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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Yes, for instance, Foundation 5 includes jquery that can be used to interchange between content or images depending on media queries http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/components/interchange.html There is also responsejs.com that does a similar job in a similar way. You could probably do this with plain old javascript, to be honest (but I am not sure how!) But with any of these methods, you can use the PW API to create your images, or use Crop Image module to create specific images and then just call them depending on viewport size.
  2. Joss


    Be interesting to compare it to Edge Animate
  3. As a sound engineer I have been using Beyer DT100s for decades. I swear my head has changed shape to fit them better. I have tried all kinds of alternatives, some hugely more expensive, but they all end up sounding artificial somehow. I will probably be buried wearing them.
  4. You can mix and match php and html as much as you like - the main rule to remember with both is that you must start and finish each thing logically. Make sure tags are closed in html or brackets close in php and so on. So, for instance, if you want to put php within a div you can write: <div> <?php echo "my bit of php"; ?> </div> So, you have basically just inserted some php within the DIV. You can mix and match php and html in two ways: 1. As I have done with a function, you can stick with php and put any html within quotes 2. You can open and close php tags as often as you need When learning, it can sometimes be easier to use the second method, simply because the logic is more apparent. But once you work that out, the first method can be neater. So, the code used within the function could instead be written directly into the template like: <ul class="categoriesList"> <?php $categories = wire("pages")->find("parent=/categories/, template=TUT_news_index, sort=title"); foreach($categories as $category){ ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $category->url; ?>"><?php echo $category->title; ?></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> It does the same job, but you can now see how it fits with the flow of the html. It is messier however, and the reason I used functions in this case was so all those were kept together and were reusable in any template.
  5. Nice little collection! I have found a slightly unusual problem with The Hackney Peddler. If you scroll down with a mouse wheel, when you get to the google map the mouse cursor is grabbed by Google and suddenly you are shrinking the map rather than scrolling the page. Off the top of my head I have no idea what you do about it!
  6. You see, this is talking MY language. I never understand how people communicate without having a mention of food somewhere in the argument - it just aint natural!
  7. I do use WP for a couple of blogs, though I probably would not bother now as when it comes to integrate with social media and things like open graph, it is easier to do that in PW, to be honest. Outside of that, I find it cumbersome. Edit: One thing I would add is that because WP has a huge, non technical user base, they have spent a lot more time thinking about usability that some other CMSs like Joomla or Drupal, and I think a lot can be learned from them.
  8. This might help https://support.krystal.co.uk/entries/24933152-How-to-block-bad-spiders-from-wasting-bandwidth- Also if your client is going via Cloudflare, you can block bots there before they get anywhere near the server.
  9. Good use of ProcessWire - Had I still been involved with Wurm Online I would use PW for their website (PS: need any music, let me know......) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISaXZ5j6gv8&feature=share&list=PLF9DEA78045F0988C&index=5
  10. You can still do it within the processwire environment, I would think, but you would probably want some control so that fields were not being added without good reason and so cluttering up the system with thousands of fields (400 clubs creating 10 custom fields each and you have 4000 unique fields in the database and maybe loads more not being used!) By creating fields in advance, you add some control. This would apply to any system, not just PW. However, if you wanted to keep field numbers under control (advisable with any system), and the related DB structure too, you could use arrays. So you have your core mandatory fields and then one field for extras. You then create a template where they list the fields they want - possibly using something like a repeater that has the various values. This then is used to create the form on the page. The values from those fields are bunged in an array and then put into your extras field. Not sure what you do if they want to add more fields later in the middle. It may be a case that new fields are always added to the end of the array, but the display order is changed, or something .... this is where my knowledge runs out completely! Just as an additional, non technical thought, if you allow them complete freedom they could make a right mess of their forms or end up asking information that is inappropriate or has data protection or security/privacy issues that would probably drop on the head of the association. It may be better if they are limited centrally to what they can do and ask for.
  11. The idea of clubs creating their own forms is eye twisting, to say the least! Would you be able to perhaps give them a selection they could choose from? So they click on check boxes to select the form fields they want and be able to change the label. You could use an ordinary template/page combo for that action. Each page representing a particular club. Then use the results from that to create the actual form - if checkbox, display field, sort of thing.
  12. Sorry, Kongondo, typing on my tablet from the allotment. You are lucky that I didn't post it complete with the barrow load of horse shit that I had just picked up.
  13. To put it another way: A template is the structure for a particular data set.. A page is one row of data If you want to display any of that data you need to call it using the ALI A template file associated with the template allows you to call from that page without having to specify the page - it returns that particular page
  14. I was round at my mother's house earlier in the week and needed to make some notes, so I used her old "portable" manual typewriter. I had forgotten how much fun it is to use - how tactile and complete. One of the problems with modern tech is that despite being hugely quicker, it does not have the tactile immediacy or reactiveness off a pen and paper or typewriter or coloured pastels and so on. There is something about not having a delete key and having to put lines through mistakes or rub things out that can really help the creative process. And I see little point in trying to recreate that using computers - it already exists. We just need to remember to use it.
  15. I start with a piece of paper and draw out the site. Then I work out what templates and fields I need Then I work out what framework (or none) that I will use. After that, I install PW with either a blank profile or something useful I might have kicking around and start creating fields, creating blank template files and whatever templates are on my list. By that point the site is really half created - I just need to make it play nice!
  16. Joss

