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Everything posted by justb3a

  1. Sorry for the late reply, somehow I missed your answer. As I understand, you want to combine fields. This is not possible at the moment. How did you solve your request? If you need any hookable function, just let me know, I'll add it.
  2. @Ivan Gretsky: In most cases I use a little capistrano script to deploy my projects. There is a release folder which keeps the latest five (for example, configurable) releases. The latest release is a symlink to a folder named current. Furthermore there is a shared folder, which keeps environment specific stuff like configs, files, caches, logs. These folders and files are also symlinks. I don't have to create the symlinks manually, capistrano does this for me. ls -lah current -> /var/www/project/releases/20160222114746 releases shared ls -lah current/pulic/site/assets active.php cache -> /var/www/project/shared/public/site/assets/cache files -> /var/www/project/shared/public/site/assets/files index.php logs -> /var/www/project/shared/public/site/assets/logs sessions -> /var/www/project/shared/public/site/assets/sessions Pretty much all of my projects are running on a nginx server. So I can't help / compare with my .htaccess / vhosts config, because I don't use them
  3. Could you please check whether the php curl extension is enabled? It seems that it comes with xampp but isn't enabled by default (I don't use xampp so this is just a guess). Have a look at your php.ini, uncomment the following line: ;extension=php_curl.dll Restart your Apache server and check your phpinfo() to see whether curl has been properly enabled or not.
  4. Could you please try: ❯ curl -I https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/master/wire/core/ProcessWire.php What does this return? The error message occurs, if this curl request returns a state not equal to 200. Edit: This error message contains now more detailed information, there will be also an option `-v` to increase the verbosity of messages (coming soon): [RuntimeException] Error loading sha `xxx`, curl request failed (status code: XXX). Try `curl -I https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/xxx/wire/core/ProcessWire.php` This should return `HTTP/x.x 200 OK`.
  5. here is the documentation. I'll try to reproduce this error.. Edit: For me everything works as expected.
  6. Have a look at the config file (site/config.php), there is an entry where you can set the timezone. /** * Installer: Time zone setting * */ $config->timezone = 'Europe/Berlin'; Are the correct locales installed on the server? I've never used setlocale() in a file/template. Also check you php.ini for the right timezone: date.timezone = Europe/Berlin For some projects I had to install the php-intl extension, but this was just necessary to localize a date using twig as template engine.
  7. Of course PW is able to follow symlinks. This isn't related to PW. Check your .htaccess and vhost config ( I always use symlinks to exclude cache/sessions/files/ ...)
  8. @pmichaelis: I don't think that it has to do with the multilingual site, this always works fine for me. And it doesn't matter whether english is the default language. `english` is just a label. Could you please try to rename the field so that it doesn't contain camelCase (capital letters)? For example field_backgroundImages to field_background_images. Have a look at the description: "Any combination of ASCII letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], or underscores (no dashes or spaces)." I don't know whether this is the reason but I would like to give it a try. Edit: Tested it using a camelCaseField without any problems. Using two languages "default" and "english". But my system is case insensitive . Which PW version do you use?
  9. hey, I didn't forget about these issues, just had to finish a client project first. sorry I added the fix for the missing javascript, please pull the develop branch.
  10. Enable debug mode and reload the backend. Hopefully you'll get an output giving further information (site/config.php : $config->debug = true;). @LostKobrakai: Your link is broken (returns 404).
  11. .. resolved the issue in less than three minutes, yesterday I was too lazy to take a closer look (in other words: my battery was empty). Edit php.ini, to avoid this warning set 'always_populate_raw_post_data' to '-1', restart php and the message is gone ; Always populate the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable. PHP's default behavior is ; to disable this feature and it will be removed in a future version. ; If post reading is disabled through enable_post_data_reading, ; $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is *NOT* populated. ; http://php.net/always-populate-raw-post-data always_populate_raw_post_data = -1 Before: <br /> <b>Deprecated</b>: Automatically populating $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To avoid this warning set 'always_populate_raw_post_data' to '-1' in php.ini and use the php://input stream instead. in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br /> [{"error":false,"message":"Added file: body.png","file":"\/site\/assets\/files\/1\/body.png","size":26952,"markup":"\n\t<li id='file_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' class='InputfieldFileItem InputfieldImage ui-widget'>\n\t\t<p class='InputfieldFileInfo InputfieldItemHeader ui-widget ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix'>\n\t\t\t<span class='HideIfSingle HideIfEmpty InputfieldFileDrag'><i class='fa fa-sort'><\/i> <\/span>\n\t\t\t<i class='fa fa-caret-right InputfieldFileDrag HideIfMultiple'><\/i> \n\t\t\t<label class='InputfieldFileDelete'><input type='checkbox' name='delete_images_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' value='1' title='Delete' \/><i class='fa fa-fw fa-trash'><\/i><\/label>\n\t\t\t<a class='InputfieldFileMove InputfieldFileMoveBottom' href='#' title='Move to bottom'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-angle-double-down'><\/i><\/a> \n\t\t\t<a class='InputfieldFileMove InputfieldFileMoveTop' href='#' title='Move to top'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-angle-double-up'><\/i><\/a> \n\t\t\t<a class='InputfieldFileName pw-modal pw-modal-large' title='body.png: body.png (720x101)' href='\/processwire\/page\/image\/edit\/?id=1&file=1,body.png&rte=0&field=images' data-buttons='#non_rte_dialog_buttons button' data-autoclose='1' data-close='#non_rte_cancel'>body.png <i class='fa fa-pencil ui-priority-secondary'><\/i><\/a> \n\t\t\t<span class='InputfieldFileStats'>26 kB, 720x101 <\/span> \n\t\t<\/p>\n\t\t<div class='InputfieldFileData ui-widget ui-widget-content'>\n\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImagePreview'>\n\t\t\t\t<a class='InputfieldFileLink' target='_blank' href='\/site\/assets\/files\/1\/body.png?nc=10'><img height=\"100\" src=\"\/site\/assets\/files\/1\/body.0x100.png?nc=1455052838\" alt=\"\" data-gridsize=\"100\" \/><\/a>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldImageActions'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<a title='body.png (720x101)' href='\/processwire\/page\/image\/edit\/?id=1&file=1,body.png&rte=0&field=images' class='pw-modal pw-modal-large' data-buttons='#non_rte_dialog_buttons button' data-autoclose='1' data-close='#non_rte_cancel'><i class='fa fa-fw fa-crop'><\/i><\/a>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t<div class='InputfieldFileDescription'><label for='description_images_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' class='detail'>Description<\/label><input type='text' name='description_images_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' id='description_images_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' value='' \/><\/div>\n\t\t\t<input class='InputfieldFileSort' type='text' name='sort_images_60984d6634e55217fe6424485038dd7d' value='2' \/>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t<\/li>","replace":false,"overwrite":0}]
  12. Check your field settings, tab Detail. There you can define, what do you want to receive. If your field will contain multiple pages, then you should select the first option (PageArray). If your field only needs to contain a single page, then select one of the single Page options. Select one of the single Page options and your initial code should work. If you want to get multiple pages, you need to use the second foreach.
  13. $s->color contains an id. An integer value. You cannot get a property of an integer. You have to get the corresponding object first. Or of what type is $s->color? If it is a string you have to get the integer value... Actually it's enough to pass the id to $pages->get(), it's not necessary to build a selector in this case. I thought chaining works as well...
  14. What outputs $s->color ? I thought it contains the id of the foreign page from which you want to get the title... If it is already a Page object (it should..) you don't have to get the page again.
  15. I've been getting this error since yesterday, too, when trying to upload an image. I set up a fresh installation without any custom module to verify if a lately installed module causes this behaviour. But the error appears in that fresh installation as well. If I change the PHP version, the image upload works fine without any problem. Today I tried to reproduce that error on another computer - no luck, everything works as expected. Same PHP (5.6.18) and ProcessWire (2.7.3) version, both running with nginx. The new image gets uploaded, but the image doesn't appear right after the upload. I have to save the page to see the image. If I disable JavaScript I can upload an image without an error message. So in my case it's depending on the environment (and not on ProcessWire), but I haven't figured out for now what the problem/difference is. I got that error message while uploading an image already some month ago, but after some updates everything was fine again.
  16. try echo "<div class='" . $pages->get($s->color)->title . "'>"; If $s->color contains the foreign page id, this should work.
  17. RT @tabatkins: Quick git pro-tip:git log -p [--follow] [-n 1] shows last diff for a particular file.Change or remove the n par…

