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Everything posted by tires

  1. Here is what i see (Firefox, Windows 10): Yes, that is what i meant. I am looking forward to this feature.
  2. Thanks a lot!!! I will try it out soon! Wouldn`t that be a helpful add on to the textarea or the image module (for example "exclude images that are already rendered on page").
  3. Like to see how the module is growing! There is a little mistake with the logo in the uikit theme. And the order of the elements i added to "Items displayed in the admin bar" is not adopting the right way.
  4. My updated theme is attached. tires.zip
  5. Thank you! So there is no way to handle it with processwire and i have to use php? Did you tried this method and can you post a code snippet?
  6. Hello! I got a template containing a textarea and an image field. The files from the image field are sometimes inserted into the textarea (CKEditor). If that is the case i dont want to show (output) them again. If not i want to show (output) them below the textarea. I there a way to check, if an image is already outputted on the page?
  7. Hi Teppo! Great job! I added some improvements to my theme and a little responsive part too. Maybe you would like to add the new css to the module. The new responsive view (max-width: 650px): theme.css
  8. Little addition for the module. I wanted to add a link to the saved article in the Notify mail. So i changed: 211 'notes'=>"Possible shortcodes:\n{editlink} to insert a link to edit the page\n{pagelink} to insert a link to the page\n{pagetitle} for the title of the new page\n{publishstatus} for 'unpublished' or 'published'"), and added: 723 $text = str_replace('{pagelink}', $page->httpUrl, $text); PS. There are to many "s" in all "Posssible"s in the module ...
  9. @apeisa I think this is a pretty helpful module, especially for unexperienced users. Which way / module do you use instead, to quick and easally edit pages?
  10. Thank you!!! This is great!!! I think this module is worth to be listed in the modules section!
  11. Still some problems. Some mails from the same sender are saved as page so are not! The only difference i can see in the sourcecode of the mail is the "x-spam-status". This is not saved as page: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-6.6 required=9999.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 This is saved as page: X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.9 required=9999.0 tests=BAYES_20 autolearn=disabled version=3.4.0 Strange, isn't it?
  12. Hi! I want to edit child pages via edit links from the parent page. I tried to add this code on the parent page if($page->editable()) echo "<a href='/backend/page/edit/?id=".$childpage->id."&modal=1'>edit</a>"; Unfortunately the <ul id='adminbar'> ... don't load on the parent page. What can i do?
  13. One last thing: Is it possible to add a target="_blank" automatically to all my the new links?
  14. THANKS A LOT!!! It works perfectly well! There was just two ")" to much ... in line 60 if(preg_match("~^https?://{$hostname}~i", $url))) return false; and in line 65 if(preg_match('~^https?://~i', $url))) return true; I changed that and made a module out of the code (see attachment), so that others can use it. To use it just unzip it and put the TextformatterExternalRedirect.module in the directory /site/modules/TextformatterExternalRedirect. TextformatterExternalRedirect.zip
  15. Ok, i compared the sourcecode of the "period containing" and the "non period containing" emails more closer. It seemed to be some "X-Spam" infos in the mail head that might be the problem. I also tried a nother "period containing" mailaddress without any problems.
  16. Hi! I want to change the output of some text from my textarea. In detail i want to search for all links an replace the url with a new one. For example: When there is a link in the textarea like this Some text and a <a href="https://google.com">link</a>. I want the output to be like this Some text and a <a href="/my-redirect-link/?link=https://google.com">link</a>. Which is the easiest way to achieve this?
  17. This is really strange! I sent my (exactly same) test mail from the same email provider one from the "non period containing email" without any problems and one from the "period containing email" with the described errors. I dont know, if i am able to debug the module. But i will have a look.
  18. @adrian I can see the "period containing" mails on the mailserver, they being read and deleted with the cronjob. But they don't appear as page. I tried every setting. It neither work with "whitelist" nor with "only users" ...
  19. Ok, it is finally working with the Version 1.3.3! But there is an interesting bug: if the from email contains a period like "my.mail@email.com" the module don't save the mail as a page! It takes me a few minutes to find it out.
  20. I just see when i am logged in there is an error message: In line 724 in this file there is this code $published = $page->is(Page::statusUnpublished) ? 'unpublished' : 'published'; What else can i do to debug? By the way, these are my module settings:
  21. I got a new problem with the new version. One of the mails on the server creates a new article each time the mails are downloaded. Because of a cronjob there are now a bunch of articles with the same content. How is the way the module looks if there is already an article with this title etc.? Or is there a way to delete the mails after download? Any ideas?
  22. Sorry for the late answer! THANK YOU for the reply an debugging of the module! I will take a look ...
  23. Great Module! But i have problems with the {pagetitle} in the "notify subject" field, even in the latest version. When i recieve the notify email the word "{pagetitle}" itself is in the subject. The same shortcode in the Notify Body works fine. By the way, is there a way to use other shortcodes here and in the Notify Body such as {pagelink}, {author}, {publishdate} and so on?
  24. Same issue here! Installation run on xampp. I think shortly after i updated from 3.0.98 to 3.0.123 it started with these "failed to load ckeditor.js: Page Not Found" alert. What i recognized than was that the ckeditor.js in fact isn't in the requested directory under wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldCKEditor/ckeditor-4.10.1 How could that be? What do i have to do? Am i the only one whis these kind of errormessage?
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