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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. in this case i would prefer them to be rendered beside in one row (inline)
  2. what i've also came across several times is when on mobile and you have a pagetable and you want to scroll down, if you tap on a pagetable item it will trigger the pagetable sort. it would be great to disable table sorting on mobile. or show just a sort symbol and allow sorting only on this icon.
  3. very cool tpr! feature request: an option to show the save options instantly on button hover. i find it really annoying to have to click on this little chevron to show the popup and then have to click again on the right option. i'm still missing the very quick "save+new" and "save+close" from joomla offtopic: also thanks for the hint to netteforms - my project needs more time than i thought but it is getting more and more awesome
  4. ah, you are right - that was my mistake! still new to all this OOP and namespacing but i'm making progress
  5. hi soma, as this is a very popular post i think it should be mentioned, that there's a best practise for adding pages stated by ryan here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.21-upgrades-comments-more-on-pw-3.x/#more-updates-on-processwire-3.0 $page = $this->wire(new Page()); maybe you can update your post? could save lots of troubles when using multiple instances of pw3 and i think all of us should take care of such things as soon as possible as they are working also in earlier versions
  6. Hi Robin, thanks for the module! just installed it without problems on 2.7.3 2 suggestions: 1) you are using wire(...) some times. for pw 3 i think it would be better using $this->wire(...); see here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.6.21-upgrades-comments-more-on-pw-3.x/#more-updates-on-processwire-3.0 2) why does one have to add the field manually? i think the field could be added to every template automatically. it would even be better to not see the field in the template editor. don't know how or where you would save the value then... maybe that's the reason for your approach? PS: any ideas why my field looks like this?
  7. i dont need any because i'm rendering it for a PDF; but would be a valid point i don't understand your question. what do you mean? thanks for the hint and link
  8. i'm sure this is nothing fancy for all the pros here, but at least i did that a lot more inconvenient for a long time and maybe it will help someone else... $lines = array(); $lines[] = $page->company; $lines[] = $page->forename . ' ' . $page->surname; $lines[] = $page->address; $lines[] = $page->zip . ' ' . $page->city; $lines[] = $page->country; echo implode("<br>", array_filter($lines)); // or like this $lines = array( $page->company, implode(" ", array_filter(array( $page->prefix, $page->forename, $page->surname, $page->suffix ))), $page->address, $page->zip . ' ' . $page->city, $page->country ); echo implode("<br>", array_filter($lines)); it will skip all empty lines automatically (for example if there is no "company" or no country) and it's a whole more readable then with lots of IFS and ECHOS
  9. i started a new post in the wishlist section regarding this topic: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13374-allowed-templates-on-a-page-basis/
  10. there's already this moduly by bitpoet for allowed parent pages: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12793-template-parents/ i think it would be awesome to be able to select the allowed children on a per page basis. for example one could create a page "tools" on the tree. that page could be of template "item", like many other pages (just a title field). now it would be great to have the possibility to configure the allowed child templates somehow. - tools (item) - tools A (item) - foo X (foo) - foo Y (foo) - foo Z (foo) - tools B (item) - bar 1 (bar) - bar 2 (bar) - bar 3 (bar) at the moment this would need a template setup like this: - tools (items) -> allowing foos and bars - tools A (foos) - foo X (foo) - foo Y (foo) - foo Z (foo) - tools B (bars) - bar 1 (bar) - bar 2 (bar) - bar 3 (bar) i would be interested to hear your thoughts on this
  11. i'm using a sandbox-page for some api testing in my root-folder with bootstrapped api. the file only contains: <?php include('index.php'); // quick way to test api i'm using 1.5.7 on pw 2.7.3
  12. hi szabesz, of course i meant this panel to appear only for logged in users (clients). i guess it would be VERY good feeling for the client if she is working on the site and has a support or help badge on every site. something like a toggle on the right of every page. when clicking on the panel, there could be something like "ihr ansprechpartner" on this site: https://www.maletschek.at/boote/phobos-dalpol/phobos-21/ do you get what i mean? i think that would build trust and satisfaction for the client (not the website visitor). the most important thing of this panel should be a message box with a button "send comment" something like this: i meant a panel for admins/devs, where they can filter all submitted comments. an example: client comments: - comment 1, page A, url /page-a, template event - comment 2, page B, url /page-b, template guestbook - comment 3, page C, url /page-c, template event - comment 4, page A, url /page-a, template event when fixing comment 1, it would be nice to have a button "show all messages related to this page". also it would be good to see comment 3 as it is related to the same template. clients would of course not need to do anything, as processwire knows all this from the referred page i think such a feature would be great, but i'm not sure if tracydebugger would be the right place. maybe a dedicated support module would fit better? ps: i really like the idea of logging errors on the client side as stated in the link in my posting above. don't know how hard that would be, but think of a comment like "XY does not show up on this page" and you could inspect a log of the clients console like "undefined variable xy..."
  13. jep, that is correct. ok i think a comment feature with notification via email would be great! i always have to educate my clients to post the url where they are referencing to into the support mail. often they forget it. when they are able to comment directly on that page and not even have to open their mailclient it would be very handy! maybe also put name + email + phone on that panel? like "how can i help you?" leave your question directly here on the page or write me a mail or give me a phone call for more complex questions: xyz@example.com, +123 456 789 maybe that would make screenshots unnecessary in 90% of the cases, you could be right here PS: maybe a support-panel, showing messages with kind of filter functionality: show messages related to: this page | this template | this website show messages depending on priority: high | medium | low show messages depending on type: bug | request | comment
  14. ok, so here is my letter to santa claus https://usersnap.com/features/feedback-widget-bug-tracking but my clients are even too lazy to use greenshot for screenshots... so i don't know how much they would use such a tool... oh, and of course: enjoy your vacation!
  15. see also this post and my javascript solution: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11538-pagefield-–-limit-number-of-choices/?p=107504 (and also tpr's modification) should not be too hard to adapt the code. putting everything into a modules would also be nice... it was beyond my head then and now i'm really busy, sorry
  16. On mobile, but isn't there a setting for that already built in at the field?
  17. That is great! Thank you Adrian, very good idea!
  18. sounds cool, but i don't have time to wait maybe i can try to work with it on my current project and help testing?
  19. thank you lostkobrakai and tpr for your insights to nette forms! i will try that
  20. thank you jürgen, http://formvalidation.io/ looks awesome! would have needed this some weeks before for some quite complex forms...
  21. for reference: adrian's template setup batcher can save you time
  22. hi am*, welcome to the forum. one thing to add may be that you REALLY have to invest time in planning your site structure. that's one of the most important parts when building sites with processwire. as everything is a page and every page has it's very own place to live! if you did your homework here, seemingly complex tasks can get surprisingly easy. like in this example (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13183-adopt-field-values-as-defaults-from-parents/): blynx built a module to inherit field values from parent pages, whereas in your template file you could just do this: $foo = $page->closest("foo!=''")->foo so you have to organise everything in a strict hierarchical structure - the pw page tree. i would recommend you to do some test projects (https://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/hello-worlds/) and then share your planned site structure with the community. you will always find a helping hand here
  23. but how is this code generated? and how the images? i find some scrollmagic words in the code of my linked website, but on the scrollmagic site the demos do not look like one can make such websites with it?! thanks for your answers so far
  24. also very nice! i wonder how that is done? i mean... i understand normal css animations, but i have no clue how the glasses get devided into separate parts when scrolling?? does anyone have some sources to read for me?
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