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Everything posted by ceberlin

  1. Hi, I had the logging ON (debugging mode ON) and the actual actions OFF (commented those lines out) so I could monitor for 2 months how the module behaves. I checked the log in messages.txt on both the staging and the live server and found no mass-unpublishing any more. Looks like the issue I had was solved indeed (I am using the dev version of PW, and PHP 5.3).
  2. The blog profile has cool features built in, but is not exactly easy to understand for PW newbies as it shows a rather advanced way of using templates. PW is much less complicated to set up than demonstrated there.
  3. Note: small typo in the post above: if($page->image->width() < 500) {...} should be: if($page->image->width < 500) {...} right?
  4. I have a problem with the that page field, when allowing new entries: I set a php custom search and a template and would expect that this is all I need to have a "Allow new pages to be created from field?" being set. I need this for tags, but I have language trees like this: /en/tags /de/tags /es/tags and I cannot set a fixed parent because of that, because the rootParent is not the same. My individual selector code: return $page->rootParent->find("template=tag, sort=title, include=hidden"); But unfortunately adding a new tag works only when setting a fixed parent page with the parent-selector. Is there a way around?
  5. I had also this problem once, when I inadvertently had a unicode (UTF-8) formatted html document with BOM activated running. This would be another possibility to watch out for.
  6. Thank you Soma, I will open an issue to ask to have that added officially. (I don't like modifing anything within wire myself). Thank you DaveP for the workaround.
  7. I really would love to have this useful feature back. I was about to changing a template for specific needs, then I realized I used it somewhere already where the new changes created a mess.
  8. I am sure I saw this working - now I am searching for it like crazy: I need to know what pages use a certain template (like I can see what templates use a field). I just can't remember where that was. I would expect to see it in the templates list, clicking on the "number of pages using the template" in the template's row UPDATE: in P.W. 2.3 I see this information on the template page of the skyscraper demo, like so "This template is used by 210 pages" I can*t see this info in the dev version. Or does it need a certain module?
  9. Hi the 103 version has a glitch with the version code? I use ModuleManager to update it from 102 but the update alert never goes away.
  10. The module does not work on my installation (with the latest PW dev installed): I receive a 404 error ........ /wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/tinymce-3.5.8/plugins/charcount_maxlength/editor_plugin.js And indeed there is not such a folder charcount_maxlength within that wire directory. EDIT: Maybe a false alarm. The offending plugin call charcount_maxlength was not anywhere in your code, but buried in our field's settings for TinyMCE. I will check now how that entry came in there.
  11. Hi, I am looking for a field type that works exactly like the link selector in TinyEdit where I can select either a local page (that is updates if the target page moves in case that follow module is installed) - or where I can select an external URL instead. I tried the "Link"- and the "pages"-field types but they both seem to be not what I am looking for, Is there something I overlooked? Thanks already
  12. Hi JoZ3, this question regarding ZIP might have been addressed already earlier in this thread. See entry #42 http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1550-modules-manager/?p=14613 There could be a problem with your PHP installation. just a guess...
  13. Hi, this looks like a clever idea. It's pretty enough ;-) I put this online and continue with loggings.
  14. Just a quick note: I still believe that the offending part that causes all this might be the usage of date_default_timezone_set in PHP at another script somewhere else which seems to have unintended side effects on the module's script. That would explain why the script is only hurting me and almost no one else. (I de-activated that other script and will do some more logging now.)
  15. Hi Fokke, could this be related to this thread? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3089-moving-pages-hanging/
  16. Hi,I would recomment updating minify a.s.ap. in your module, see this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1537-minify/page-2
  17. Hi Soma, thanks for your ideas. Yeah, really tricky. Right now I am trying to avoid this by using cookies and sessions to remember the country settings and let PW only handle the basic languages, as before. Maybe I have a use for segments on single pages that need to do special things , like the contact pages. I am curious how far I come with that.
