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Everything posted by tires

  1. Oh! Thats a real problem and could be an security issue as well! ?
  2. It works in Teppos fork as well. Just for me to understand, what if i install the module via the backend? Will the files from the bugfixed fork be download or the old files from Apeisa?
  3. Just in case, you love the module as much as i do ... and you think it looks a bit old fashioned. I did a little styling update (just the css and a few fether svg icons): To use it just put the attached files to site\modules\AdminBar @Apeisa: You may apply this to the original module if you like! AdminBar.zip
  4. Any further ideas or solutions??? ?
  5. Thanks for your answer bee8bit! This code lines are allready in the latest version of the InputfieldMapMarker.js Or do i have to change this part?
  6. I use the a FieldtypeMapMarker inside of a repeater field. Since the update of google api, the map don't display when i open a ne repeater. I shows only after i save the page. Is it a problem with the api, the field in combination with a repeater or with the configuration on my site?
  7. You are right. The tags should be saved as a new page via page reference field. I guess that is the most common way to handle it, right?
  8. Delimiters are good ... but i think a bit to complicated for inexperienced users. My idea was to keep it simpler: If the subject of the email is "My super test email #test #cool #funky", the title of my page should be "My super test email" an the tags should be "test", "cool" and "funky".
  9. oh, thats easy!!! Thanks!!! I was talking about the template cache.
  10. I want to use tags in the pages i create (in addition to categories). Is there a way to split an email text (for example the subject text) with an hash (#) to save it in a field? Or is there a better way to do this?
  11. I am pretty a newbie in this "cache" thing. It seems to be that there is no way to cleare the cache after changing a template file (like my "footer.inc") without this module. Is that right??? Or did i made a mistake? This module realy need to be in the modules directory!
  12. For some strange reasons the script outputs two words for the german word "präsident": "pr" and "sident". Probabely the script stops at "ä". But in the text fields the code isn't encoded this way. Or is there a problem with "ä" etc.? Any ideas???
  13. WOW!!! Thanks a lot!!! Works perfect! I just changed the code for output: // output $words = most_frequent_words(implode(' ', $words), $stop_words, $limit_list); foreach ($words as $word => $value) { echo $word."(".$value.")"; } And i used this german "stopword list": https://github.com/stopwords-iso/stopwords-de To have some kind of "page statitics" module (used words, number of pages, number of comments, last edited pages ... etc.) would be a great idea.
  14. Hi! Is there a module or a best practise to find the most frequent words used in text fields and textarea fields of pages (a few hundrets). I want to build some kind of "word" cloud with these words. Thank you an have a nice day!
  15. Yes, is it standard when it is an opt-out. But with opt-in this behavior should be different i think (i.e. do nothing or disable cookies).
  16. It seems that if i hit the "x" icon to close the banner (.pwcmb-widget__close::before) cookies are set to "y". Probably beacause of the class "js-pwcmb-allow-cookies" ... Is that by purpose? I fixed it by deleting the class "js-pwcmb-allow-cookies" in the module file notice.tpl.php on line 18. And by adding this code in the module file CookieManagementBanner.js on line 150: $('.pwcmb-widget__close').on('click', function() { cookieMonster.ui.showMessage(); cookieMonster.block(); });
  17. Ok, i find out a way myself. I set up a new js file, include this in the foot of my website and added this function: function loadGAonConsent(){ window.ga=window.ga||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', 'UA-000000-0', 'auto'); ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true); ga('send', 'pageview'); var gascript = document.createElement("script"); gascript.async = true; gascript.src = "https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(gascript, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]); } and also this three lines to check if the cookie has been set: if(localStorage.getItem('pwcmbAllowCookies')){ loadGAonConsent(); } To exclude browsers that got the no-track option on you can use this: if(localStorage.getItem('pwcmbAllowCookies') == 'y' && navigator.doNotTrack != 1 && navigator.doNotTrack != "yes" && window.doNotTrack != 1 && navigator.msDoNotTrack != 1){ loadGAonConsent(); } Would be great if there were a "only show cookie banner if do not track is off" checkbox in the module ... or something simular.
  18. I installed this very helpful module in order to get an opt-in banner for google analytics. Could you give me a hint which steps i have to do, to get this running? Thanks a lot!
  19. Solved this problem for one of my sites today with this three steps: Changed the page name of the new homepage into "home" (because of the navigation) Inserted this code into the old home.php template file: echo $pages->get(1234)->render(); // "1234" is the page id of the new home page Inserted this code into the config.php: $config->guestUserPageID = 1234; // "1234" is the page id of the new home page It works perfect. Even with segmets if the old homepage template has switched on "allow URL segments". Just want to share this one ...
  20. I set this value to "0" but the pause-overlay is displayed anyway!!! The generated iframe code looks like this: <iframe style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;' width="760" height="428" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/abc123?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> PS. i use this module code https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/TextformatterVideoEmbed/pull/12
  21. Just googled that one where you can see a screenshot: https://www.freedomdv.com/youtube-adds-another-relatedsuggested-videos-overlay-on-embedded-videos/
  22. No, these "ytp-pause-overlay" is displayed anyway. Is there another way to hide this?
  23. FYI: According to this information: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44027851/how-to-remove-pause-menu-class-ytp-pause-overlay-from-youtube-embed The overlay is influenced by this code: showinfo=0?ecver=2
  24. Very helpful module! Is there a setting to hide this ugly "ytp-pause-overlay"?
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