  18. RT @t3n: Flexibilität bis zum Abwinken: Das CMS „ProcessWire“ im t3n-Test https://t.co/KbDkeW1rjr https://t.co/TfVGNfzXOD

  19. This module allows users to subscribe and unsubscribe to a newsletter, it doesn't handle newsletter creation and delivery (I use a foreign service for this). There is one method to subscribe (by using a form) and there are two methods to unsubscribe (by using a form or by providing a link in the newsletter). Furthermore you can notify any person e.g. an administator via email when an user has subscribed/unsubscribed. For detailed information have a look at Github.
  20. @iNoize: Could you please provide an example? I'm not quite sure what you mean
  21. There is a method called setTargetFilename($filename), maybe this does the trick? (not tested, just one look inside the WireUpload class)
  22. I have to say that I personally don't use instagram. I just created an account to develop this module which I needed for a client project.
  23. @iNoize: I cannot find an instagram api endpoint which supports more than one tag. If you're not able to get your request fullfilled by using the official instagram app or website, it won't work in most cases.
  24. $page->addStatus(Page::statusLocked); $page->removeStatus(Page::statusLocked); Have a look at the cheatsheet.
  25. @gebeer: Did you try to use $form->setClasses($array) and $form->setMarkup($array). Using this you are also able to set different classes/markup depending on Inputfield.
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