Now all we need is to be able to select admin theme based on Role, so for some of my authors I can install one with REALLY BIG INSTRUCTIONS!!!
  9. Hi Kurbel Have a read through this - might be something that will help: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/TinyMCE
  10. I think you are running into a problem of asking for >= and then saying either/or. I think "greater" needs to be based on an absolute, or it does not make numeric sense. So, if you are looking for an event that has at least 20 participants, then template=event,participantsMin>=20 Since the Max is always greater than the min, you dont need to even ask. If you want a range, in other words between the min and the max then template=event,participantsMin>=20, participantsMax<=30 The max must ALWAYS be greater than the min or it wont find a result, obviously. EDIT I am not sure whether PW uses the SQL Between at all. However, you could try attacking the filed twice (no idea if this works) template=event,participantsMin>=20, participantsMin<=30
  11. You can change the label of any field for a particular template. Just edit the template, click on the field name to open the modal pop up and change the label for the field - it will only affect that template. Scrub that - I misread your post The problem is that until you have told the system which template to use, it does not know what to call the field. Hiowever, if the parent page's template only allows one template for children, then it does know and the alias will be displayed when you create the page.
  12. Yeah, I know that! Just need it to be a module in another hole! And you ear are sticking out from behind that stone....
  13. Oh, I got one of those. This is not for general release. It was built against the current dev of PW, has my own variation of the new admin. It has most of the fields and templates stripped away and is a bit of a work in progress. It has the latest jquery 1x loaded, font-awesome loaded. It has two three footers - one for any footer markup, one with just script references and the third to wrap up the page (very obvious stuff and clearly marked) It uses foundation.js, rather than the min version, so that you can add plugins to pages that need them rather than have them global. But you can change this if you wish. It has a couple of other bits, but go and explore! EDIT: Just uploaded one with a basic Readme and without my template-admin in it. Treat is as a starting point for playing around! http://meinthemiddle.co.uk/found5-profilev2.zip
  14. Soma, yes I agree with that philosophy. Years ago I had a friend who was against anything that took a visual GUI approach to what he did with the command line. Lovely fellow, but he had the opinion that if you could not be bothered to remember the commands, remember what directory things were in or remember to do certain actions in a certain order, then what business had you with using a computer or the internet? The real calculation is far more human - people want to do things, and just like watching TV or listening to music, they want it to be as effortless as possible and not to get tripped up their lack of knowledge or momentary forgetfulness (or regular forgetfulness for some of us!). Successful products (like Mac OS and Windows) do exactly that. It probably explains why I struggle so much with my home server!
  15. Dont you have to keep it up-to-date manually anyway? It is only updated if PW is updated, and then your site is only updated if you update PW. Using Soma's wonderful Module Manager you would be able to update anyway to whatever is the latest version of the module, or you would be able to manually update it if you are a bit ahead of the curve by downloading from the TinyMCE (or whatever) site. Also, this means that is can be independently updated without having to update the entire Wire directory.
  16. Yeah, the home link confuses the hell out of me. Really, that breadcrumb trail should start at the admin home page - so the Pages page. I know in reality the admin is a sub-page of the actual site, but it doesn't feel like that. When it comes to opening a new window, in the end it is not the development community that is using the back end - it is the client. So I tend to err to how they would think this through. A site button is really a kind of global preview button, and you would not expect that to take you away from your form. I bet loads of people do not even know that ctrl click opens a new window (I just asked my lot here and none of them knew that and I had forgotten). The big CMSs seem to be split on this one. Wordpress opens in the same window, Joomla opens in a new one. Having used Joomla more than Wordpress, I have messed up several times when I wanted to check something on the front end only to find I had moved from my form. On my old admin theme I just had a "Site" link on the top bar.
  17. Morning Teppo If it were a module (as in the site directory rather than in wire) it could still be part of the normal distribution. But it does give the opportunity to hack at it more easily without going near Wire, which for me is something I avoid completely.
  18. @ Martijn - The biggest trouble I have had with wysiwyg editors over the years has been with Chrome, interestingly enough. @ Pete - I thought about this when I wrote the original post, but was not sure whether it got in the way of installing. Since installation has occasionally thrown errors for people, I think it is sometimes easier to keep it as simple as possible. (this from the person who once suggested you could pick a profile as part of installation) So, it might be better to offer it as a post installation stage: "ProcessWire is not fully installed and ready to go. However, you may wish to just quickly install one or more of these modules voted as some of the must haves by our community - or you can install them later." Then have a list of a few, including RTEs. I don't think there is a best way through this really though - very subjective.
  19. Oh, I was thinking about a conversation around a year ago. My elephantine memory is getting a bit closer to the mammoth .... wooly!
  20. Joss

    I'm back

    Yeah, try having a quiet lie down round here and see where that get you!
  21. I think it should be in the site/module directory - not sure whether it should be installed or not. That way, it can be uninstalled and chucked in the bin, or (more to the point) it can be updated and customised directly without touching the wire directory. There is an argument, really, that if you want a wysiwyg you just download it, and I think with a blank profile of any sort, that should probably be the case. So, maybe the demo profile has it in the module directly and installed, and the blank profile does not have it at all.
  22. Well, just because it is not in the core does not mean it cannot be in the modules folder by default, ready to install or uninstall as wished. I have to say, in the last two projects I used CKEditor - but I have found it harder to get extra things working on it - TinyMCE seemed easier, somehow. I rather like the new look of 4 as well.
  23. Just been looking at TinyMCE 4, which now offers inline editing and other goodies (probably) I am wondering if TinyMCE should now move to be a module rather than in the core to make updating and customising easier? I am sure this has been discussed somewhere before, but can't remember where. Joss
  24. Sounds about right The main thing is just making sure that the editor knows which is a draft and which is a published page - it is amazing how that can confuse people depending on their experience level or how long a lunch hour they have just had! Taking a very, very old publishing idea - drafts were often presented on different colour paper in typing and printing offices so that it was clear they were something different. It might be worth throwing in an optional safety trigger too, so that, for instance, you must preview before you are allowed to publish. But this can also be irritating in some instances, so being able to disable/enable this functionality would be useful. Being able to change what you can do by role is also worth considering here - being able to allow some authors to create an edited draft, but not allow them to commit to publish could be useful for some companies where they want to ensure someone has proofread everything first.
  25. They better do after all the hyping I have done! No, Lee, the owner, has been spraying trucks for 20 years - he knows what he is up to!
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