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Lance O.

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Everything posted by Lance O.

  1. Yeah, still not helpful for my (potential) clients. The default CMS in my locale is WordPress. Everyone here knows what WordPress is, but 99% haven't heard of ProcessWire. So sometimes selling ProcessWire as a solution is a difficult task, despite ProcessWire's obvious advantages. Potential clients that are on the fence will usually do their own research on the ProcessWire site. Providing release dates of previous versions in the "About" section of the site seems like a logical location for this type of information, since that is where most of my clients end up first. I'll also add that one of the criticisms of WordPress is the frequency of the updates. Clearly ProcessWire isn't updated as often (which isn't a bad thing). Wouldn't making this information easier to find be to ProcessWire's advantage?
  2. btw, I vote for an informational page similar to the following (maybe linked from the public Road Map), so that when a visitor is investigating ProcessWire and wants to know the frequency of previous updates, they are able to find it without having to perform a search in the forum or visit another site. https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Versions
  3. Thanks, that helps! Looks like there has been a public release at least twice a year and within about 8 months of each other.
  4. Is there a page that lists all of the release dates for previous versions of PW?
  5. @renobird Your approach sounds simpler than creating a front end system. I'm curious to know: Did you create a front end registration form that adds the user to PW, or did you add users manually? When a user has only page-view and profile-edit permissions, the landing page they are taken to once they log in is a blank page with a "Continue" link to the site's Home page. Did you somehow add another page to the admin? Did you create a new PW Admin theme? I'd love to have more insight on your approach.
  6. Sorry, this project never got off the ground, but I do have a personal project planned where I would use similar functionality. I'll try to report my findings here when I find time to work on that project.
  7. By chance, this same error just occurred on another site I am developing. Again, manually setting parent_id to 0 in the database fixed the problem. Glad to see that you found the culprit. Looking forward to seeing a fix in the next release.
  8. This is in response to the following posts: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5083-possible-bug-page-fieldtype-with-custom-selector-to-find-selectable-pages-returns-error-while-saving-page/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5683-inputfield-page-with-selector-rolesrole-page-1022-is-not-valid-for-field/ I am currently working on a site where I am using a Page field to assign multiple "products" to an individual "part". The "products" Page field stopped working recently and instead produces a "Page {ID} is not valid for {FIELD}" error. (Unfortunately, I'm not sure when it stopped working, but a design partner reported it to me today.) I created a second Page field that used the exact same settings. The second Page field worked with no problems. When I exported both fields to compare them, I noticed that the original Page field had a parent_id of 1052 assigned to it. When I manually changed that parent_id to 0 to match the working Page field via phpMyAdmin, the original Page field started working correctly again. Below are two exported fields. The first ("products") is the Page field that was giving me errors. The second ("products_test") is the test field I created that worked with no problems. I looked in my database and did not find any record of 1052, so I can only assume that it must have been a page that was deleted at some point. If it was deleted, then perhaps that id value wasn't removed from the Page field at that time? { "products": { "id": 147, "type": "FieldtypePage", "flags": 0, "name": "products", "label": "Products", "derefAsPage": 0, "parent_id": 1052, "labelFieldName": "title", "inputfield": "InputfieldAsmSelect", "findPagesCode": "return $pages->find(\"template=product,sort=title\");", "allowUnpub": "", "collapsed": 0, "showIf": "", "columnWidth": 100, "required": "", "requiredIf": "", "template_id": "", "findPagesSelector": "", "defaultValue": "", "addable": "" }, "products_test": { "id": 172, "type": "FieldtypePage", "flags": 0, "name": "products_test", "label": "Products (TEST)", "derefAsPage": 0, "parent_id": 0, "findPagesCode": "return $pages->find(\"template=product,sort=title\");", "labelFieldName": "title", "inputfield": "InputfieldAsmSelect", "allowUnpub": "", "collapsed": 0, "showIf": "", "columnWidth": 100, "required": "", "requiredIf": "", "template_id": "", "findPagesSelector": "", "defaultValue": "", "addable": "" } }
  9. Thank you for the quick responses! It does look like eAccelerator was the issue. It has been removed and replaced with APC and all is working well!
  10. I've made a copy of a site I've developed and installed it on a subdomain of the original domain. Then, I updated PW to 2.5.3, replacing the htacess file, index.php file, and wire directory. When I visit any page of the site, I receive a 500 Internal Server Error. The error log includes the following error: 2015-03-18 12:00:14 ? http://beta.domain.com/?/ Error: Invalid opcode 153/1/8. (line 28 of /home/user/public_html/beta.domain.com/wire/modules/Session/SessionLoginThrottle/SessionLoginThrottle.module) I've tried the methods on this page, but with no luck: https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/ The server is using eAccelerator, if that matters. Any insight is appreciated.
