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Marty Walker

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Everything posted by Marty Walker

  1. Something along those lines would be fantastic. Regards Marty
  2. This is great Ryan, thank you! My only comment is that Vimeo seems to default to https - for me at least. When I tried entering a url like the formatter didn't seem to catch it. To my surprise I could see how to fix it by duplicating the vimeo section and adding changing it to https. Scary!
  3. Can't wait to give this a try. I've been using Minify a lot recently. Regards Marty
  4. Hi, This is the second version of Electric Firefly I've been involved in creating. This version was the most fun to work on. http://www.electricfirefly.com.au/ Go and buy a lamp. They're great Cheers Marty
  5. Hi, I really do like how PW crops and resizes images but, you know, I always want more So my little wish list goes like this: Set quality on the fly: $thumb = $image->size(100,100,75) - some images like logos need 90% quality and some would only need 75. And you could argue that some could cop a 50% hit in image quality - full page background images for example. Set the position of where the crop takes place ala phpThumb (useful yet hideous in many ways): $thumb = $image->size(100,100,90,TL) or $thumb = $image->size(100,100,90,TR) or $thumb = $image->size(100,100,90,C) Cheers Marty
  6. Hi, This is another oldie I spent a few hours converting away from EE. http://soksabairesort.com/ Regards Marty
  7. Hi Philipp, Chrome on OS X likes it but I get some strange things happening in Firefox (13). I can't collapse any fields or use the PageListSelect. Regards Marty
  8. Thanks Pete for getting my heart started this morning without the need for any caffeine
  9. Do you have a link to this information?
  10. Hi, These two sites have existed for quite a while but they've recently been converted to ProcessWire from Textpattern and ExpressionEngine respectively. http://tracktime-asia.com/ - it also got a slight design upgrade in the process. I couldn't help myself. http://arwa.org.au/ Regards Marty
  11. Thanks Philipp. You're right of course. I'll fix that up. Regards Marty
  12. Hi Marc, Thanks. Yes it was. I just took a split tree approach. This thread helped: http://processwire.c..._yaml#entry6537 ...as did this post by Alistair Monk: http://codeordie.pos...processwire-cms For the navigation it gets gnerated depending on what tree I'm in: <?php $homepage = $pages->get("/$lang/"); $children = $homepage->children; $children->prepend($homepage); echo "<ul class='nav'>"; foreach($children as $child) { $class = $page === $child ? " class='current'" : ''; echo "<li$class><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; But because the French navigation is longer than the English version I need to style it differently by using: <body id='<?=$lang;?>'> ... then #fr ul.nav { ... } Regards Marty
  13. Hi, Small multilingual site for Free To Be Kids in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. http://www.freetobekids-drc.org/ Regards Marty
  14. Hi, I'm in the process of quoting on a project (a paying job at that). I can handle quite a bit of it myself but there's some of it that's definitely well beyond my reach - think user accounts and front-end stuff. I'd like to hear from anyone with good PW API/PHP chops to see if the project I've got can actually be done in PW successfully, and if they're interested work with them on it depending on whether my bid gets the go-ahead. I know I could probably use another CMS for this but I really would like to use PW for various reasons. I look forward to hearing from... someone. Regards Marty martin{at}smd.net.au or skype: smdnetau
  15. Really looking forward to picking through this.
  16. Hi vanderbreye, I'd love to see something like this is PW. I've used one or two add-ons for ExpressionEngine that do similar. Are you, by chance, planning any features that allow users to only have access to the files they've uploaded? Regards Marty
  17. Thanks diogo! Thanks again to everyone for your help. This is what I've cobbled together for those interested: Archive include - which outputs the years: <?php $today = time(); $bloglist = $pages->get("/journal/")->children("publish_date<$today"); foreach($bloglist as $blogyear) { $pubyear = strtotime("{$blogyear->publish_date}"); $urlyear = date("Y", $pubyear); if (!in_array($urlyear, $years)) { echo "<a href='/journal/" . $urlyear . "'>$urlyear</a><br/>"; $years[] = $urlyear; } } And my list page. My template has 'Allow URL Segments' set to on in the admin: <?php $thisyear = date("Y"); $year = (int) $input->urlSegment1; $blog = $page->children("sort=-publish_date, publish_date>=$year-01-01, publish_date<=$year-12-31"); foreach($blog as $blogitem) { $str = "{$blogitem->publish_date}"; $publishyear = strtotime($str); $urlyear = date("Y", $publishyear); echo "<h2><a href='{$blogitem->url}'>{$blogitem->title}<span class='date'>{$blogitem->publish_date}</span></a></h2>"; echo "<p class='summary'>{$blogitem->summary}</p>"; } // For fun if(!$blogitem AND $year<$thisyear) echo "<p class='summary'>" . $pages->get('/settings/no-entries')->setting . " $year."; if(!$blogitem AND $year>$thisyear) echo "<p class='summary'>" . $pages->get('/settings/future-entries')->setting . ""; Regards Marty
  18. Thanks everyone for your help so far. I think I'll stick to archives by year. I was trying to setup a 'poor man's' way of outputting the year each article was published ad then link directly to each year (which I have working elsewhere via urlSegment1). <?php $today = time(); $bloglist = $pages->get("/journal/")->children("publish_date<$today"); foreach($bloglist as $blogyear) { $pubyear = strtotime("{$blogyear->publish_date}"); $urlyear = date("Y", $pubyear); $yeararray = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $urlyear))); echo "<a href='" . $urlyear . "'>$urlyear</a><br/>"; } ?> From this I'm getting: 2012 2012 2012 etc Is there a quick way of removing the duplicates? Regards Marty
  19. I was right, I don't understand it so I'm wondering if there's a lo-fi way to accomplish this. Is there a way to use urlSegment1 to get posts from a particular year? <?php $year = strtotime("$input->urlSegment1"); $today = time(); $blog = $page->children("sort=-publish_date, publish_date=$year"); foreach($blog as $blogitem) { echo "..."; } Regards Marty
  20. That's fantastic Pete. I won't pretend to understand it all but I'll give a crack. Thanks Marty
  21. Hi Pete, Yes that's close enough to what I need. I'd love a peek at your code Thanks Marty
  22. Hi everyone, I have an existing PW site that has a news section and it's getting quite big. I'd like some pointers as to how to go about listing the entries: 1. by month for the current year and 2. by year for each year past eg 2011, 2010 etc. All the posts have date fields too if that makes it easier. Any help would be great. Thanks Marty
  23. I think I have it sorted and I still think it's a bug but I'll experiment some more later. Thanks for your help diogo!
  24. I think I know what it might be. When I originally added my new template I asked PW to duplicate fields from another template. Just then I created a new template and added the fields manually and it all works now. Regards Marty
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