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Everything posted by justb3a

  1. Ok, that is not possible. If you want to reference to another page, why not using the internal page link field (enable checkbox in field settings in Image Extra Tab)? This saves also a reference to a page, what do you do with that reference is up to you The only drawback: you can use it only once and it's not possible to define an entry point / parent page, so all pages will be listet.
  2. hi, it's not possible (out of the box) to use a plain form instead of the render() tag. The processing of the form includes several error checks and a lot of additional logic. I solved it this way because my experience has shown that it's really difficult to support plain html. Most users break the form which leads to increased overhead. I'm not a fan of generated content therefore I added all possible options to customize the output. How did you add the content above the form? Do you use the option `prependMarkup`? If the content above is still there after submitting the form, this is ProcessWire Core behaviour I don't want to change. Just use `display: none` to hide the content (there should be a parent element containing a class which indicates that the form has been submitted successfully. If not, please let me know, I'll add such a class).
  3. Hi @Zeka, what do you exactly want to do? A "Page reference" field references to another page, I'm not quite sure how this is related to image extra fields.
  4. Hi, it seems that `item_content` only apply to inputfields of type InputfieldWrapper and InputfieldPage. If you use something like `_init.php` you can add a hook there: $this->addHookBefore('Inputfield::render', function(HookEvent $event) { if ($this->page->template->name === 'contact') { // adapt template name to compare with $inputfield = $event->object; $inputfield->addClass('col-sm-8'); $event->return = $inputfield; } });
  5. Just to be sure: You want to redirect to another page after successfully submitting the form data? This is not possible at the moment, but shouldn't be that difficult to implement.
  6. Normally you're able to override the markup on a per-Intputfield basis like this: 'markup' => array( // @see: https://github.com/processwire/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/core/InputfieldWrapper.php#L44 'InputfieldSubmit' => array( // any of the properties above to override on a per-Inputifeld basis ) ), However this doesn't seem to work here (using InputfielSubmit or InputfieldButton). But you can override the `render` function of class `InputfieldSubmit` (for example in `init.php`): $this->addHook('InputfieldSubmit::render', function(HookEvent $event) { if ($this->page->template->name === 'contact') { // adapt template name to compare with $parent = (object)$event->object; $attrs = $parent->getAttributesString(); $value = $parent->entityEncode($parent->attr('value')); $out = "<button $attrs><span><span>$value</span></span></button>"; $event->return = $out; } });
  7. This works pretty straight forward echo $image->title($languages->get('en')); // $image->title($languages->get($input->get('lang'));
  8. At which point do you get this error message? After clicking install? Or after submitting module configuration data? It seems you choose an invalid field in the section `Select page name fields` (which shouldn't be possible, I tried different variants but cannot reproduce the issue). Are you able to reproduce this behaviour? Does the field you've selected have a field name and of which type is it?
  9. hi from the API side you can set the values like this: $page->setOutputFormatting(false); $page->images->trackChange('title'); $img = $page->images->first(); // or whatever image you want $img->title = 'Title in default language'; $img->title($languages->get('fi'), 'Title in Finish'); $img->title($languages->get('de'), 'Title in German'); $page->save(); $page->setOutputFormatting(true);
  10. @maxf5 yes. Maybe I should mention this (added) Have you already looked in your log file? The detailed reason should be listed there. @alexmercenary Which version of ProcessWire and SimpleContactForm do you use? There is no anitSpamCountAdditionalInputs in the latest version. In earlier versions you had to write the form/html on your own, now the module generates the form. So there is no need to specify this because you're not able to add more fields as needed. But I guess, you're not using the latest version?! EDIT: Found and fixed it!
  11. You're right, somehow there was a missing equal sign Thanks for the feedback, please pull the latest version from Github!
  12. @Kemal It's not that easy how to answer your questions best. It seems that you're missing some basic knowledge about css/js. I wouldn't recommend to write inline styles. I would suggest using a single css file (or put it in the header of the html file). You can include this css file after the bootstrap one, this way you're able to override styles and add your own. Addressing the elements using classes lets you change the css. This module doesn't add any css, it just outputs a html structure with some basic classes. You can change the classes / html structure by passing different `$options`. I don't know why the ajax call isn't working, I guess the click on the submit button isn't triggered. I would add some debug statements to the javascript.
