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Everything posted by Zeka

  1. You can try to use the third option in file compiler options of template. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.14-updates-file-compiler-fields-and-more/#new-compiler-option-for-templates or // FileCompiler=0 https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.14-updates-file-compiler-fields-and-more/#how-to-bypass-the-file-compiler
  2. My suggestion $temp = $pages->find('template=trip, tripdata_category='.$page); $trips = new PageArray(); foreach($temp as $tp) { if($tp->tripdata_category->first() == $page) $trips->add($tp); }
  3. Hi @tpr Trying to access "admin/page/lister/" when lister tweaks are switched on I get: Undefined variable: listerType on line 729 719: $defaultData = self::getDefaultData(); 720: 721: // 1007: Find 722: // 29: Users 723: if ($pageID == 1007) { 724: $listerType = 'ListerTweaks_find'; 725: } elseif ($pageID == 29) { 726: $listerType = 'ListerTweaks_users'; 727: } 728: 729: $defaultFields = $defaultData[$listerType]; 730: 731: if (!empty(self::$configData[$listerType])) { 732: foreach (self::$configData[$listerType] as $ff) { 733: if ($ff == '[DEFAULTS]') { PW 3.0.39 Steroids 0.9.8
  4. Yeah, I've just tested it and only output of view is cached without global layout.
  5. Hi @pwFoo. What about page cache? Will it work with this approach?
  6. Hi @Michael van Laar For selectable pages in your page field, try the "Custom PHP code to find selectable pages" option... return $pages->find("parent=/blog/, author={$this->user->name}");
  7. Hi @Matthi if($input->post->name) { ... } Did you try this? And maybe this link will be useful https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.14-updates-file-compiler-fields-and-more/#best-practices-with-fields-and-values
  8. Hi. 1. Dotted folders in "module" folder. E.g. I use AdminOnSteroids, so in "module" folder I have AdminOnSteroid folder and along with it I have the same dotted version of this folder. What is the purpose of the second folder? Can it be deleted? 2. Uploading of some folders from site assets I have just started to use vinyl-ftp for ftp deploy by gulp task. So I try to decress amount of files to upload to remote host. Based on this I have one question: Is it safe to exclude these folder from upload? assets/cache assets/logs assets/sessions Thanks.
  9. @Robin S Thanks for creating an issue, but I not sure that my fix is covering all cases. Maybe somebody from more experienced members can check it.
  10. Hi @Robin S I can confirm that this method has unexpected behavior. Not sure, but I think that this: public function maxSize($width, $height, $options = array()) { $w = $this->width(); $h = $this->height(); if($w >= $h) { if($w > $width && $h > $height) { return $this->size($width, $height, $options); } else { return $this->maxWidth($width, $options); } } else { if($w > $width && $h > $height) { return $this->size($width, $height, $options); } else { return $this->maxHeight($height, $options); } } } should be public function maxSize($width, $height, $options = array()) { $w = $this->width(); $h = $this->height(); if($w >= $h) { return $this->maxWidth($width, $options); } else { return $this->maxHeight($height, $options); } }
  11. @Mike Rockett Yes, English is not default language. I have this setup: / - default lang /en/ - English /ua/ - Ukrainian So if I have understood you correctly, the best workarout in my case is to use separete wildcards for non default languages?
  12. Hi @Mike Rockett and thanks you again for your effort for solving my previous problem, but here goes new one. Old site urls: products/poulty.html en/products/poulty.html New site urls: products/poulty/ en/products/poulty/ On new site just "products" is real page, poulty is url segment and I redirect usr segments without ending slash to url with ending slash. That is way I use ending slash in wildcards. Wildcard Source: products/{name}.html/ Destination: products/{name}/ In this way it works as expected, but it doesn't cover multilaguage urls, so I try to use additional wildcard Sorce: {lg}/products/{name}.html/ Destination: {lg}/products/{name} I get in debug 404 Page Not Found Checked Mon, 17 Oct 2016 15:16:23 +0300 Request: http://site.dev/en/en/products/sheep.html/ ProcessWire Version: 3.0.37 Scanning for jumplinks... [Checking jumplink #1] - Original Source Path: about-us.html - Compiled Source Path: about-us.html No match there... [Checking jumplink #3] - Original Source Path: products/{name}.html/ - After Smart Wildcards: products/{name:segment}.html/ - Compiled Source Path: products/([\w_-]+).html/ No match there... [Checking jumplink #4] - Original Source Path: {lg}/products/{name}.html/ - After Smart Wildcards: {lg}/products/{name:segment}.html/ - Compiled Source Path: {lg}/products/([\w_-]+).html/ No match there... No matches, sorry. We'll let your 404 error page take over when Debug Mode is turned off. As you can see in request url I have this (double "en" slug) Request: http://site.dev/en/en/products/sheep.html/ insted of url in address bar http://site.dev/en/products/sheep.html/ I don't have a clue why urs changes in request url. What do you think about that? Maybe I do something wrong in wildcard?
  13. Yeah, UKit has a lot of cool components. Just hope that it will be build with mixins and functions in the same way as Foundation is built, so we can make our markup more semantic.
  14. @Mike Rockett Thanks for your suggetions and effort. I deleted last_hit column, after that I got error Failed to init module: ProcessJumplinks - SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'process_jumplinks_nf' already exists So I deleted this table too and after that, finally Jumplinks started to work. Thanks!!!
  15. @Mike Rockett I have disabled TracyDebbuger, AdminOnSteroids, turned on debug in Jumplinks configuration ... and I don't see debug message on frontend. But I have great amout or errors in module log
  16. @Mike Rockett No, I don't use such module. Could you point me to it? I was thinking that it could be conflict with redirect module, so I uninstalled it, but nothing has changed. Project on localhost. Source about-us.html Destination /company/about-us/
  17. Hi @Mike Rockett. Thanks for this module. After installation I get this error: ProcessJumplinks - SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'last_hit' There were some posts relative to this error earlier, where was suggestion to reinstall module, but i didn't work for my in my case.. It looks like it doesn't work at all for me. I created simple jumplink, turned on 404 Monitor, went to url which was defined as source for jumplink. I got notification about 404 error in notification bar, but there was no redirect and 404 monitor is empty. Do you have any suggestions how to deal with it?Or do I something wrong? PW 3.0.35
  18. Thanks for useful module. Just wanted to notice that it works as expected on PW 3
  19. @Mike Rockett Nooo.. I'm sorry for suggestion of not working code. I have just tried to and it did not work as I expected. So it is definitely more complicated task than I thought.
  20. Removed Sorry for wrong code
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