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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. Great session with @hyperisland at #ds15 on alternative learning and schools http://t.co/1eBErHRMxG

  2. RT @DigiShoreditch: "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" wise words from @benbyford #largecommitteeroom

  3. preparing my talk on Ethics and Algorithms, for 2:35 in the large committee room at @DigiShoreditch #ds15

  4. Powerful slide - women badly represented in advertising #ds15 http://t.co/oXW3ecCdS9

  5. I agree with @techwillsaveus teaching kids digital-literacy is one of the most important agendas for education #ds15

  6. Late start for #ds15 be there soon

  7. RT @aral: Technology firm says it is quitting the UK because of government internet surveillance plans—@gcluleyhttps://t.co/G9MfywRV5Z#…

  8. RT @KTN_Creative: Great to see our @mitra_m on the panel @DigiShoreditch "How can technology make us more human!?" #ds15 http://t.co/ICYWI…

  9. Currently working on a html5 / js web app that turns an image into a pixelated version and found it simple to set up, on the back of this I could create a github version which is more about minimising size if someone else wants to spin it into a field type for PW. Lots more testing a to be done but looks positive. demo of what i have currently - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/608298/pixelator-gif.mov
  10. Amazing module! is this something you could pull into templates to show on the frontend of the website too?
  11. RT @THECUBELondon: tomorrow at 1pm @benbyford will be doing a run through of his talk for @DigiShoreditch on #machineethics

  12. Think the crop images module is probably the best option here as it creates the image straight away but slightly fustrating if you dont want to install any new modules etc. if you changes the image field to a crop field would it create the crop images for the site or only when you edit that page? not sure how i would set up a cron job - might be time to try
  13. chuffed my one evening pet project worked - html5 image pixelator http://t.co/aPe4HCsm21

  14. Hello! I often have to change image sizes in templates using the ->width() or size functions and on a image heavy site this a cause timeout errors or massie lag before all the images are resized when changing to the new template. I was wondering if there was a good way of creating these images without having to hit each page on the site for the template to be called and images updated? Basically to avoid the errors? Thanks
  15. todays free learning resource from @PacktPub is WebGL beginners guide https://t.co/hskcUxFvQE

  16. got my kickstarted @Espruino pico yesterday and took 1 minute to get working! and runs javascript, amazing http://t.co/i0aqdXlR8K

  17. Does anyone work for hmrc? if so pick up your phone!!!!

  18. doing machine ethics talk run through next wednesday at @THECUBELondon before @DigiShoreditch on thursday

  19. I would like to say that probably scientific journals and patents are the biggest hindrance to progress, innovation, wellbeing, and enquiry

  20. TEDtalk about ethics and technology, how should we think about the things we make? no answers, but lots of questionshttp://t.co/jz4yWToeMc

  21. amazing i got an email back about fracking from a local @LibDems Candidate after @Greenpeace email https://t.co/xUGHJKzzNw they said probs:(

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