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Everything posted by ceberlin
What a great module! Small feature wish (if this is possible): Can the url helper also handle URL fields within table fields?
This is extremely cool. Thank you! - Cannot wait to try it out.
@netcarver Now works well with the standard setup here. Does not work with the HERE map series (I think to remember the v100rc2 beta does).
@netcarver This fixed it!
I tried this on localhost with a new project. I getting errors in the backend and the map space is white. Propbably because I am running the backend in https: http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet.css - Works https://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet.css - Works not (Firefox security - Invalid certificate) They advise a different CDN on their homepage, that's maybe why:
Well, the module works flawlessly so far (and REALLY helps to produce nice looking content!!!!). With the small code change to "__construct" it is also working here with PHP7 without throwing notices any more.
The pull request is up now, bypassing my software and working on the GitHub Site directly. Let's see how that worked. I think the quality of the German files is very good already (thank you guys) - so I want to address only a few things that I stumbled upon: I wonder what you want to do with the "Denglish". I believe that you are right not to translate everything. For Devs, working with the backend, it is often clearer to leave certain English words (like html tags, "hover", as they are). I well remember the over-translated Dreamweaver from my past. But they could be set in quotes (or single quotes)? Same as examples for input and results - like 'null', '0', '1'? Have you set up some catalogue already somewhere about certain words and translation you prefer to use, in case there are more possibilities? Like choosing between "Anmelden" and "Login" or "Log-in" (Duden recommendation) which basically means the same and are all ok to use in Germany? (It would be a consistent language within the application - especially in a multi-translators environment.) If that list does not exist, I could try to build a small one, when working further with the files - the list could be part of the repo.
@LostKobrakai Actually it's some specific rights(?) problem with the git tool I use (git-tower.com). Submission failed somehow - Nothing to discuss here in public I think. I just need to look further to my setup and maybe contact the software-developers. But thanks for helping, anyway.
Ich habe das mit GIT noch nicht 100% bei "fremden" Repos raus - anbei daher hier ein Archiv mit meinen heutigen Korrekturvorschlägen von Rechtschreibfehlern. In Zukunft versuche ich natürlich, alles selbst über Git anzubieten. Archiv.zip Update: Sorry, again in English: Encl. an archive with my correction attempts. This time I send the files for you to check and migrate them, but I promise to learn how to do this myself with Git.
Is the support for very old php versions still needed? With PHP7 in strict mode, I now receive 2 notices: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP Changing 3 lines of code to using __construct instead fixed the notices for me, I think.
To complicate things, there are different api keys needed for LIVE / STAGING / LOCALHOST environments? That's how I understand the changes. Edit: Just learned: localhost and staging can/needs to be added at google to share one api
The last PW 3 update fixed this for me.
Just for info. The error diego reported is also in 3.x now. (Wasn't there until the last PW3 update)
SOLVED!!!! OK, here is, what I discovered, and a workaround: if you have errors on upload (database error, "not properly escaped"), look for single quotes ' in your file. If you cannot change and save the page any more (you click save and the page tries to save but nothing gets actually saved any more - and no php- or js error is given) try this: in PHP set "max_input_vars = 5000" as a workaround. max_input_vars = 5000 is unusual (there is a reason why the limit is normally 1000), so there is a possible bug in the pro table field which I will report now accordingly.
Just one last comment before I am off from the discussion for a while (I am really frustrated about the lost message with my suggestions): I think we all agree that the forum can contribute a lot the brand awareness of ProcessWire. First security and reliability (a hacked forum would be a disaster) - so safety first and an up-to date software. A big thank to Pete's efforts in this regard. Other brand goals are: "use with ease" and "well documented". Make the forum look "easy" to handle and optimize the accessibility of the overwhelming information... that is were we are now with the discussion. Are we?
Just a quick note: I was writing a long well prepared response, even got a note about kongondos post in the meantime. Hit SAVE. Sofware confirmed save. Message gone, Everything lost. Found myself logged-out. Now this really is not so encouraging for me, trust me.
ok, there we go. Changed topic.
