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Everything posted by bernhard

  1. hi tpr, wow - the filterbox is really cool! just one minor problem is when using the finder it only finds pages from the currently open pagination. it's obvious to me that this is because of ajax pagination and the data not being in the dom, but i'm sure it's not obvious for clients with no knowledge about all that. i think there should be at least a visual tip. don't know how to solve that in a better way - this will also be a problem in my current project so i'm curious what you think about that i would also suggest adding a link to the docs. i didn't even notice that the module is documented so great and wanted to ask you to add some more descriptive descriptions i'm always installing the module just by typing in AdminOnSteroids so i never went to github for that. and i guess i'm not the only one doing so...
  2. hi guys, i'm developing a module to pull data from a live site so that i have a copy of this site on my local dev environment with one click. i plan to do it like this: both sites will be setup manually for the first time. than i will install my module on both sites and they get one superuser with the same name + password then, on DEV click button, send POST request to the remote site with this data: name = $user->name (dev admin user) password = $user->pass on LIVE fetch username + password compare $user->pass (live admin user) and password of post data if they match, force login (without password, as the password is the encrypted password and not the password itself return requested data on DEV get the data and do stuff would this procedure be safe? could anybody sniff my admin password when i'm only sending and getting data via HTTPS? the reason why i do not send the actual password is because the user is already logged in and i only get the encrypted version from the db. and i don't want to force the user to input the password on every request... thank you for your help!
  3. i don't think it's too verbose as you should always be aware of the context where the change happened. maybe some collapse feature would be nice, though. but looking at the markup i have no idea how to implement that shortly. the problem is that it sometimes creates not so good readable results. i'll paste one when i have a good example. maybe thats already fixed by using the module's initialization feature that i added later.
  4. hi @Ivan Gretsky thank you for your suggestions. seems we share the same wishes (as many others also do, i suppose), but such things are very tricky and i don't think one (especially i) can build a solid solution for that. you have ids and integers all around and you have to know the order of editing/removing/adding stuff. for example you cant create a template when the corresponding fields do not exist. maybe we would just need a GUI for providing the order of the changes to be applied. thinking of every change as a page the pagefield comes to my mind... there we already have such GUI. hmm, maybe it would be possible, but not for me right now - i have loads of client work to do i'll also wait for @teppo s response. maybe he can integrate my module into his more mature ProcessChangelog module... @szabesz thanks for the video. as i said above i'm not really happy with the current diff tool. i found this one (https://diff2html.xyz/demo?diff=https://github.com/rtfpessoa/diff2html/pull/106) but that needs a diff string to make the output and i found no easy solution for creating this diff string on the fly. there's xdiff php extension but i don't really like the idea of relying to a php extension not installed on most of the hosting platforms (or am i wrong here?). maybe you have some hints here?
  5. hi teppo, i totally missed this module... did you see my new SVN module for fields and templates? maybe you could integrate it into your module? i think that would make sense. i planned to create an overview page, but it seems it would be better to integrate that into your module, as the work is already done and quite same from functionality perspective. one idea to improve this list would be that you also integrate "versions" like i did in my SVN module. than one could make as many changes as one wanted and in the end bump the version number and see a list like that: // show changes from version 0.1 to 0.2 user | date of last change | action | changes | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- admin | 2.1.2016 | changed field body | 4 | admin | 1.1.2016 | changed page sample | 1 | maybe you could also use the diff tool for page changes? i've not looked into your module yet, so this are wild ideas what do you think? update: versions would totally make sense for both your and my module. having the option to set the version + add a comment (like a commit in github) and then making the version number clickable and see all changes for that version would be a great help.
  6. I needed to create some Fields and Templates via API and it was always a pain to get the right settings (like columwith, field context settings and so on). With the brand new (and ALPHA) RockSVN Module you can create your fields via the backend and then show a diff of your changes. Please see the comments on top of the module for todos and limitations. I'm not totally happy with the diff tool, so if anybody knows a better one or knows ho to change the behaviour to line-based diff (that would be better in this case i guess) feel free to comment. As @ryan is using the same diff tool in ProDrafts i guess there's not too much hope... anyway - i think the module can be a big timesaver and also help you to keep track of changes - an often requested feature and maybe also a good companion for @LostKobrakai s Migrations module! (Benjamin, jump in ) The module will create some Fields, Templates and Pages for you. All properly tagged and hidden, so it should not mess up things more than needed. Caution: Currently the module removes all those pages, templates and fields on uninstall! Requires my new basemodule called RockTools RockSVN.zip
  7. This Module is a Baseclass and Foundation of (hopefully) lots of Modules that will come in the future. Early ALPHA release just to give you a Preview of my new RockSVN Module and keep things organized Please see the comments on top of the module for todos and limitations (for example it does NOT remove the created pages and templates for now). Of course github will come, but i have to tidy things up a bit before i make them public. RockTools.zip
  8. the solution provided here did not work for me! i'm using pw 3.0.36 and this worked and is even easier $fg = new Fieldgroup(); $fg->name = 'rocksvns'; $fg->add($this->fields->get('title')); $fg->add($this->fields->get('rocksvn_version')); $fg->save(); // set version field visible for this template $fg->setFieldContextArray($this->fields->get('rocksvn_version')->id, array( 'collapsed' => 0, )); $fg->saveContext(); $t = new Template(); $t->name = 'rocksvns'; $t->fieldgroup = $fg; $t->save(); tracy helped a lot here again
  9. hi ivan, not related to processwire but i think you get the point: http://jsfiddle.net/3gz43tqq/3/ hope that helps
  10. hi @tpr, seems i found a little bug: when hovering over the publish button, the hover event is not tied to the button but to the page label. it appears only on smaller screens when the buttons are floating right! another little thing: i've noticed some times that when hovering the tooltips the color gets somewhat ugly: as you can see i'm using reno here. don't know where this comes from? thank you once more for sharing the module! makes working with processwire even more fun
  11. thanks for the input tpr, do you create a template file for that? something like /templates/_sandbox.php or which url do you call?
