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Everything posted by ceberlin

  1. Hey Nico, this thing is mysterious. With the same setup (PW dev 2.4.9) it makes a difference whether the module was already installed or not: a) If not already installed, I can install it - and later on de-install it again: no problem. b) If it was installed - and it normally is here because It is part of my PW startup profile for new projects - then this conflict appears. My normal workflow is to de-install this module as soon as I am finished with building the site and editors start using it. That's why I know that this issue wasn't always there. Do you need more info from me?
  2. On one installation (using PW dev 2.4.9) I cannot uninstall this module any more. TemplateFile: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'delete-3' for key 'name_parent_id'
  3. Sometimes the thumbs appear cropped on hovering the thumbs links during page-edit. Maybe some css z-index or overflow:hidden thing. - I am using the PW dev version. Do you need a screenshot example? Is there something you can do about it? (Sorry this was mentioned already earlier in this thread. My post can be deleted, if you wish.)
  4. Very cool and right in time! - I was just about to hacking the original code to make it work in German. Your solution, using language translation files, is VERY SMART. - Works well so far (tested with PW dev, German/English). Thank you very much for this contribution!
  5. + 1 for leaving it like it is and not changing values automatically here. ... but maybe add a hint that there is a publishing-field active that would result in a re-publishing (if that hint isn't there already, is it?)
  6. Hi, sure I know that deleting the rows in the database solves it perfectly. My post is -because I think to remember that there was a max_age setting somewhere (but I cannot find it) -and because a Delete-All button is something I was used to from Drupal and liked the idea to have such a button.
  7. Maybe this was answered and I only did not find it.... I am thinking of adding a folder to the admin/ like admin/tools/. I want to have everything inside of this folder accessible to an editor. I would then move certain pages from modules there, like "changelog". What would be the recommended way to make this work?
  8. just a quick question... How do I set the max age (bzw. where can I reset the log)? (I want to handover a site to a client and want the millions of log entries during dev to be removed up to a certain date.) I would expect a "delete all" on the listing page - did I overlook something?
  9. Picked up from GitHub for discussion... https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/489 Probably I did not make my point clear. Assuming that commenting on closed issues at gitHub a waste of time I want to present my idea here on the wishlist to find supporters for that idea... ------------------------------------- Example task: The default general field description is: "fill this in" In the current template the local field description is overwritten with: "fill this out". Now I want to reset the local field description with the general description. (The "description" is just an example. The same applies to all other entries and settings that can be overwritten) What I tried out: Deleting the local description means: nothing is shown. - This is a good and intended behavior, as overriding something with and empty field can make sense in many cases. Writing what I want to have there, works. How to archive this now (I quote Ryan): This works fine but can be a tedious task to do manually. Wish: Especially when building large websites or in teams or half year later the question can come quickly: what was the original value again? A "discard local changes" would make that comparison easy. Then I could either save or not save that reversion, depending what content version I prefer.
  10. Yes it's funny, but for non-English natives a less cartoonish narration style would distract less from the great news content and it would be easier to follow, i.m.h.o.
  11. Hi netcarver, sorry for not replying earlier. I somehow overlooked it. I tried your code update - and from my quick testing it seems to work fine now. Thank you very much!!!!
  12. Just a quick note: On LOGIN ERROR (im my case a Session Throttle interception) the module sends a list of notices for the login screen: Notice: Undefined index: debug in /.../site/modules/TextformatterTagParser/TextformatterTagParser.module on line 207
  13. Sometimes it helps to delete everything within the Cache folder. Did you try that already?
  14. Is there a limit of how many AsmSelect I can use on one page? I am asking because I have a settings page with 6 ASMselect (with only a few selections each) and one is starting to misbehave: It can only remember the first 2 selected pages and forgets the rest after each page save. Looking at the database I see 3 ids stored for that field, which is correct. But only 2 are shown in the admin and read via the api. (My only other explanation for this mystery bug would be damaged pw indexes of the database.) Update: The problem only occurs if AUTOJOIN is set for the page field.
  15. Yes, exactly. Am I the only one with that module and update trouble? Then I will dig further.
  16. Hi Soma, there is one mystery left with a module which insists to be outdated although it's not. No idea what that is. The effect is on all my processwire installations. I left a note in the modules section of the board already... Found following updates for installed modules: Module: FieldtypeCropImage v1.0.2 Found new version available: v1.0.3 More infos at: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-crop-image/
  17. fmgujju, The info at the top of the modules page should say something like: Modules found on modules.processwire.com (224) Maybe the file limit in the module's prefs is to low to check for all availabe modules? I had to increase the limit at my installations recently.
  18. HI Allesio, I am right now evaluating the module for a project. This project has languages. My questions: RIght now the stopwords list is hardcoded into the modules folder. In case I add or change anything there, it would be lost after an update of the module. Correct? Isn't assets a better place for the stopwords? - Or the database? What do I do if I am in a multilingual environment. How can I set stopwords per language? Can I at all?
  19. Hi Teppo, the 1.3.8 update, which fixes the admin/users access, does not show in the PW update system yet.
  20. > #3: To have the first element already visible with repeaters, you can adjust the "Ready-To-Edit New Repeater Items" setting. I have set this to 3 (which is the default). From my understanding this only means that you can add that certain amounts of repeating elements without having to save the page in between. It does not mean (at least not in my PW 2.4.1 dev version) that 1 element is already set, visible and ready for input. And that is what I would like to have. If I set one of the repeater's fields to "required" the PW behavior is unexpected (bug?). There comes an error about a missing field content. But that field was not set with the +ADD ITEM at that time. Thank you very much for the code. I would like to avoid applying changes to the wire folder or any modules directly - I do not want to break it when there are updates. It the idea does not find general support, I could consider overriding certain css with some plugin or so.
  21. 3 more ideas (I hope I am not repeating something this time): 1. For the titles of collapsed fields add an ellipsis… (for example with CSS for the collapsed field's title something like: ::after {content: "…";} ) Why? My clients have difficulties to identify collapsed fields as expandable with more content available inside. 2. If repeater or group is collapsed, infos about required missing content are hidden. I would suggest that in this case those blocks are auto-expanded to show the spots to fix. 3. Repeaters - 1st element already visible Option in repeater settings to aways show the first element for new pages without requiring the click on "+add" helps clients to identify, what this area is for.
  22. Now I get it. I was searching for the wrong keywords maybe. Sorry for posting something that has been posted here already.
  23. This behavior seems to make the * (for required) disappearing also!
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