  11. @adrian Just sent you a Dropbox link. Thanks!
  12. I just came across this same issue with PW 2.5.3. When SVG images are uploaded, PW stalls and won't create the thumbnail image. When I add the dimensions to the SVG file as suggested, the thumbnail image isn't generated and won't properly display on the public site (broken image shown in both cases). :-(
  13. I just discovered that if you create child pages of a parent page, then decide to add a PageTable field that includes template of the existing child pages, those child pages won't be available to add to the PageTable field on the parent page. In other words, if you are going to use a PageTable field, it appears that you'll need to make sure you create this field before you start adding child pages.
  14. Ah, I see it now after a bit of testing. Thanks for the insight and quick response!
  15. @Macrura Thanks for your response. Your examples help me understand when to use PageTables. You mentioned that "you can add pages not through the page table, and it will pick them up and ask you if you want to add them." What are you referring to here?
  16. I was going to start a new post but will piggyback on this one since my questions are related. As Ryan has stated previously: "PageTable lets you choose where [pages] should live, whether as children of the page being edited, or as children of some other parent page you designate." Can someone elaborate on the pros and cons of storing pages as children of the page being edited vs. children of some other page? I also understand that no matter the location of the child pages, additional child pages can only be added by using the PageTable field that has been set up. Are there some cases where it is better to hide stored pages under some other page to prevent confusion (from the client) when editing? It would also be helpful to know what types of data are most appropriate for PageTables. For instance, instead of using a repeater field, would the use of PageTables be more appropriate for PDF files that need to include additional fields, such as description or category?
  17. Wow, how did I miss the addition of the field export/import capability to ProcessWire? This is fantastic and exactly what I needed! Thanks, kongondo!
  18. Adding fields via the API is much faster than adding them using the Admin. If I can create a library of custom field sets, I can save a lot of time setting up a site or adding to an existing one. Thanks for your response, kongondo. I'll check out the resources you mentioned.
  19. I would like to create sets of custom fields that can be added using the API to sites as I need them. For example, if one of my clients has an existing site developed in ProcessWire and needs a blog added, I would like to use the API to add a set of custom fields specific to a blog. As another example, I may need to add a set of custom fields for social media links. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a resource that lists every property needed for each field type. How do I know which properties to set? Or is there a way to output fields and properties for an existing installation of ProcessWire?
  20. Include the slideshow code in the template where you want the slideshow to display.
  21. Depending on the project, I'll set up slides in one of two ways: I'll create a repeating field named "slideshow" that contains an image, a text field, and a link field. This repeating field resides in a tab on templates that use a slideshow, such as the Home page. Or, I'll create a parent template named "slideshow," then create a child template named "slide" that contains an image, a text field, and a link field. The text and link fields are optional and only need to be included if each slide contains HTML text and/or is linked. Once the slides are populated in the CMS, I'll use Cycle2's API to set the slideshow options for that particular project in my template. http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/api/ Here is a simplified example of the code. You'll need to set your own options for the slideshow based on your project requirements. $items = $page->slideshow_repeater; // if using repeater field // $items = $page->children("template=slide,sort=sort"); // if using pages echo "<div id='slideshow'>"; echo "<div class='cycle-slideshow'"; echo " data-cycle-fx='fade'"; echo " data-cycle-loader='wait'"; echo " data-cycle-slides='> .slide'"; echo " data-cycle-speed='500'"; echo " data-cycle-swipe='true'"; echo " data-cycle-timeout='4000'"; echo ">"; foreach ( $items as $item ) { echo "<div class='slide'>"; echo "<a href='{$item->link}'>"; echo "<img src='{$item->image->url}' alt='{$image->description}'>"; echo "</a>"; echo "</div>"; // slide } echo "</div>"; // cycle-slideshow echo "</div>"; // slideshow Here is a site I developed earlier this year that uses different implementations of the Cycle2 plugin and ProcessWire: http://prcss.in/rosendale
  22. I highly recommend jQuery Cycle 2. I've been using it and the earlier version for years and absolutely love it. And I can easily integrate slides into ProcessWire. http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/
  23. @soma Looks like that fix did the trick! Thank you for updating. I think I'm going to get a lot of use from this module.
  24. Oops, for some reason, the module isn't detecting my custom CSS file. My path is correct: site/templates/notes/notes.css and the file exists when I visit it in a browser. I'm using PW 2.4.0.
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