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Everything posted by Christophe

  1. Hello, Do you mean something like (php short tag(s) version)?: <a href="<?=$config->urls->root?>"><?=$pages->get('/')->title?></a> Edit: Also: <a href="<?=$pages->get('/')->url?>"><?=$pages->get('/')->title?></a> Or $homepage = $pages->get('/'); and <a href="<?=$homepage->url?>"><?=$homepage->title?></a>
  2. Hi, Isn't it that you need single or double quotes?: <img src='<?php echo $page->my_imagefield->url; ?>' /> or <img src="<?php echo $page->my_imagefield->url; ?>" /> Edit: it probably doesn't change anything but there are 2 spaces before />. 1 is enough.
  3. Hello, Is there someone ready to create a notfound.org module for ProcessWire? I've just found (again?) this project indirectly. notfound.org/faq -> a plug-in is available for Wordpress and a drupal module is also available (still in "sandbox mode").
  4. Your (MySQL database) credentials may be incorrect. Edit: it must be obvious... Are the MAMP Apache and MySQL servers started? Did you create the database from within MAMP? Edit: I don't know if/think PW can create the database at install on a local host like it is possible now on some hostings. On Gnu/Linux I always create it first with phpMyAdmin.
  5. In fact, I had understood at first. But then I had thought that I hadn't understood with: "Edit: Your version would allow for this: <a centre="something" gras="green" noir="dark" credit="given">I'm a link</a>" I had read (more than once perhaps) the following part too quickly: "// Rules allowing: // * <p> and <h1> elements with an optional "id" attribute, // * <a> with a required "href" attribute and an optional "id" attribute. p h1; a[!href]; *[id]" I wanted to only allow one id, not all (via the backend). So it's probably why I haven't tried the *[id]. Apparently it's not possible. Edit: at least this time, I will just insert the part of the code with the id in the appropriate template file.
  6. Hi, In this case, in a production website: *(centre) is active with class="centre" *(gras) is active with class="gras" <- bold *(noir) is active with class="noir" <- black *(credit) is active with class="credit" I would just like to be able to allow id="credit" instead of a class. As I've said, I've tried to use *[credit]. It doesn't seem to be the way to do it (perhaps just by default in ProcessWire).
  7. Hi, I have installed the French language and set it up for the Guest user. It doesn't change anything apparently. I still can't have the "missing required field" error message (of the contact page) translated. Solutions? Thanks in advance
  8. I've thought about this when seeing the topic earlier but haven't written anything as I didn't "want" to ask the question. I always (as far as I remember) have to create the database first. I know/guess there can be ways to create it at the same time... On which (type of) hostings (exactly) don't you have to do it with ProcessWire (or other CMSs)? Edit: I have no problem with having to create it before...
  9. Hello cstevensjr, For some websites, I would like to be able to allow an id. For example, I have to use class="credit" because I can't use id="credit" apparently. But an id would be more appropriate in this case, and in other cases as well. It's related to (the) styling (of) a paragraph containing a link to my website. The information is in a hidden "footer" page. I've tried replacing *(credit) for the class with *[credit] for the id. Admin >Setup >Fields > Edit Field: body -> Input -> Extra Allowed Content: *(centre) *(gras) *(noir) *(credit)
  10. Hello, How can we allow an id in CKEditor? *(class) works for classes. *[id] should work for ids normally, but apparently it doesn't. I have already had this problem before, and have tried to find an answer, the only difference being that this time I'm posting a message.
  11. I've just found the following article via Twitter: https://www.cmscritic.com/a-look-at-processwires-latest-core-updates/. I haven't read it yet. I have just clicked on the link because I've seen an error worth noting... I am going to send the author a message to suggest him a change from "ProcessWire, the open source PHP platform, has some updates well worth nothing." to "ProcessWire, the open source PHP platform, has some updates well worth noting."
  12. Hello Ivan, Don't you say that no translation files are loaded for English? (I don't remember if it is needed to add some for English as a second language.) In the administration, do you have Russian for the Guest user and the editors, and English for your user/you?
