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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. RT @nanci_knight: A 1970 Datacomp ad @MadMen_AMC #DonDraper would be proud of. My how the world has changed! @GirlsWhoCode @girl_geeks http…

  2. I like to know what code is going into a site for optimisation, and even find myself writing my own image sliders, tool tips etc.. I make it for my specific case or site without introducing a HUGE framework and having the two hold problem of bloat and writing code "their" way (as im never interested in learning a framework when I can learn to do it myself). I've used Dreamweaver, Macaw and someothers in the past and feel, though handy for mockups, I would never use on a live site due to the lack of confidence in the code they produce. Also I'm always interested in learning new things and trying new styles so a framework doesnt make sense for me in that way too.
  3. RT @iamciara: The lovely people over @CommArts have kindly featured me in their Fresh section of the website. Y… http://t.co/9IZgfkuozi

  4. will be working on a game for the next month 3 days a week + weekends. anyone needs me I will be hitting my head against #unity3d & C#

  5. RT @SaraSoueidan: ✏ New Blog Post: Compositing and Blending in CSS :: http://t.co/MrVSL2Jt2v—with an interactive tool for you to play with…

  6. 9 days left to support our interactive theatre production, computer game, board game. Yep, Its a lot! https://t.co/PUBvQ6o0RD

  7. RT @lifewinning: "What is considered “real programming” becomes just another bias to overcome for those already marginalized." https://t.co…

  8. last days to vote on #DS2015 - IOTL your home is a robot http://t.co/UL5A69gKom

  9. turns out contactless payment card theft is easy and seriously annoying :( Don’t get one

  10. RT @supashakes: After Supa Struggles (I'm not a web designer) http://t.co/p7zXk6UGvm is now live! Take a look, then tell everyone! x http:…

  11. RT @TechCrunch: This is how much Apple paid Tim Cook last year http://t.co/9Gm9rGoT3C http://t.co/cZb95x0Kdg

  12. Anyone made or or would be interested in a instagram module that displays a profiles images? also if you have any pointers that would be helpful. Thanks
  13. learning C# and unity and excited to use @inkleStudios inklewriter, photoshop, pixen and some other tools in my pipeline with collaborators

  14. Robert Swan: Let's save the last pristine continent. Empowering speech on climate and commons http://t.co/R2aGKgPJBC

  15. learning some C# @unity3d for @MiloWladek. been advised that C# not unityscript is the way forward even with my web background, thoughts?

  16. RT @H0XH4: Not a billboard from movie Blade Runner, but a photo of Beijing's smog & one of the buildings with a video running. http://t.co/…

  17. RT @mitra_m: £210K Wearable Technologies Contest with leading industry partners; Disney, London briefing event 28 Jan Manchester …http://t.…

  18. love the idea of this product so much: @thevampaudio. but I just really hate clunky bluetooth. it always seems to be a pain in the arse :(

  19. RT @brightsplendor: I'm looking for extra part time work (up to 4days pw) whilst doing MA - any leads appreciated #artsjobs #creative_hubs

  20. RT @TorriTaylored: Thanks to @benbyford for getting my website looking so lovely. Time to get things rolling. Take a peak: http://t.co/mmem…

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