  18. I have a very tricky problem.... My languages appear into separate trees and not in languagesfields within a page. Now: /en/page1 /en/page2 ... /es/page1 /es/page2 Now I need to separate languages in dialects as a tool to be able to address local content for countries on certain pages. Solution 1? /en-UK/page1 /en-UK/page1 /en-US/page1 /en-US/page1 ... /es/page1 /es/page2 This would be a technical clean solution - but editors would need to duplicate every change that is common for a language to all dialects pages. So this does not work. (All content is the same appart from a few exceptions) Solution 2? /en/UK/page1 /en/UK/page1 /en/US/page1 /en/US/page1 ... /es/page1 /es/page2 We thought of making /US/ and /UK/ are segments from the page /en/. A segment would make it possible to bookmark the dialect setting. There would be only a language tree /en/ and the dialect /UK/ would change the content slightly by the API, like returning a different support phone number. Is it possible to have a segment element in the middle of a path? Looks like it's not... Or is there a different way to archive this?
  19. Whow, that could really explain nearly all the trouble I had with find() in the past (where the source tree worked with find and the cloned trees worked not).
  20. Yes, I was just to report it when I saw that you identified it. That is right, my setting: $config->pagefileSecure = true; If set to "false" (the default after a PW fresh install) the spook is gone and the image shows. So I have my fix now. I find that behavior..hm....unexpeced... within the admin interface. It gives the false feedback to an editor that something's wrong with the image, although it's not.
  21. If I upload an image to an image filed on the EDIT page, the uploaded image does not show, I see the browser's "image broken link question mark" instead of the image preview. As soon as I publish that page, the image is visible. If I unpublish again, the image ink is broken again on the edit page. I suspect this to be a rights problem. A bug or a conflict with some module? (I mean: am I the only one having this?)
  22. OK I could catch a log now. Fortunately I had deactivated save() this time. so no damage happened. Example: 2013-08-23 00:06:28 guest http://www.mydomain.com/en/contact/contact-in/ Unpublished /en/help/ with publish_from value of 1970-01-01 01:00:00 and publish_until value of 1970-01-01 01:00:00. Current timestamp is 2013-08-23 00:06:27. I can email you personally the full log with the correct links that I did not want to expose here. Interesting is that the first url is always the same and that specific page one hold the "clock" script that is still under my suspicion to be the conflicting script. So, renaming that one variable did not help. I can give you full access to everything you need to investigate, but not over this forum. I write you a PM. EDIT: 1970-01-01 01:00:00 is a value that is stored in the database for the "empty" publish_until field (instead of 0 or NULL). So the problem might be a time string conversion problem. - I use a non-default setup of the publish_until time field: {"dateOutputFormat":"Y-m-d H:i:s","dateInputFormat":"l, j F Y","datepicker":1,"_dateOutputFormat":"Y-m-d","_timeOutputFormat":"H:i:s","size":25,"description":"At this date this page will go offline.","tags":"all-Page-Controls","columnWidth":50,"_dateInputFormat":"l, j F Y","dateOutputFormat1231":"Y-m-d H:i:s","dateOutputFormat1234":"Y-m-d H:i:s","collapsed":2}
  23. Hi, this could be another error with translations (seen in github code): ( $this->_("Your.... If I understand that correctly from reading the api manual, in modules the writing is differently ( __("Your.... but I am not a modules programmer myself, so I can't tell for sure. By the way: I had another mass-unsubscription today. Unfortunately I forgot to activate the module's new log-feature and have no details for you. Next time you get more info from me) EDIT: Funny that pages got unpublished that had no content in any of the 2 schedule fields. There might be something with the searches; $unpublished = wire("pages")->find("status=unpublished"); Does this actually find anything, if the user isn't superuser? Or is ";include:all" needed here? $published = wire("pages")->find("status<" . Page::statusUnpublished . ", publish_until>0"); Why isn't the opposite of above code is used (status!=unpublished) but this fancy :: double colon scope operator instead (and what works better)? Does this reliably exclude pages that have no content in the scheduled-fields? (In my case, pages with publish_until=0 were unpublished.) Does it play a role that "setOutputFormatting(false)" is executed in the script and might influence time calculations somehow? EDIT2: I am on module 1.1.1 and PW dev.
  24. I currently have a problem with sorting (PW dev version 2.3): I plan to show a submenu (children of rootParents as long as they have a "menu_name" set): $children = $page->rootParent->children("menu_name!='', sort=sort"); ...does not sort correctly in the order the children are in the page menu. $children = $page->rootParent->children(); ...sorts correctly! The selector seems to screw up the sort order? Or is there a problem with my code?
  25. ahm, sorry, I am on Safari 6.x/latest / MacOS Mountain Lion/latest I installed the update and saving using the sticky button appears to be working now! - Thank you very much!!!!
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