    2048 anyone?

    My dog appreciates that approach - she attempts it regularly with the cat from next door.....
  17. Just as a general note (since I got here by looking for something else), you can use Diogo's line if you are rendering a child page into a parent, for example, but don't want all of it. So: <?php if($page->url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { echo "some header code"; } echo "Something nice here"; if($page->url == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) { echo "some footer code"; } ?> So, when the page is rendered in as part of another page (perhaps its parent), the header and footer will not be rendered. But if the page is called directly, they will. Sorry, a very little bit off track, but related.
  18. Joss

    2048 anyone?

    And the shaking hands? And the fact that Germany is reporting an unexpected famine of coffee?
  19. Joss

    2048 anyone?

    So, you actually done any work or gone to bed in the last 48 hours?
  20. Joss

    2048 anyone?

    Stupid stupid stupid game! *stomps off in rain to allotment*
  21. Joss

    Graphics Tablets

    I have an ancient old intuos - A3 size, I think - that I bought about 13 years ago to do cartoons for a website. I had been using pen an ink, but I wanted a bit more speed. I still use it (it just about works on WIn 7) but I rarely use it for things like tracing stuff out - I am much more likely to use paths.
  22. Well, I imagine anything is possible! I have never used the multisite functionality, so you will have to see what that offers, but I suspect that you can do a little bit of re-routing so that if they login to their-site.com/admin they get sent to your-site.com/admin. That is not uncommon with that sort of set up, to be honest.
  23. Yes, basically. You can create a front end editing system, for instance (though that can seem a lot of hard work!) or you can limit what they access in the back end so they only have access to what they need to edit, making it very much simpler to use but without having to start from scratch. Have a look through the modules as there are some useful bits and pieces there like multisite, admin pages and so on, plus possibly the lister module that is being developed: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5835-lister/?hl=lister There is a not single out-of-the-box solution to your need, but then creating your own will allow you to make it very specific to what you want, which is always preferable.
  24. The layout in mine is the same as downloading Foundation bower with everything in the same directories. The only difference is that I am grabbing jquery and fastclick from cdn. I am not using foundation.min.js, but rather only importing those bits that are actually needed at any part of the site. I am also not using the minimised css, but compiling from the scss files to foundation.css. In practice, I minimise during compiling and remove from foundation.scss any components that I wont be using - this shrinks it substantially!
  25. Yes, they are being used from CDN, which is often a useful idea - why eat up your own bandwidth? One from google and the other from CloudFlare
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