  13. Here is the code I use for at least one website for the moment. I don't remember exactly where in the forum(s) or in which profile I found it. I don't remember if it was one, or if I merged two pieces of code (perhaps I added the first "<li>"). It could be a start. (I'm also a php beginner.) <!-- Horizontal Menu --> <ul class="menu"><li><a href="<?=$config->urls->root?>"><?=$pages->get('/')->title?></a></li><?php function topMenu($currentPage, $startPage) { $out = ''; foreach($startPage->children as $page) { $class = ''; if($currentPage->id == $page->id) $class = " class='current'"; $out .= "<li$class><a href='$page->url'>$page->title</a>"; if(count($page->children)) { $out .= "<ul>" . topMenu($currentPage, $page, $level+1) . "</ul>"; } $out .= "</li>"; } return $out; } echo topMenu($page, $pages->get('/')); ?></ul>
  14. Hi, I've just uploaded the HelloBrowser module via ftp to test it on a demo website (version 2.5.3) and am getting a blank page with the following error message after having hit the Refresh button to find new modules: Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected 'script' (T_STRING) (line 83 of /*****/****/*********/var/www/****************.web4me.fr/htdocs/site/modules/HelloBrowser/HelloBrowser.module) This error message was shown because you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. I've had to remove the module's folder via ftp in order to be able to access the Module administration again.
  15. Hi, I've just found out again about browser-update.org via another website using it. If someone knowledgeable enough created a (simple) module/"plugin", ProcessWire could also be mentioned on the homepage: "You may also use third-party plugins for: WordPress, ember-cli, TYPO3, TYPOlight (german), vBulletin, concrete5, MODx, Drupal, Habari, Magento, WCF 2, CMS made simple, XenForo."
  16. Hello, I didn't leave a message 1-2 days ago because I didn't know if I could really help. But never mind... For confirmation/precision, are you using option #1 with multiple databases, or option #2 with the same database (use of the Multisite module)? What are the (big) differences between the servers where both websites work and the server where only one website works ? And if there are 2 differents databases, are there any (big) differences between them? Edit: just in case, is there a significant difference relative to the ftp owner (apache, another "instance"...) or the mysql (database) owner...?
  17. Did you look at the links? What had you done, had you changed the name of/deleted something, for example, before you had this issue? How had you named your fields, for instance, with lower-case characters? Is there any difference if you empty the Trash? Did you try with 2.6.0 master?
  18. Hi, I've just "realized" again that I keep mentionning ProcessWire to some contacts. People who have just started using WordPress - or Joomla! - for instance, or are already using them. Some of them are also already using another CMS/CMF at their job (like CakePHP...). From time to time, I find myself continuing to try (even if just with a few sentences) to convince them to (really) try/test it. I think (as far as I remember) it's the first time that I act like this for a CMS/CMF. It's also the first time that I'm so "active" on a forum , even if it's not much. I would like to be more active, but I'm just a "newbie". It seems I can't help much. Wouldn't it be interesting/good for ProcessWire to have a sub-forum dedicated to all questions..., issues/problems... and advantages/benefits... related to the "transition(s)" from another CMS/CMF? NB: it's also the first time that I install/adapt/convert (to ProcessWire) myself front-end frameworks, static "themes"/templates or websites... PS: can someone add a space between "CMSs" AND "or" in the topic title, and perhaps add "something" before "similar", please?
  19. @LostKobrakai: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9828-image-description-alt-tag-text-only-appearing-when-logged-in/
  20. I don't know if it's off topic, or not. With the Image type field you can "Disable multi-language descriptions" in the Input tab, as you perhaps already know. And when you log in with a user with a specific language you only have the (image) description "field" for that language. Once all the tabs are completed (or not) with content, perhaps, with a little tweak/hack, it could be possible to do this for each field or for all the fields from a certain "group"/template at once, or something like that, from the backend.
  21. Hello, How is your site's structure? For one "article", do you have all your languages in the same page or do you have 12 separate pages? Can you give more details?
  22. It seems ready for CKEditor: http://sisyphus-js.herokuapp.com/#interaction Interaction with other plugins Let's add some fanciness to our form's textareas via CKEditor // What's going on here? // Here we'll persist the form's data into localStorage on // every keystroke $( function() { $( "#ckeditor_form" ).sisyphus() } );
  23. Hi, I've just entered Invalid value sent to Page::setTemplate in Google and have found several links, starting from the first ones, pointing to ProcessWire Topics/Posts in these Forums or to the ProcessWire GitHub. Some are related to the repeater field(s). They seem to give good clues/solutions. Hope that helps. By the way, which version(s) are you both using?
  24. Perhaps this could be useful, in this case or in another one...: www.seleniumhq.org (browser automation).
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