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Everything posted by mel47

  1. Hello! Do you think it's easy to convert a Repeater -> PageTable ? I don't know enough to see if the existing action PageTable->repeater could be inverted. Thanks!
  2. Thanks, looks pretty amazing even for my very small testing. I generally learning by reading other's code examples. Since there mostly anything, I have a quick question. I could display really easily page and repeater independently. But is it possible to display the title of page found inside a repeater ? For now I only have id. I tried many ways, but without success, but I'm not sure if I'm trying to do something impossible or not. Thanks!
  3. OMG @jmartsch and @bernhard, success!! ? I tried the new version on my production website and it's working!
  4. Same result, juste a name change. ReferenceError: RockGrid is not defined edit:578:7 initGrid_rockgriddemo http://localhost/24h/admin/page/edit/:578:7 <anonyme> http://localhost/24h/admin/page/edit/:589:7 <div class="RockGridWrapper backend InputfieldIgnoreChanges" id="RockGridWrapper_rockgriddemo"> <div id="RockGridItem_rockgriddemo" class="RockGridItem ag-theme-balham" data-id="rockgriddemo" style='height: 300px'></div> <div class="init"></div> </div> <script> // translation strings for this grid var RockGridStr_rockgriddemo = { } // grid settings object var gridSettings_rockgriddemo = { grid: 'rockgriddemo', dataColumns: ["id","title","created"], data: "ajax", js: {"settings":{"initPageSize":10,"pageSizes":[10,25,50,100],"height":300}}, }; // function to init the grid var initGrid_rockgriddemo = function() { RockGrid.init(gridSettings_rockgriddemo); //////ERROR IS HERE RockGrid.getGrid('rockgriddemo').str = RockGridStr_rockgriddemo } // load the grid automatically or manually? if(typeof onLoad_rockgriddemo == 'function') { // load grid manually // sometimes this is needed when we have to wait for other grids to be loaded onLoad_rockgriddemo(gridSettings_rockgriddemo, RockGridStr_rockgriddemo); } else { // load this grid when dom is loaded initGrid_rockgriddemo(); ///////ERROR IS HERE } </script> If I don't put the .js file I have no extra error. If I add it to /site/assets/Rockgrid/fields/ I get error (404) : I try add to frontend, but same result, a white space, with same errors than below. For the tester, don't exactly what means "work" since I never used. But there nothing in "result", but the "resulting sql" is updated accordingly of changes done in "code to execute". I certainly do something wrong or don't have something activated correctly. Will give up for now, since I have other things to do. I will continue to follow the thread in case a solution eventually come out. Thanks for you time. Mel
  5. Hi Sorry for the delay, was too sunny to stay inside... ? So to recap. I tried on 2 installations (one with my current site and one empty, ie no module). Both are local, running php 7.0. I'm using firefox. Install rockfinder via module repository install rockgrid by url (https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockGrid/-/archive/master/RockGrid-master.zip) create a "projects" rock-grid field and add it to home template Go to home template; see an empty white field with this error: ReferenceError: RockGrid is not defined[En savoir plus] edit:118:7 initGrid_projects http://localhost/wire/processwire/page/edit/:118:7 <anonyme> http://localhost/wire/processwire/page/edit/:129:7 Add to /site/assets/RockGrid/fields/projects.js and project.php (copied from usage instructions. Now see this error Échec du chargement pour l’élément <script> dont la source est « http://localhost/site/assets/RockGrid/fields/projects.js ». edit:61 as mentioned earlier it's not the good address, it missing the domain, in this case : http://localhost/wire/site/assets/RockGrid/fields/projects. Hope it helps. Mel PS No error during module installation. Debug info display under the field seems ok (default mysql query): 0.4ms getSQL SELECT `rockfinder`.* FROM /* original pw query */ (SELECT pages.id FROM `pages` WHERE (pages.status<1024) GROUP BY pages.id ORDER BY pages.created DESC ) as `pwfinder` LEFT JOIN ( /* rockfinder */ SELECT `pages`.`id` AS `id`, `title`.`title` AS `title`, `created`.`created` AS `created` FROM `pages` /* --- join title --- */ LEFT JOIN (SELECT `pages_id` AS `pageid`, `title`.`data` AS `title` FROM `field_title` AS `title`) AS `title` ON `title`.`pageid` = `pages`.`id` /* --- end title --- */ /* --- join created --- */ LEFT JOIN (SELECT `id` AS `pageid`, `created` FROM `pages` AS `created`) AS `created` ON `created`.`pageid` = `pages`.`id` /* --- end created --- */ /* end rockfinder */ ) AS `rockfinder` ON `pwfinder`.`id` = `rockfinder`.`id` 0ms executeClosures 1.2ms getObjects Includes executeClosures 1.3ms Overall Inputfield Render
  6. Why I'm always the one who still have the error.? I did install via upload of zip and I have /modules/RockGrid. However, I still have errors: 1)The path is wrong for js, it should be : localhost/24h/site/assets/RockGrid/fields/test_grid.js 2)error mentioned earlier Also, not related, but playing with the Tester, I wrote some wrong code which gave me a red error page. The problem is that I didn't know how to reset. (finally I reinstalled since of error above). Thanks!
  7. Both are front end. I think I will go with my first idea. Seems more complicated than is it in fact...
  8. Hello! The kind of thing I will really like to use!
  9. Zone is maybe not the better word, sorry. To simplify, let's say section: internal (for the people from the organisation) vs website (for general public). On home page, you choose between those 2 sections by a button. It's per-page (parent and its children) and it's mutually exclusive (meaning pageA will not be in the 2 sections). But I don't know the better way to assign a page (and its children) to the section.
