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Everything posted by tpr

  1. Thanks for the feedbacks. I added the ListerPro line and also applied some tweaks to the quicklinks, eg close on mouseleave and don't restrict its width to 230px. I've added an exception to the ListerTweaks so in theory it shouldn't modify ListerPro columns but I can't check whether it works or not. If it's not, I will probably make the columns optional. The jumping column widths on row hover is a design issue, I have no idea atm how to fix it. Probably the easiest one would be to use icons to save some space. @Macrura I think I managed to fix it - some rows were removed that actually isn't needed anymore. @adrian The sidebar can be toggled by the arrows (left-right) though I'm not convinced that this is a good thing (sometimes I accidentally toggle it). I prefer it always on, I'm kinda lost if I don't see it I'll think about it, though I don't know how to make sure they don't see it on their initial view (cookie?). Or you mean to eliminate the sidebar for non-superusers entirely? Module disabled vs template edit action - thanks, corrected. v0997 is up with all these above. I think the first part of this is solved in the latest version. The second part is trickier because the "one-line sidebar menus" can be of arbitrary width, but the quicklinks menu is positioned to fixed so it is not positioned after the sidebar. The "one-line sidebar menus" was an attempt to make it easier to find an item on the sidebar. Perhaps it's time to get rid of it
  2. Thanks, all done in v0996: Edit: please check if the hover action buttons are working in ListerPro if you happen to have it.
  3. Perhaps there's already a keyup event on the input, perhaps try this (note that it's using $(document) to make the event fire even if the elements are added later to the DOM): $(document).on('input propertychange', '#fullname', (function(event) { But Zeka's suggestion could also work.
  4. I couldn't help myself to release a new version that contains a cool feature: preview some changes real-time on AOS module config page. Only checkboxes are involved, so checking items like Sticky header or Autohide sidebar will be previewed instantly. Items that require Js won't work but even with this limitation it's quite useful. Users can see the effect instantly and I can also see if something's not right Note that the module needs to be saved to apply changes. This was quite easy to add because many features are controlled by classes added to the html tag, and these classnames are part of the ID of the checkboxes.
  5. Thanks guys - this is really motivating that the module is useful to you! I want to say thanks to my parents, my workplace allowing me to work on AOS in my freetime (even though its not that evident to them :)), the coffee machines I get in touch during the day and all of you here kicking this module forwards As the module grew the combination of features got so complicated that I can't test everything. My theme of choice is the Reno theme so Default theme fans are somewhat put in the shade but I try to support that too where it doesn't involve unnecessary complications. @Robin S Thanks, I was lazy to test in other browsers than Chrome thoroughly. Now the jumplinks and the outline it should work in FF, IE11 too. @adrian Most of your bug reports are fixed in v0994, except the mini scrollbar one you mentioned (I'll skip this for a while, no idea how to solve). The two-column layout was present in Reno too but only on screen width greater than 1900px. Now I removed the columns entirely, partly because it was causing issues in Chrome and partly because the new config jumplinks makes it easier to find them, even the page is much taller this way. I think it's better this way, textareas are easier to edit and there's no jump when a fieldgroup goes to the next column when its height is changing. The Reno theme issues are interesting. There is a few of them that you can improve with AOS like the empty sidebar (NavItems) or change the logo (using custom Js/CSS), others would require deeper modifications that AOS can't solve I think. And some of them are cosmetic which AOS could fix, I'll check them if they start to frustrate me as well
  6. I guess I'm missing something, but what benefits does this new View Mode have over the Edit Mode? The AOS filter can search for any text in the rows (eg. page name, template name) so it's reducing its functionality. I can tweak the filter to trigger the Edit icon instead the View if you think this would be the main benefit.
  7. v0993 is up, incorporating bernhard's suggestions, including the github readme link and jumplinks to each submodule's configuration fields in the submodule "panels": The latest PW dev (3.0.40) has changes in some CSS classses (dropdown -> pw-dropdown) and AOS was adjusted for this. If you find that somewhere it's not working as it should, please report.
  8. You can use Tracy Debugger for catching emails (Mail panel). https://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-tracy-debugger/#mail-panel
  9. It seems that this *reputation* sticks with me even though I'm clean Nomen est omen? Ontopic: this is a great module, simple and minimal, comes handy for quick modifications when there's no editor or IDE at hand.
  10. Looks fancy, but this would add another layer of complexity to the header from development POV (Default vs Reno theme, notifications, etc). Plus the header elements in the admin are not having one common wrapper so it would make things even more problematic. Or have you thought about the (dark) masthead only?
  11. Thanks, the duplicated modules were there because there was an extra "small" tag inside the module's name (in the "new modules" tab). I've fixed this in my working copy. The TOC is a good idea for the documentation. I know that the top submodule toggles are somewhat detached from their configuration fields but I couldn't find an easy way to make it more clear.
  12. I may be alone with this but I feel more productive without CSS frameworks. A small grid is OK but the rest is better to be custom. There is always something I need differently done and then the framework only hinders me.
  13. There could be a region_append, region_prepend or similar functions, or perhaps a third argument append/prepend. I'm fine with the + too, and while I see it's benefits I think I will not use it as it doesn't fit in my workflow.
  14. Download AdminOnSteroids.css and replace the one in your modules folder, or edit AdminOnSteroids.module and set a lower version number, eg. '98', then Refresh modules and finally check for updates.
  15. Thanks, just uploaded a fix to GitHub and the Modules directory (no version change). I haven't noticed this because I had Tooltips turned on.
  16. Thanks - try v099, the lister type is determined by url instead id.
  17. Could you check the id of your Lister page? Perhaps it's not always 1007.
  18. Another update (v097): the "Add new" block is prepended-appended to the flattened module list. I think this is more usable than a jumplink that scrolls to the bottom.
  19. v095 adds a new tweak "Do not distribute modules into tabs" to ModuleTweaks. This results in a flattened module list, without duplications, which makes easier to find a module, especially when using the filter box. The "Add new module" block is in the bottom of the page. I'll probably add a jumplink to that location later for easier access. This feature is JavaScript powered and slows down the Modules page loading a bit but imo one or two extra seconds is worth for the benefits.
  20. Module updated to v094. The ctrl+arrow navigation was added to paginated filterboxes (AdminDataTables), and moduleFilter filterbox has also got a simiar feature to navigate between tabs having matches. There were also many small updates to the filterboxes in general, now I think they have everything that such a feature can have There are also small anchored links to GitHub readme in the top Submodules section. I'm not entirely satisfied with this because even though the links are correct the images are loaded after the page jumps to the anchor and pushes the target section out of the screen. Anyway, it's a GitHub issue imo that I can't fix.
  21. Filterbox pagination workaround sneak peak (filter with ctrl-right, ctrl-left):
  22. Thanks! Of course I know about the ajax issue but that's not something the filterbox feature will solve Docs link - I've thought about that but haven't figured out how to do exactly. What I have in mind to add links to docs sections to each submodule (top rectangles).
  23. Thanks AOS is my free time spent right News for today: I've added a filterbox to the Language Translator (v0.9.3):
  24. v091 brings useful updates to the AdminDataTable filters like counter, invert search using "!" and some badass CSS styling, plus many improvements under the hood. The new submodule ListerTweaks is also included, which now respects the Lister bookmarks too. There was an important fix to ctrl+s feature of Hotkeys - if the Source dialog of a CKEditor is opened then ctrl+s won't save the underlying page but trigger the OK button in the dialog.
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