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Everything posted by ceberlin

  1. @adrian I am just about to checking this for you to report it later. (I am not sure it is the module, it might be MAMP4 on localhost, for example, so I was checking here for possible similarities).
  2. Have you got Tracy Debugger running? I have a memory warning coming from core/Wire.php right now while looking for changed files, which goes away if I deactivate the module (not sure it is related to your problem, just wanted to mention it.)
  3. A new band website for the German electronic avant-garde band DEINE LAKAIEN. The idea was to make this an introduction website for media and new listeners. For in-depth information, the website is accompanied by another new ProcessWire website (with an integrated xenforo forum) for the fanclub: colour-ize.com. and the label website chrom.de. All three websites use the same UI and re-occurring elements (while preserving a unique look), so people find their way around easily. Design/programming details: It was tried to make the dark look (which is the band CI) feeling modern and artistic (avoiding a Nineties look which so many dark themed websites have). The website is built in my spare time in 5 weeks thanks to the ease of ProcessWire 3 and is fully responsive (using uikit and Hype). ProcessWire's new language features were more than welcome to make language management a breeze (People coming from WordPress know what I mean). The backend is build in a way that non-techies (band, volunteer translators, fanclub, booking) can handle the CMS without needing much support and knowledge of SEO. Everything is explained or almost self-explanatory. And the complex internal link-building is done either fully automatic or half automatic.
  4. Just for the record: I just had the problem that pages with a certain template did not save content any more. There was the green notification "Saved" but the changed fields have forgotten any changes made. The reason was that I had a fieldset in the template in the wrong order: The fieldset_END part was before the opening fieldset part. Maybe there was some inadvertent dragging of the wrong field. (tested with ProcessWire 3.34) Maybe this is useful to know for someone having the same mystery issue. Edit: This issue was solved in PW 3.35
  5. One idea: if both have the same name (which can happen) it can be clearer that 2 different operations are covered if non default language names are added? renamed basic-page news as news2 renamed basic-page news DE as news2 (maybe a different bg color for the language part)
  6. Quick question: is there an "official" update planned or should one try the above patch from SteveB?
  7. Can't wait for V2 then :-)))
  8. Compatibility note: This module should not be used with PW3 - PW now has it's own techniques to archive the desired effect.
  9. Enclosed you find a json file with my attempt of a GERMAN translation. Feedback is welcome (please as PM so we do not loose focus on the main topic of this thread.) If everything's fine, I will pass it to the German language team for inclusion with the forth-coming PW V3 strings. site--modules--croppableimage3--lang--croppableimage3textcollection-php.json
  10. I cannot see the tooltip for editing the template any more, which is in the breadcrumb. (Default theme, the information is still there in the source code - but the tooltip is not shown, maybe misplaced and hidden somewhere) - Am I the only one having the issue?
  11. If RenoTweaks is on with FixedHeader>CompactHeader on, the Search field is overlapping the "Save" field, which needs more space in German ("Absenden")
  12. I found out what causes the misplaced cke bars here: It's only happening (also current version) if the module's scrollFix is enabled at the same time. It is happening with ReneTweaks on or off, no difference.
  13. In the meantime I had updated to 0.6.3 but the issue is still there. I also think that the position does not beak anything but I still wonder why it works without position if AOS is deactivated.
  14. I just detected that the bar are not missing, is is just totally misplaced (out of the visible area, at the top (only reneo, Safari) not default on admin theme. If I scroll up it eventually appears (at the wrong spot at the very top of the page). Adding position:relative to InputfieldCKEditorInline fixed it for me. Maybe this gives you a better hint of the issue. I have no clue yet why the position is correct when deactivating AOS (0.6.3).
  15. I just realized that with the module active (latest version) cke submodule unchecked and Reno Sticky CKE is off, an editor using reno cannot see the CKE toolbars of inline CKE. If I deactivate the module, the CKE toolbars re-appear. Switching from reno to default also makes the inline toolbars re-appear.
  16. Ok, I will take care of the translation to DE tonight...
  17. I agree, being able to do a little welcoming branding for the client is really great. I am doing that with a few lines of JS and CSS already, placing another logo (at least) next to the PW logo. Not perfect but it works.
  18. I am fine with that, I just heard 307 mentioned in the context of Google and the new "Strict Transport Security" feature (without understanding every detail of it). That's ok with the loop detection. There are other tools to dig further. It would be just convenience, a redirect problem had driven me nuts recently.
  19. Not sure a restriction has the intended effect. There are 2 cases where I regularly delete links when they are still valid: when I detect a double entry (or they are part of a rule already) when I see that I can replace a bunch of manually set links with a rule What about 307 redirects? I like the idea of a destination validation. If an infinite loop (or a redirect to another redirect within the same module) is detected it would be great to have some tool to monitor and eventually fix the problem.
  20. Maybe obvious, but I just realized that a checkbox field without a headline does not show it's convenient field-edit popups.
  21. Q: What has the TESLA that PROCESSWIRE does not have: A: backdoors
  22. Hi Macura, used together with AdminOnSteroids, the module creates a gap under the tabs in my PW setups. If I comment out the css floats for testing, the gap disappears. It has to to with the height: 2.6em coming from .WireTabs (in combination with the float). If I set height to something else, the gap changes. If I set the UL to overflow: hidden, the gap goes away completely.
  23. that's interesting why I see the default admin page differently. OK, I see, the gap is coming from the "Prev/Next Tabs module (which is normally another of those cool admin additions). Those "prev"/"next" tabs have a css float-right, which is causing the gap here. The gap goes away if the UL (tabs container) has overflow hidden.
  24. I am using the default theme and want to send a small feedback. a) if I select "sticky header" the tabs have not background any more (they float freely). I thought they where easier to read before. Why not having the background from the sticky header also there (as it was before) or a lighter variant of the background? Or a "pills" menu design could look fancy there - opposite to tabs they look nice when floating. b) I find the color and place for the description and hints tooltip hard to find, but I want editors to take that information seriously. I switched that feature of but wanted to send a feedback anyway. ... or the tabs could be moved down?
  25. Actually I find the default admin-page with the multi-hierarchy popup submenus a little bit quicker to use. So I leave the default for the admins and use the Reno theme (with full beauty power) for the editors. But with the AdminOnSteroids is getting better every day, that view might change. b.t.w. I wonder why ASMtweak "move delete button to the left" is the default setting. The trash is now very close to the dragging handle, where selections can get removed easily inadvertently. That can pass unnoticed if ASM lists are very long, I think.
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