  10. Hi Need advices before changing everything on my website. I need to add a different "zone" on the website. This subset of pages have a independent menu and banner. How I can distinguish pages from zone 1 to zone 2? It couldn't be by template, since some are common. I was thinking adding a simple checkbox to manually allocate the parent page, but I'm not sure what will happen to the hundred children pages. If I select the parent pages, does the children will also be selected? Or do I will to checked the checkbox for each of them everytime? Home Page1 - checkbox:zone1, templateA Page 2- checkbox:zone 2, templateB +++children ?, templateC Page3 - checkbox: zone2, templateA ++children?, templateA Or does it something else? Something similar to field tagging but for pages? Thanks!
  11. The problem, IMHO, is the absence of mention in description of config. If it's written somewhere than these settings while appear in tab settings of a configurable page, I will not have search that much for it. But I don't blame, I have myself problems to well documenting my own code... ? At least someone else can now find the information if they search the thread.
  12. OMG I finally find it! ? A little bit not user-friendly, unfortunately. So after activating this configurable settings page, I finally discovered under "settings" a "Batch child editor setting". After going back to my BCE tab, the page selector is now there. Strangely when I removed this specific page from configurable pages (just for testing), the settings section disappear, however the page selector/fields to export are still sticking to my export CSV in BCE tab. Thanks for your patience!
  13. Hum, I really feel stupid. It's not there either. But to answer your question, nope for me it does make sense. Sorry... ? The description mentions only separator and stuff like this, nothing about page selector. I would never have activated this option since I don't really need/want to modify those options. But I guess if it works, I will be fine with that! ?
  14. Hi, Does this works in 1.8.10 (PW 3.0.106)? I don't see this selector. Thanks!
  15. Hi @Mike Rockett Sorry, I forgot to mention. I updated last week to the last dev version 3.105. It should be related to either PW version or PHP version, since on my production website, with the same settings and same data, it works fine. I was able to delimited to a specific part : I received error for the "congress field". I tried to change the data or even empty, but it didn't change the error. Even deleting "<div class='title is-6'><a href='{$c->url}'>{$c->congress}</a></div>" doesn't help. Everywhere else in the website where it uses this field, I get the same error. Thanks! EDIT: I refine more the issue by comparing my different fields, problematic or not. This field have some <sup></sup> (I export data from a other software, and it's difficult to remove them). Could it be the problem? It wasn't in previous version of PW.
  16. Hi, I currently updating my website, and run with problem with Typographer. I use version 0.4.0 on local 7.0.30-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Strangely I have this problem only in my home page (other pages seems to work), so I guess it's a specific setting but no idea which one. Can you see it? Thanks! Mel
  17. Hi, I guess I found a side effect of your last update (I suppose because of the hook). The "New" link now appear on front-end when pagefield is used in formbuilder. It's not that I don't want even if it's contradict module's name (!) (in fact, could help me), but the link doesn't work anyway. Give a strange url : /undefinedpage/add/?parent_id=1050&template_id=46&modal=1 For now, I will downgrade, because I need this functionality in admin. Thanks
  18. Hi. I'm eager to present you my website, officially released last week. It's multilingual website about a science&techno event (science popularization) which be held in May, in Québec, Canada. Organizers can register their events with Form builder and those events are display on front-end. http://science24heures.com I take the opportunity to thanks everyone who answer my questions, update their module or even create new one! I will not name people, because I will for sure forget some... I still have some issues with the website, but it's a work-in-progress, and I still have a lot of features I want to add for next year. By the meantime, comments and suggestions are welcome (just take in account it's not my job, but I volunteer for this organization for many years and suggested them to rebuild the website which was 12 years old (!)) Thanks again for PW and this community. I learned a lot of new knowledge (forms, hooks, svg more php and css, just naming some) along this journey... Mélanie
  19. ah, fell dumb, found it: $uniques = array(); foreach ($page->date_rp as $date) { foreach ($date->date_gp as $d) { $uniques[$d->id] = strftime('%e %h', $d->getUnformatted("date")); } } foreach ($uniques as $id => $date) { $out .= $date; } Thanks
  20. Hi, I need to find unique date. With help here, I'm able to filter to unique results. However, I'm not sure if I stored the date as datefield, so I can manipulate it after. $uniques = array(); foreach ($page->date_rp as $date) { foreach ($date->date_gp as $d) { $uniques[$d->id] = $d->date; } foreach ($uniques as $id => $date) { $out .= strftime('%e %h', $date->getUnformatted("date")) ; //Exception: Call to a member function getUnformatted() on string } } date_rp is a repeater. date_gp is a PageArray containing a page with the field date (datetime field) Thanks!
  21. Ah, didn't know that. Many weeks to don't understand what happens... Thanks!
  22. Hi Does someone see problem with those translation? Only the first ones (évenement and partenaires) are picked up by the translation file. $out .= "<p class='column border'>". __('Évenement') . "<br />" . __('présenté par') . "</p>"; $out .= "<p class='column border'>". __('Partenaires') . "<br />" . __('majeurs') . "</p>"; Thanks
  23. Hum. Doesn't work all the time. I still have the error message "please add map.google.com script in your document head" even if it's there. Does something else could interfere? Because in some pages it's works fine.
  24. Thanks, but responsive tooks too much space in desktop version, even if it's was fine in mobile version. I found a way to specify some CSS rules. Thanks.
  25. Oh... Don't know why but I was sure it didn't work if not. Thanks!
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