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Everything posted by fliwire

  1. Using InputfieldFile attach page images to value rendered properly, how to process "delete checkbox" on submit ?
  2. delete "&lang=es" from query string: https://github.com/lexsanchez/VideoOrSocialPostEmbed/blob/12b939514f574f5885e2c0d1ea12ad04e85c873b/TextformatterVideoOrSocialPostEmbed.module#L278
  3. no one same issue ?: session lost after payment ?
  4. for those who experience the same problem on windows, especially large html content. <div id="content">...</div> // 10x slower for me <region id="content">...</region> // fast no problem
  5. Hi, after redirect to payment page processwire session lost because of samesite cookies changed default to "lax". https://web.dev/samesite-cookies-explained/ tried to hook session::init but not works ? $wire->addHookBefore("Session::init", function (HookEvent $event) { ini_set('session.cookie_samesite', 'None'); session_set_cookie_params(['samesite' => 'None']); }); set by htaccess works <ifmodule mod_headers.c> Header always edit Set-Cookie ^(.*)$ $1;SameSite=None;Secure </ifmodule>
  6. $markup = array( 'item_content' => "<div class='InputfieldContent {class}'>{out}{error}{description}{notes}</div>", );
  7. $url = '<p>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhToKXpSrYA</p><p>This is a simple <a href="https://processwire.com">ProcessWire</a> site profile that is somewhat like our default site profile, but also includes a blog. It demonstrates development of various features including some new to ProcessWire 3.x. The front-end of this profile uses the <a href="http://www.getuikit.com" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Uikit 3</a> library and includes a library of time-saving functions for working with Uikit 3. Below are a few highlights you12ll find in this site profile:</p>'; echo $modules->get('TextformatterVideoEmbed')->format($url); added last line echo $str "protected function embedYoutube" $embedCode is there but not echo with format.
  8. not working: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference in
  9. you need to check images count if(count($page->images)) { // the page has one or more images } https://processwire.com/docs/fields/images/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/if/
  10. tested with 3.0.155 all embed works after two changes: 1- Find textformatter_video_or_social_embed table change embed_code collation to utf8mb4 if not // changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci 2- https://github.com/lexsanchez/VideoOrSocialPostEmbed/blob/57c254e64ae3c03139e2bb5119ffc676d92af39c/TextformatterVideoOrSocialPostEmbed.module#L103 update this line $embedCode = utf8_encode($data['html']);
  11. tested: resource showing propery but with empy values. In database field saved with default resource and template resource. {"title":"","title1033":"","title1185":"","__json":null,"__name":"settings","__path":"D:\/Laragon\/www\/protest\/site\/templates\/configs\/Mystique.settings.php","video":"11111111","video1033":"22222222","video1185":"333333333","__resource":"settings"}
  12. If admin language not default language, default language saved properly, but when showing field has wrong value. Overwrite seo field for home template: opengraph_description has value: "{seo.meta.description}". DB Data: {"opengraph_description":"{seo.meta.description1}","opengraph_description1033":"{seo.meta.description2}","opengraph_description1185":"{seo.meta.description3}"}
  13. template overwrite field input settings has bug. Selected resource is saving properly but when shown all inputs empty. Checked db value, db has also default input resource and home page resource. Expect only home page values. (counts in below code). {"title":"","checkbox":"","headline":"","summary":"","fieldset":"","fieldset_title":"","fieldset_description":"","another_fieldset":"","another_fieldset_title":"","another_fieldset_description":"","content":"","__json":null,"__name":"example-dive","counts":"888888888","__resource":"settings"}
  14. Hi, tried last version. Two Bugs: 1- When update module old module files renamed to ".Mystique" folder and this folder still listing "Resource" list and not shown in editor. 2- useLanguages also has bug. If admin language not default language, default language value not saved properly. Default language value gets it's value from selected language.
  15. tried next branch with ready function changes -- not working cant find configs. also json config not working. sample json : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outflux3/SettingsFactory/master/samples/theme-settings.json Windows 10 / Laragon ProcessWire 3.0.148
  16. nothing just wanted to find whats wrong:) after refresh install laragon everything is ok.
  17. someone can test mariba db with laragon ?
  18. installed xampp also has mariadb and not have this error. install mysql 8 to laragon and not have this error. laragon and maria db cause issue, there is no log in php_errors.log and mysqld.log.
  19. hi ryan, using MariaDB 10.4.7 after installation processwire (InnoDB) and delete page cant empty trash. MyISAM not have this error. Cant test with Mysql InnoDB but just report.
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