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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. Hi, Starting to see alot more errors running PW on php 5.3.3 mainly to do with modules. I am looking to update my VPS soon and was wondering if there was a recommended version e.g. php 5.3.x, 5.4.x, 5.5.x etc Thanks
  2. RT @thomas_mac: Sunday plug for my article this week on artists and the digital city (via @guardian) http://t.co/bcAmTxKcxv

  3. I just backed Makey Makey GO: Invent Everywhere, Invent Now! on @Kickstarter http://t.co/hr6kfgLCzl

  4. new website for cotswold Letterpress http://t.co/Ouk7XR7eeJ

  5. Having a similar issue but only getting this error: This is intentionally invalid image data. sizzle_02_o.450x0.jpg - not a recognized image Is this again to do with RAM? If so is there any way of flushing these files and trying again? Thanks!
  6. RT @BlakeMcCreary: Hahaha! - Robots Falling Down at DARPA Robotics Challenge https://t.co/NSXdngGaV0 #design

  7. http://t.co/RqZnn1NXsH is the slowest most frustrating, annoying, contract heavy, dumb leviathan, I’m amazed that anything gets released

  8. HI! Here's a simple site I finished recently for cotswoldletterpress.co.uk. modules: redirects batcher thumbnailCropImage AIOM template notes page delete pagetree reverse js: jquery unslider
  9. hey @SmilePlastics unable to buy samples from your site, there another way? also do you do down to 2mm width semi flexi plastics?

  10. RT @sknthla: Holy shit, a fantastic free online neuroscience textbook. Readable, as well. http://t.co/LTHSV2q9Td

  11. RT @filampthropy: Why LEDs now make sense in numbers- LED vs. CFL vs. Incandescent http://t.co/gITaIrvN8G http://t.co/aivePzQVyX

  12. RT @RestartProject: Have you seen people doing this? (We have.) Use a spring from an old pen to protect your power cable. http://t.co/Xgk9…

  13. Currently working on some 3d benches to be CNCed

  14. Turns out I found loads of bad posts on mediatemple's shared hosting so moving away from it. http://ageekandhisblog.com/mediatemple-grid-server-vs-dv-server-review/ https://wordpress.org/support/topic/stay-away-from-media-temples-grid-service-gs http://www.themememe.com/why-media-temple-sucks-save-money-on-web-hosting-dreamhost
  15. running PW on MT Grid-Service and seem to keep running into mysql gone away crashes. Does any one know if this is because PW is doing to many requests (how would i test?) or the MT service isn't up to scratch sharing resources. The dev site seems to work fine on lcn vps
  16. having the same issue: processwire Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY000]: this is happening when I upload an image on an edit page. anyone able to shed any light?
  17. RT @nano_monkey: http://t.co/avzt5rlRZ8 .htaccess rewrite rules tester

  18. my internet is not working very well and its sending me mental!

  19. Hi Guys, I've only ever met one other person who uses Processwire (mainly as I told them too and i was wondering if there was many PW users in london and whether we should get togther for a drink sometime? ben
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