  12. update: i still (or again) think that this feature would be very helpful! for example i need to create some fields via api for my new module. it would be great to test this via the console. one window to create the field, one to delete it. that way i could test things very quickly without losing track. what do you think, @adrian ? edit: i solved it by implementing 2 methods in my module and then calling them from 2 different browser instances (1 on default browser, 1 on incognito) like this: // default $m = $modules->get('mymodule'); $m->tmp_create(); // incognito $m = $modules->get('mymodule'); $m->tmp_delete(); the methods look like this: public function tmp_create() { $log = $this->wire->log; $field = new Field(); $field->type = $this->modules->get('FieldtypeTextarea'); $field->name = 'test'; $field->save(); $msg = "field {$field->name} successfully created"; $this->message($msg); $log->save('rocknotes', $msg); d('done tmp_create'); } public function tmp_remove() { $this->deleteField('test'); d('done tmp_remove'); } i like this approach even more because i can write the code in my IDE now sorry for my monologue
  13. just wanted to mention that the new version has support for common tags: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.38-core-updates/#added-support-for-common-multi-language-translations
  14. to make file uploads work i had to make those adjustments on my laragon + win10: // php.ini (right click on laragon tray > php > php.ini date.timezone = Europe/Vienna // uncomment and set always_populate_raw_post_data = -1 // uncomment don't forget to reload laragon awesome tool so far, thanks for sharing @LostKobrakai and @pwired
  15. hi adrian, would it be hard to get the possibility to have multiple console windows open at a time? it would be nice in some cases (for example one to create some stuff via api, eg fields or templates) and one to delete it - would be great here for testing install and uninstall method from a new module. that way you could test things really quickly. at the moment when you open the console in a new window, it loads in the "_blank" window and if you open the next console it reloads that window instead of opening a new one. or maybe there's already a better way of doing this? thanks update: in that case it is really easy to do that, so please don't put any effort in this if you think it could not be of use in other scenarios... $m = $modules->get('sample_module'); $m->uninstall(); $m->install(); $m->uninstall(); update2: i still think it would be nice to have such a possibility! or at least have the option to DISABLE the code remember feature, as this overwrites the code of the current browser tab when you open the panel again. if that would not be the case we would be able to have multiple browser tabs open with multiple tracy bars with multiple console-windows. or maybe an option that the console panel does NOT close automatically? i don't know when it closes and when not. sometimes it stays open. i have not found a regularity here...
  16. thanks for bringing that to my attention
  17. hi kuba2 and welcome hard to say what's wrong... just wanted to give you a tip: install tracy debugger and use the console! it's awesome and will help you to understand everything much better than putting some code into your template files and reloading the browser over and over again. you could do something like this in your case: $p = $pages->get( # your page id # ); d($p->product-img); d($p->product-img->url); if you set your product image to "automatic" it will be an array when you uploaded more than 1 image and a single item when you uploaded only 1 image. in tracy you could easily inspect such things (that's what adrian already said above)
  18. i have an idea and would be interested in your thoughts: sometimes you need simple calculations in special fields, like 15% of field value x. what about a small javascript, that can interpret and calculate such formulas? like in excel... =1500*0,15 would put "225" in the field. in excel it also works like this +1500*0,15 that's better if you have a numpad on your keyboard.
  19. i'm still voting for a solid and core solution of image cropping. using either an exact crop, or predefined ratios, or using a focus area and make it possible to get the right image for the right spot on your template/design and allowing different ratios! but i guess we 2 are in a minority... ?
  20. thank you @pwired do you have processwire running on laragon? what are the steps necessary to do? thank you
  21. same here. but i went the risky way and it was released just in time i still think that this should be a core feature... you could hide the button easily with some JS or CSS, for example using admin custom files or a little hook. do this once and you will be able to do many other little tweaks in the admin without asking for support
  22. sure, that's correct. but it would be interesting if there are some other things to keep an eye on when using it with processwire. unfortunately i'm so busy atm that i can't try it myself so i wanted to ask if anyone has some experience with it to save me time when i try it out the module could indicate if htaccess is writeable and show instructions how to chmod and alert to chmod back after making the changes.
  23. @jacmaes mentioned he's using https://perishablepress.com/6g/ and i wonder if he is the only one? @jacmaes, as i read in your link there are some wordpress plugins for that. would you think it would be hard (or useful) to create a pw module for that? are you using it in conjunction with other firewalls or standalone?
  24. thank you pete, i guess that does help and i will report back only if not
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