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About Entil`zha

  • Birthday December 7

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  1. Hi, And thx for a quick reply. I've manage to accomplish what I wanted with following code: <?php namespace ProcessWire; if( $pagegrid->isBackend() ) { // render things only for the backend $content = ""; $content .= $pagegrid->styles($page); } else { // render things only for the frontend $content = ""; } $content .= "Example content"; if( $pagegrid->isBackend() ) { // render things only for the backend $content .= $pagegrid->scripts($page); echo $content; die; } Thank @jploch for pointing me to right direction :)
  2. Hi, First of all, great work @jploch! I'm testing pagegrid to integrate it to site with custom theme. By custom theme I mean that the site's appearance is already built manually. So I would like to use PAGEGRID to give users an easy way to handle content in the page. I've now installed PAGEGRID and configured it. But the problem is that when I edit the page with PAGEGRID it also load the manually built appearance. The page is built using append and prepend files. Any ideas how to do this correctly?
  3. Thank you @bernhard for the quick reply, and solving the problem. I was so into reading those instructions that I forgot to use my own brains for thinking :D Maybe you can add requirements-section in case there's another like me :)
  4. Hi, I've now tried couple times to do fresh installation and I'm having problems to get RockPageBuilder working. I'm using PHP 8.1 and running test enviroment in Ubuntu 22 under WSL. I'm using .local website address. I've tried to follow the instructions from https://www.baumrock.com/en/processwire/modules/rockpagebuilder/docs/setup/ but after the installations, rockpagebuilder profile install and uikit download I got following: This wouldn't be a problem but when click the +-button it doesn't open modal, instead it open admin page: So it's pretty hard to use. Also I noticed that after installing profile rockpagebuilder it didn't replace home.php and basic-page.php so I added manually <?= $rockpagebuilder->render(true) ?>. But what differences from the instructions I didn't have to add those required fields to template because they were already in there. Any ideas how to get modal working?
  5. You can probably find the executable file from /home/<username>/.config/composer/vendor/bin -folder so running /home/<username>/.config/composer/vendor/bin/wirecli should work. If you want to use it without the path you should add that path to your shell $PATH-variable.
  6. I've managed to resolve this with $session->removeAllFor('message') but I think that this should be done already with 'clear'.
  7. Hi, For some reason when I try to read and clear messages or errors in template I'll get the messages but they won't clear and will show after next page load. I following code in my head.inc which is included in every template. $messages = $wire->messages('clear all'); foreach ($messages as $m) { echo '<div class="alert alert-success alert-dismissible" role="alert">'; echo '<p class="badge badge-pill badge-success">OK</p> ' . $m->text; echo '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">'; echo '<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>'; echo '</button>'; echo '</div>'; } I'll get all the messages but they don't get cleared. Only way to clear messages is to load page from admin area.
  8. Hi, A bit delayed answer and maybe you have already solved this but for others. There's always Azure AD behind Office 365 tenant and if you have global administrator privilege you can log in to https://portal.azure.com. I'm only tested integration to Azure with custom PHP code but I don't remember did I have to create app or did I manage to use MS REST API without that. I was just playing around Exchange Online then.
  9. Hi @kongondo, When are you planning to launch this to public? We have a small web shop project coming so I would like to think this as one option but it must be done in July.
  10. Hi Jennifer, If you're are referring to Redirects-module(from apeisa) you should post to this thread. That way the maintainer can see your request and comment it.
  11. Hi, Could someone help me InputfieldPage. I'm creating a custom admin module and I want to create form that has one Page reference field. I've managed to create the field but when loading the page it gives me error that this field hasn't been configured. Basically it's a ghost field that doesn't exist but I also tested to create and configure field with same name but no help. So if someone could help me how to specify necessary information for field and also how to show selected pages. Here's code: $form = $this->modules->get('InputfieldForm'); $form->action = "{$this->page->url}savegroup?id={$g->id}"; $form->method = "post"; $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldText"); $field->name = "groupname"; $field->label = __("Ryhmän nimi"); if ($g->groupname) { $field->value = $g->groupname; } $form->add($field); $field = $this->modules->get("InputfieldPage"); $field->name = "members"; $field->label = __("Members"); $form->add($field);
  12. Hi HMCB, Lates pre-release is from 4/2017. i think this thread is quit because all the talking regarding to this module is done inside module support group where you can get access after purchasing the module. Ofc apeisa could put some updates here also for advertising purposes. As for my own experience the module works fine, we have use it for our shop and it offers everything we need.
  13. Actually both methods will run automatically, there's already another module for executing cron via webvisitors (Lazycron or something like that). So both methods will run automatically depending how task is defined at crontab (etc. /etc/crontab), the lazy option is targeted for users who just need to run some basic tasks and the pro option is targeted for users who want to do more. I'm gonna write a better instructions but it's still on todo
  14. Yes, we just forget to put tap in place.
  15. Hi, We made a little help tool for implementing cron to processwire. Basically the module has two options to run module methods under cron: Lazy method: Just add simple config line to configuration field where you specify module, method and time delay Pro method: Just hook to our method and do everything you want Getting started should be relative easy, just install module and add line to configuration field (MyModule;MyMethdo;+10 minute). Delay accepts strtotime formats. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/pwcron/
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