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BFD Calendar

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Everything posted by BFD Calendar

  1. @dragan I was only using this to check if it showed the ID of the page I wanted the title of. But in the meantime the problem is solved. Any idea how to mark a topic as 'solved' by the way?
  2. Ha! Found it in the 'details' tab, I was looking in the 'input' tab.
  3. Page Auto Complete, set to multiple pages but change to single page makes no difference.
  4. Scratching my head, this works on a few sites but not on this one http://www.clubmoral.com/tourdates/... $features = $pages->find("template=concert, sort=-concnr"); echo "<ul>"; foreach($features as $feature) { // LOCATION FROM PLACES PAGE $placepage = $pages->get("template=places, id=$feature->place"); echo "<li><b>{$zeroconcnr} / <a href='{$feature->url}'>{$feature->title}</a></b> on {$fullstartdate->format('d M Y')}{$festival} in {$placepage->title}, {$placepage->city->title}, {$placepage->country->title} (ID={$placepage->country}). <i>{$video} ---{$feature->pagecounter}</i></li>"; }; echo "</ul>"; 'city' and 'country' are page fields on template 'places'. The title shows up, and '$placepage->country' shows id but '$placepage->country->title' doesn't show the title. Anything to do with the PHP version (5.4) on that site? It's the only thing that's different from the ones where it works fine.
  5. Indeed Vincent, I contacted OVH about it and it turned out that 'stable' instead of 'legacy' solved the problem. I hardly use the .ovhconfig anymore since OVH opened up more settings in the client interface.
  6. Yes, it's PHP 5.4. It's a free fast unlimited hosting but they don't want to upgrade. In the meantime I used Ryan's new import/export module and already finished very well what I wanted to do (copy pages from one site to another). I don't think I'll need it on this site, but thanks anyway.
  7. Installed this module and didn't get it to work at first, now I'm stuck with an error "Error: Using $this when not in object context (line 907 of /var/www/clubmoral_com/site/modules/BatchChildEditor/BatchChildEditor.module) " when I go to the parent page from which I want to export children as csv. PW 3.0.98 Module version 1.8.12
  8. Does anybody know how to format the end time of an event? 'timeFormat' => '%H', does the job fine 'timeEndFormat' => '%H', does nothing so timeEnd keeps the standard setting of 11:00pm where I want it to be 23u (Belgian/Dutch).
  9. I tried RockFinder Tester as well, but didn't find my way as I want either. I'm just an amateur programmer but nevertheless happy with ProcessWire capabilities for my needs as far as it gets. My main job is managing an Academic Design Workshop for 1500 students. The website (www.mekano.info) is just a side project next to operating lasercutters, CNC routers, a wide range of hand tools, and painting the studio floor during school holidays.
  10. I've used Lister before but didn't know it could also be used to make a custom InputField....
  11. Thanks for the tip, actually I tried RockGrid on another site earlier today but it was far above my capabilities to do anything with it. (I was looking for something to generate detailed reports from Padloper sales)
  12. Regarding Page Auto Complete fields I have the impression there already is a limit. In several templates I have a page field referring to a list of over 4000 places. When I want to add 'Paris, Île-de-France, France' from the list, that doesn't show up because the page are sorted alphabetically and the Page Auto Complete list starts with 'Paris Ier, Île-de-France, France || address 1', then 'Paris Ier, Île-de-France, France || address 2' and so on, then 'Paris IIe, Île-de-France, France || address 1' and so on. The list stops before just 'Paris, Île-de-France, France' shows up alphabetically. It's ok to find other places in Paris because part of the street name will do in the Page Auto Complete field, but it's just not possible anymore to add 'Paris, Île-de-France, France'. Changing the Autocomplete search operator doesn't work for what I want either (still searching by other parts of the address). This all happens in the admin pages, no front editing.
