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Everything posted by arjen

  1. I know what you mean. I see order data as a kind of artifact data which is only relevant to that specific order. Basicly it is stored in the two places, but if the order address changes for the user? You wouldn't want old orders to change the address as wel. So the single source of truth is stored on the user. See my quickly drafted visual:
  2. Exactly my experience. I read a comment from Ryan on another website (Textpattern blog I think) and initially was enthousiastic, but it felt way to developer heavy. Then a few weeks later I gave it another shot and the video instantly hooked me. Based on the other answers here I guess this might be very interesting. It might even be the best marketing idea I heard in a while. Just show the video. No marketing lingo, but the real back-end with a proper front-end. Focussed on the content and the delivery of that particular content on the front-end. Maybe with ProDrafts.
  3. Apologies for the late response but I think @szabesz nailed it: Exactly. That's why I liked Apeisa's original idea of storing the customer data on the order as well. This way you can easily delete the user and its data except for the data necesseray by law like orders.
  4. Hello Winnie, Welcome to the forums. Depending on your background (i.e. are you a designer, front-end developer, back-end developer, content/marketing person or a unicorn?) there are different paths to take. If I suggest you work yourself through the beginner tutorials of ProcessWire. This will give you a better understandig of the inner workings. Also explore the site profiles which comes with installing ProcessWire.
  5. @bernhard no problems here on Mac with Safari & Chrome. I have to say I noticed it once before, but no issues here at the moment.
  6. As a customer I wouldn't be too happy when I chose to order as a guest and there is an account created in the back-end kinda secretly. Lets say the customer after a guest order wants to create an account and the system errors with a message: you already have an account. Imho the only customer data as a guest should be on the invoice/order. Registered users I would prefer as regular PW users with a role indeed.
  7. You can process the queue by calling a script manually, from a seperate cronjob or for example from LazyCron. <?php $modules->get('IftRunner')->processQueue(); // Or if you want to specify how many queues must be executed you can also set a maximum $max = 5; // or whatever how many you want to be executed $modules->get('IftRunner')->processQueue($max);
  8. Hey @louisstephens, how are your experiences with this tool? Like @elabx, I'm curious since Serverpilot is rock solid, but lacking some features. Thanks!
  9. Nice, "pw-optional". Right now I'm finally back in ProcessWire re-building some websites and Markup Regions is a breeze to work with.
  10. Thanks for sharing this. This is something I've heard before too while giving training. I guess the Explorer / Finder kinda sidebar gives people more comfortable feeling. Especially at first sight. Usually within the first session they understand the page tree and the need for the tree in the sidebar. Jup, I've heard this too. This is where ProDrafts comes in. Or one the versioning modules by @teppo. For clients hidden / unpublished isn't always obvious and I believe the need ProDrafts in your base install to give people a comfortable way of to create content. This is a paid module. The funny thing is that while I've heard all your points come up regularly, I have never heard the term messy. All clients find the CMS very clean, focused, easy to navigate since the page tree reflects there website structure. Most say the need to unlearn other experiences like WordPress with the Custom Post Types or Joomla.
  11. Not tested, but could you try: my_float_field=0, my_float_field!=""
  12. How would you handle Analytics? I see you are using Tag Manager, but I'm curious how the triggering of a page works. Thanks in advance!
  13. Hey @pwired and @louisstephens, I was not referring to collecting anonyous data from other installations. Generally I get where the idea is coming from, but I don't think it is going to work from a practical point of view ? I was referring to the "salesand subscriptions from the pro modules". Have you looked at the nomadlist link what kind of data they are showing? I guess that is quite possible - if you want to share it.
  14. I thought about it as wel, but I'm pretty sure it have to be disabled by default and people don't tend to activate these kinds of things. Also statistics about sales and subscriptions from the pro modules would be a nice indicator too. I really like the Open Startup thing created by a Dutch guy. All his products are pretty open for example Nomadlist. This gives a pretty clear insight about popularity. Ofcourse there are many considerations to be taken in place when creating such a thing. But these kind of stats are really cool. And they tend to give more insight in the community.
  15. I don't know if popular is the right word. I have never came accross another person who knew ProcessWire here in The Netherlands. Ofcourse people use it and I got a feeling there is growth. Most people who have used ProcessWire definately keep using it or at least they want to use it. That is on itself a great accomplishment only achieveable by a few people. Same for the good community and such loyal users while the development is solid with great pro modules. I guess it is really hard to break through a next level. Just keep promoting it ?.
  16. Sehr schön! Could you tell us a bit more about the page transitions and preloading? It looks really smooth.
  17. I used to collect automatically how many new users would sign up in the forums per month. Unfortunately this stopped because the new forum update didn't include the overview of new users at the time. Unfortunately I can't find the thread.
  18. Great post Ryan! I am really interested in your "inside out" approach. Would you mind keep sharing some details about your process in the next posts? I'm positive you keep an eye on the quality of the new website.
  19. Hi tandpasta, The pagination workings of ProcessWire are really well documented. Based on your fieldname (bestanden) you are not using pages but a file field? Not sure if this is possible, it might.
  20. You can't send variables through extends. I don't use this module, but you can include variables like this: {% include('engagement.twig') with: {'title': 'your title here'} %} In your engagement.twig you have access to "title". When you want variables on a higher level you can create another block in your base.twig. Read more here.
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