  13. Could you please output the variable before starting the foreach loop (var_dump($feed);). I guess it's empty. Are you sure that the generation of the access token has gone right?
  14. @alexmercenary I published a new version 1.0.1 which adds namespace support.
  15. This has nothing to do with the signature of the zip file. The zip file has not the right permissions to be extracted. Please change the owner (user) of the zip file. As stated in the error message: ..or because the installer doesn't have enough permissions to uncompress and rename the package contents. works for me: -r-x------ 1 username staff 11M Oct 6 12:39 pw.zip leads to the error message ProcessWire can't be installed because...: -r-x------ 1 100 staff 11M Oct 6 12:39 pw.zip
  16. I don't think that this has something to do with the change of the regex engine. The source code contains in one case single quotes in the other one double quotes. While writing the regex I thought about adding a check for double or single quotes - either way, the code now checks both occurrences, so it doesn't matter if the html contains single or double quotes. You can see it here: https://regex101.com/r/emj9Ie/1
  17. You're right. The check whether to show the description label or not missed a condition. Since adding the opportunity to add textformatters I changed InputfieldText to InputfieldTextarea. Textformatters like Newlines to Unordered List doesn't make that much sense if you aren't able to add line breaks. I added a condition: all fields default to InputfieldText except the fields which got a textformatter assigned. I'm not that happy with the layout/styles right now. I need to invest some more time optimizing the layout. You're right, too. I missed the following scenario: checked captionField but added no otherField. The fixes are merged into the master branch
  18. haha, I tried this today but $field->columnWidth = 50; has been ignored. So I guess I need to change the whole markup, wrap the fields inside a list or something like that. Today I just wanted to finish the other feature and didn't investigate further. But I keep it in mind. Furthermore I won't add another column for the widths of a field, I would prefer to set it to 50. Otherwise I've to add one more column to define the number of rows the textarea should be – for each field. I know... There is a github issue for this as well. For now I got no good idea how the interface / structure could look like – it has to be as easy as possible for the user to add / remove / manipulate the fields. Maybe a simple input field where the user is able to add all option fields (comma-separated). Once the module settings has been saved one more table could appear. In this table the user could be able to set a type (select, radio, checkbox) and the options (comma-separated input). But what about multi-language labels and options? This would blow up the whole settings a lot... If you have a good idea, just let me know!
  19. I thought about this feature as well from time to time . There is a new version 1.0.1 which fixes some PHP7 issues and adds the possibility to set custom labels for each extra field. It also supports multi-language usage. Furthermore I changed the way the extra fields (form) are rendered. Now you can click a tab and briefly hold (aka long-click) it and all extra fields will switch to that language. And I removed the checkbox for the caption field. If it was set, it will be added as first item in the `other fields` input field.
  20. the master branch / version from pw module directory wasn't PW 3.x ready. Previously you had to use branch develop. But I just released a new version 1.0.0 which supports ProcessWire 3.x (only). Just update the module to the latest version and everything should work as expected.
  21. You're able to send an email to any service you want to after successful subscription / unsubscription. Calling an api endpoint isn't implemented yet (there are too much different services). If you miss a hookable function just let me know, I'll go ahead and add it. If everything works out (if the customer agrees to use ProcessWire), perhaps I'll soon be given an opportunity to implement a connection to mailchimp by myself.
  22. wireshell 1.0.0 Compatibility: ProcessWire 3.x Prepares wireshell for ProcessWire 3.x, adds namespace support, only supports ProcessWire 3.x Updates Github Repository: github.com/processwire/processwire Improves module:upgrade command, if no argument is provided it just checks for upgrades Extends new command, adds option --src=path/to/source to be able to use a pre-downloaded tgz/zip/folder Extends status command, only shows database password if --pass option is provided, shows if an upgrade is available Updates upgrade command, removes options dev and devns
  23. @Spica the new version is only compatible with PW version 3.x. Last release with PW 2 compatibility: Download here.
  24. @FrauSchnatalie kommt sofort :)

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