Hi @adrian - thank you for your quick response. 1. Oh I see, I overlooked that feature, Brilliant!!!!!!! (In the explanation, of you replace the word "overwrite" with "replace", it maybe gets clearer? Also i.m.h.o. it would be good to prepent the word "Caution: " maybe?) 2. My problem now with the import is that after the import I cannot save the page any longer (any changes/updates, regardless in what field, are ignored on save). No errors get recorded. Looks like something is timing out or confusing the database storage script. This is the page I am working at: /tour-list/ The fields in use are a "single page" selector, a date field and some tiny text fields. I send you PM with the data I am trying to load. And you can also have access to anything (it's a fan community website only), if you need to investigate further.
I am open to any modifications of the title (I do not have the problem myself with it as "why" can basically mean anything) but I am not moderating and not make changes there, can I?
Commercial forum makers are under a brutal competition right now. In the first place with Facebook. So they add features over features to make their stuff more facebookish. One of the use cases where a classic forum is far superior from Facebook is a software support board like this one. The old forum usability was my reference (it was that good!) when setting up my own (xenforo) Forums. The new skin should have all tools on board to get us there again, if we want. (I am not talking about needed learning curves for users, or taste things). I try to focus on usability questions for the speficic needs of a technical support forum. To sum up where we are: No one is denying the fact that it is crucial to keep a forum as up-to-date as possible, for security and support reasons alone. So this step is appreciated! If Pete was not praised enough for doing this step (99% of the really hard work is under the hood and cannot bee seen): A big thank you from us here! I see that it can be seen as "negative" if a first comment is about usability (I was really shocked) and not about the big improvements under the surface. Where some of us agree is that the "Q&A" setup is not suitable for some of the forums, as we use them up to now. Where some of us agree is that (a) the skin (css in the first place) could need a closer look and (b) this should be no big technical problem. There I would like the discussion to continue. - This is, where everyone agrees. I will use this afternoon to be more precise with my wishes. For example: Make navigational elements (headlines, breadcrumbs, search fields) very prominent. Make clutter (location of a member, tags, starter of a thread) less prominent. Small changes can have big effects to bring back the cleanness and usability of the old forum look.
kongondo - sounds great. Exactly what I was trying to say (English isn't my first language). Where would be a good place for it? (When I started the thread, I thought only a skin was changed, not the whole software.)
First of all: thank you very much for the great module. This is so convenient to have!!!! Just a small feedback: I managed to shoot my table down. Maybe to many entries (250) maybe and invalid file. No big deal, I have backups and the full database saved as CSV. I got warnings from PW about not properly escaped things (don't remember exactly the wording). And, yes, I found some single and double quotes in table cells from the import file (actually an exported and then re-imported CSV file), After deleting those chars, the import worked. If this is possible, maybe a warning about illegal chars or a proper escape during import would be very useful? Also in my situation it would help if there was an "import & replace" feature. So I can do another import that is properly replacing a malfunctioning previous one. Right now the import was added. (Now my table has double entries - and maybe even double IDs because I cannot select and delete an entry any more, it re-appears after a save) A replace would be a convenient way to clean this mess up quickly.
Diego, I am normally a very positive guy. This forum has become a very important tool for me. I need to be able to find things quickly and easily. I was trying to look up a problem I have in the pro modules area and was stuck (which was not because of learning curves). Now the headlines are dimmed (40% or less grayscale??) and unimportant stuff (back TAGS, "who asked"-line, and the green check icons get much more attention.) I have not read the announcement yet (actually I was looking for it an did not find it) and understand that the update was necessary. I think that some setting tweaks with colors and sizes can help a lot already. And it is good to read that the Q&A style is not the final word for every forum (thanks for the info, adrian).
Looking closer at it, the structure is maybe not the problem. It's the choice of colors and opacity. The most important thing are the headlines, they should not be dimmed. That's the main difference with the previous look. Other elements are attention-grabber but have no important function (huge black bars, like buttons that look like facebook buttons). And time will show if the simple question/answer methodology (yes it's trendy) helps. Usually the threads here are much more complex than simple question/answers.
Was it really necessary to change the forum to this? This is a real down tuner for me.