  13. My five cents for changing '$item->dag' into '$item->dag->title'.
  14. Yep, that's it. When I log out in Safari the page looks like it should. And the error appears in Chrome when I'm logged in as Superuser as well. (edit) Maybe because 'bfd_text_after' is a front-edit editable field?
  15. This is how it shows in Safari (version 11.1.1 on MacOS 10.11.6) here.... Thanks for pointing out JS errors
  16. When visiting a page (for instance https://www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net/events/2-july-1964/) in Safari it shows a textarea field twice. It doesn't in Firefox or Chrome. On this page the text of my textarea field 'bfd_text_after' is "performs 'Materialaktion nr. 10 / Das Stillleben / Aufführung mit Pferdekopf'". The code is if(trim($page->bfd_case->title)=='(x)') { echo $sanitizer->textarea($page->bfd_text_after, $options = array('allowableTags' => '<a>, <strong>, <em>')) . " "; }; There's only one 'bfd_text_after' in my template. And same happens with another textarea field as well. ProcessWire 3.0.62 - PHP Version 7.0.30
  17. Thanks, I knew it would be simple, if you know where to look....
  18. Another question about the standard ProcessWire search page. Is it possible to make a search for 'sara' and get results for 'sara' but also 'sarah'?
  19. I had the same problem and used the solution above. The module works now without the error, but it just doesn't work. Doesn't send me an email when the form is filled and doesn't save the message as a page.
  20. I'm sure some people will pull out a few hairs, but it works... $lendoutpages = $pages->find("template=lendout, student_name=$page->id, sort=-lendout_time"); if("$lendoutpages, count > 0") { echo "<br><hr><span class='verdana'><b>Lendouts (only on English page!):</b></span><br>"; }; foreach($lendoutpages as $lendoutpage) { if(empty("$lendoutpage->return_time")) { $return="<font color='red'><b>missing</b></font>"; } else { $return="<font color='green'><b>return ok</b></font>"; }; echo "<li><a href='{$lendoutpage->url}'><span class='verdana'>{$lendoutpage->lendout_time}:<b>"; $toolpages = $pages->find("template=tools, id=$lendoutpage->tool"); foreach($toolpages as $toolpage) { echo " | $toolpage->title"; }; echo "</b> -> {$return}</span></a></li>"; };
  21. Returns an error Error: Exception: Unknown Selector operator: '' -- was your selector value properly escaped?
  22. For some reason here I can't manage to see the title of the 'tool' $lendoutpage->tool->title, while $lendoutpage->tool shows the id. $lendoutpages = $pages->find("template=lendout, student_name=$page->id, sort=-lendout_time"); foreach($lendoutpages as $lendoutpage) { echo "<li><a href='{$lendoutpage->url}'>{$lendoutpage->lendout_time}: <b>{$lendoutpage->tool}/{$lendoutpage->tool->title}</b></a></li>"; }; 'tool' is a page reference field on the lendout page with a list of tool pages (template=tools and parent=tools).
  23. I'm still wrestling with the upgrade troubles on OVH.com hosting. I manually upgraded to PW 3.0.98 and Upgrade module 0.0.7. Checking upgrades gives me an "Error loading GitHub branches - https://api.github.com/repos/processwire/processwire/branches - HTTP error(s): 2: fsockopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version, 2: fsockopen(): Failed to enable crypto, 2: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://api.github.com:443 (Unknown error) - Check that HTTP requests are not blocked by your server.". Upgrading or installing other modules doesn't work either. I know it probably has to do with some provider setting on OVH.com, but I've tried several things mentioned in the ProcessWireUpgrade support forum, all to no avail. Server is configured to use PHP 7.0. If anyone here is also on OVH.com and knows a solution I'd be most happy to hear about it.
  24. I'm using 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.26 (edit)
  25. I'm trying to install the module on PW 3.0.42 but get an error: Parse Error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting '}' (line 182 of /var/www/clubmoral_com/site/modules/SimpleContactForm/SimpleContactForm.module)
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