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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. fixed now. not sure what you mean by search but the background images are added and (if more than one) a random image is returned and can be fined on any page - also used the cropImage module for the 'past pop-ups' page which is ace!
  2. Couple of recent sites I've created: http://www.theartofdining.co.uk/ - Pop up restaurant http://samhofman.co.uk/ - still life photographer
  3. good stuff, going to check this out for my next sites!
  4. Often deal with alot of differing fields on a edit page and was wondering if it would be possible to get a way of grouping fields within a template. E.g. title and body fields open, extra options group of fields closed containing other page fields, date, summary, etc etc
  5. Hi, Just moved a dev PW install to another domain and found that 1) I couldn't move with it creating PHP errors with a straight move of files and DB. 2) I tried a fresh install updating the admin and then adding the new template but the admin -> setup -> template isn't displaying drop and drag handles so I ccant administrator it at all (see the attached image). any help would be amazing!
  6. I've created a tags field so that the CMS user may add tags to blog posts that then link to a list of all the posts with that tag: Reading out tags from all post pages: <?php $matches = $pages->find("template=post"); $tags = array(); foreach($matches as $key => $tag){ foreach(explode(",", $tag->tags) as $key => $t) { $tags[$t] = str_replace(' ','',$t); } } $tagsClean = array_unique($tags); sort($tagsClean); foreach($tagsClean as $word){ //if not blog page creat links to search from the blog if($page->path == '/blog/'){ echo '<a href="?topic=' . $word . '">'; }else{ echo '<a href="../?topic=' . $word . '">'; } echo $word; echo '</a><br />'; } I'm now trying to work out how to list those pages which have the same tag as the current page (related posts): as far it only lists what tags the current page does have: <?php $pageTags = array(); foreach(explode(",", $page->tags) as $key => $t) { $pageTags[$t] = str_replace(' ','',$t); } $pageTagsClean = array_unique($pageTags); sort($pageTagsClean); foreach($pageTagsClean as $pageTag){ echo '<a href="../?topic=' . $pageTag . '">'; echo $pageTag; echo '</a><br />'; } Any help would be great, thanks
  7. Would be nice to have a shortcut to delete pages on the PAGES section instead of having to EDIT then delete each page.
  8. either way that does make logical sense.... why make a page then have it not appear without any indecation that thats the case!?
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I've spent alot of time templating after setting up the pages but found that the pages are inculded, say in a list or menu, (even though title, url, and dates have been created for that page), unless there is some content they dont show. THIS IS REALLY ANNOYING, and maybe there should be a big notive somewhere to say that this happens if this is to be left.
  10. I know you guys have already talked about this a lot, but I use wolf CMS and Frog CMS and just started using processwire and I love having both: save and close (back to list) save and continue editing both buttons I use all the time. Not sure how useful a 'save and create child button' would be as I would always want to check that the current page works before creating a child. Cheers
  11. your right, it was in the admin section. the page was 'Latest News' and the name field was filled in automatically as 'latest-news'. But as I mentioned I seem to get errors alot, but I'll put them up when incounted again. thanks
  12. Im used to Wolf CMS and Wordpress Wordpress creates articles that can then be read out in different ways, where as Wolf creating different child pages that are then printed out by its parent (if thats how you've do it etc), just wondered if there was a way someone had already done to create a article structure, or am i just dealing with lots and lots of child pages again??? (say you have 20 -100 articles things can get quite bulky in the backend)
  13. Just wondering if there was an easy way to create a new template that acts as the parent or input page for a stream of articles instead of single pages? I'm looking to incorperate NEWS sections across several sites which need to be update regurally. Thanks
  14. I would love processwire to work for me but i continuously has problems - the latest is adding a child page of 'home' it gives me an odd error after filling in the name form - Can't save page 0: /0/: It has an empty 'name' field I'm running on 34sp.com servers - installation passed most of teh checks other than not being able to determine server type and finding mod_rewrite on. Any ideas would be great, thanks.
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