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Everything posted by benbyf

  1. RT @drinkrelaxplay: Make games, like free drinks and free next Monday evening? Amazon are looking to meet game devs & chat http://t.co/oNGX…

  2. RT @jiscdigital: Why, and how, to teach computer hacking http://t.co/tIoJ5LoAxV

  3. Found it hard and long winded to uninstall pw languages. Really excited about using it but i wouldnt recommend doing it on a new site unless you know your going to use it.
  4. RT @eulergy: New users on http://t.co/6gS6U6u0B8 hello! please create project posts to help us find collaborators for your business or rese…

  5. Be great to be directed to or to make a tutorial for admin themes and extending
  6. RT @eulergy: happy new year everyone! We're looking forward to research and collaborations in 2015

  7. deep breath, tax return done!!!

  8. also here is my article on the #shareEconomy for @iamstartacus http://t.co/JlEHpO9RyZ “Adapt, enable, buy, build"

  9. tax return day… post christmas productivity

  10. Not sure i think its a good plan, but I was wondering what people thought about team PW making say having 4 people working on one site locally and how to keep copies up to date, or is this something that PW doesnt have problems with? for example Drupal has a features module: https://www.drupal.org/project/features just wondered what peoples thoughts were on this
  11. RT @Flashmob_Sci: Say hello to @Eulergy! Eulergy can connect research students with industry academics. Check them out! Where will your nex…

  12. Merry Christmas to all you digital people you

  13. 3d print fail, tried to ordered x 100 and got 7 back

  14. RT @hortonstephens: Keep up to date with all goings on at Horton-Stephens HQ. http://t.co/UbSNiomxxp

  15. Card eaten by card machine and credit declined, not getting through hsbc, this is going to be an interesting christmas :(

  16. looking for a nice / good accountant if anyone knows anyone…? thanks

  17. 3d printed models on order, can't wait to get them and start playing my new board game #gameInDevelopment

  18. RT @Virgin: @benbyford One for your stocking perhaps?

  19. RT @HEFCE: Time for the taught master’s to shine? http://t.co/6M1rrniuBr via @timeshighered @benbyford I wuldnt agree with the employers bit

  20. RT @thehappydodo: Looking forward to the launch of Smart Spaces @thecubelondon! Time to rethink our work environment & its impact on how we…

  21. RT @Sellfy: 29 Must-Have Cheat Sheets for Web Designers http://t.co/qIwb5aZmVc http://t.co/dgSJKpGHzS

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