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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. not sure if i understand you correctly david, but maybe @adrian 's batch child editor is worth a look?
  2. hi nico65, welcome to the forum! seems you want to achieve something like this? removed because i reached my attachment size limit Have a read about FREDI and FEEL the screencast above is a simple module made by me and not officially released yet, called ALFRED: you can try it out if you want. the source is here: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/Alfred/tree/dev
  3. what comes to my mind is how both of your implementations would work together with the new paginated fieldtypes? https://processwire.com/blog/posts/fieldtype-pagination/ have you thought about that?
  4. would be good to have such snippets available somewhere (github or the like). maybe a dedicated folder where we can add files and make pull requests? are you using the latest version of tracy?
  5. hi adrian, the page recorder reminded me of my hook recorder i created almost a year ago and i got very little feedback so didn't take it further (not to say it was and may still be beyond my scope ). i think it could play very well together with tracy and all the options we have now (eg only load that panel once when needed). that's only a first vague idea. the last post in the topic has some more suggestions. if you like the idea i would be happy to support you as much as i can
  6. ryan was faster! https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1934#issuecomment-235628892
  7. definitely true. but no message at all is a no-go in my opinion
  8. hi tpr, even though i find it's more a feature that should find it's way in the core, maybe you could implement this into your module so that ryan just needs to merge it in the core one day? https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/1934
  9. at least for google it would be as easy as adding a link like this echo '<a href="https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=' . $page->httpUrl . '">Google Speedtest</a>';
  10. @jmartsch i'm using it on a project i'm developing at the moment and it works really nicely. I've also built a little module. maybe you are interested in testing/collaboration? at the moment it has only 2 buttons on hover: 1) show the template path that is rendering the item 2) show edit button to edit this item directly of course it is quite similar to fredi and feel... ps: the built in modal has an awesome experience on mobile. its fullscreen and feels almost like a native app
  11. I'm still looking forward to trying migrations out for one project, but i have some other stuff to do and i think i will not be able to contribute anything before next year but i already have a question i understand the example https://github.com/LostKobrakai/Migrations/blob/master/migrations/2015-10-21_12-15.php as it is, but how would you create two fields? would you have to create a file for each field? and how would the workflow be if you made a mistake or forgot some settings on your field... for example set the limit of a file field to 1.
  12. and a link to your previously recommended collections book. on the second look it makes even more sense still a lot to learn
  13. here you have a working example respecting 0 values: https://eval.in/612114 taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35527457/array-filter-skip-null-or-0-value
  14. hi adrian, thank you for that link. i tried all that but without success. if i open LICENCE.TXT it loads really fast. don't know what the problem is, but it's getting offtopic and i have to finish my project thank you for all your help.
  15. and assumed that even though the page load is faster, Tracy is still making the page load around 6 seconds. yep, sorry... it's late here on the second part of the sentence i was talking about dev... uninstalled installed, off installed, all panels off installed, default set installed, all panels on i'm measuring the page /admin/page/ so of course i had to turn tracy on for the backend. enough for today ps:
  16. sorry adrian, i was unclear. i meant that the live server loads a LOT faster! i don't have the problem there. i bet it has something to do with my vagrant setup and maybe some virtual network timings... although it is weird that tracy slows it down so much...
  17. hi adrian, +1 for having the fieldsets open i'm still having the slow loading problem, though: my setup: local vagrantbox (connected to web) custom host, not online: example.dev tracy 2.4.6 pw 3.0.24 LEGACY 3.17s for ?id=1250 all others fast overall 3.84s MASTER 3.03 for ?id=1250 3 more slow files: overall 5.77s OFF 1.31s for ?id=1250 all others fast overall 1.95s on my live server i don't have those problems and the whole pageload is a lot faster. nevertheless tracy is slowing down every pageload from 2 to almost 6 seconds so i can't leave it turned on... don't know if that informations are helpful - i don't want to steal your time and even when i have to switch tracy on/off it speeds up my development so once more thank you for that great tool! edit: just tried it with sessionhandlerDB ON... no difference
  18. hi jmartsch, you can use the modal directly. see here for docs: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/master/wire/modules/Jquery/JqueryUI/modal.js#L10-L44 then you can do something like this: <a href="/admin/page/edit/?id=1246&fields=title,user_image,facebook_url,description" class="pw-modal" data-buttons="#submit_save" data-autoclose>test modal</a> <script type="text/javascript"> $('a').on('pw-modal-closed', function() { $('body').prepend('<div id="reload" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; z-index:9999; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5); display: none;"></div>'); $('#reload').fadeIn(); location.reload(); }); </script> now you just have to make sure that all the necessary files get loaded by having <edit title></edit> anywhere in your html markup!
  19. hi tony, did you read the manual? http://www.mpdf1.com/mpdf/index.php
  20. my vote goes for view: icon edit: ctrl+click only drawback of my method would be if somebody is rewriting urls somehow... maybe also on multisite environments? but at least they have the option to switch it OFF
  21. you have the actual link of the current page: /path/to/your/page i think it should be possible to just remove the last part of the url for every parent? /path/to/your /path/to /path
  22. ok thank you. what do you think of also adding the preview links also to parent items in the breadcrumb nav?
  23. maybe i'm the only one but to me it is not exactly clear what your module will/should be doing. maybe you can elaborate on this?
  24. i really like uikit framework and it has a nice looking pagination component: http://getuikit.com/docs/pagination.html creating the pager markup is a little bit tricky and i've only managed it with a little jquery hack. the problem is that the "active" item needs a <span> without an <a> and that's not possible with the built in renderPager() to save anybody needing uikit pager some time, here are the options: <?php echo $items->renderPager(array( 'numPageLinks' => 5, 'listMarkup' => "<ul class='uk-pagination'>{out}</ul>", 'itemMarkup' => "<li class='{class}'>{out}</li>", 'linkMarkup' => "<a href='{url}'>{out}</a>", 'nextItemLabel' => '<i class="uk-icon-angle-double-right"></i>', 'previousItemLabel' => '<i class="uk-icon-angle-double-left"></i>', 'separatorItemLabel' => '<span>...</span>', 'currentItemClass' => 'uk-active', )); and then you need this line of jquery to remove the <a> from the active item: $('li.uk-active > a > span').unwrap(); or do you guys have any better solutions for this? happy paginating
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