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Everything posted by gmclelland

  1. Hmm... I also tried disabling and uninstalling all third party modules, but still doesn't work.
  2. Another thing I noticed is that the repeater field that is created doesn't ever show the "Details" tab when editing the field.
  3. The repeater field I created wasn't associated with an templates when I exported it.
  4. I also tried creating a repeater on a different site and importing it into my current site and this is the error I get:
  5. I deleted the contents of my cache table in the db and then refreshed on the modules page. Now when I go to create a new repeater, I get this message:
  6. I've tried multiple times, but when I try to create a repeater from the admin it gives the following error: Field: Can't save page 0: /processwire/access/roles/site-editor/for-field-158/: Pages using template 'role' are not moveable (template::noMove) [/processwire/access/roles/ => /processwire/access/roles/site-editor/] The field is saved, but doesn't allow me to add other fields to the repeater. Any idea on how to fix this problem? I have tried disabling modules, but still have the same problem. ProcessWire: 3.0.58 PHP: 5.6.24 Apache: 2.4.23 (Unix) MySQL: 10.1.8-MariaDB-log allow_url_fopen: 1 max_execution_time: 300 (changeable) max_input_nesting_level: 64 max_input_time: 60 max_input_vars: 1000 memory_limit: 256M post_max_size: 128M upload_max_filesize: 128M xdebug: xdebug.max_nesting_level: mod_rewrite: 1 mod_security: *confirmed off GD: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) GIF: 1 JPG: 1 PNG: 1 EXIF Support: 1 FreeType: 1 Imagick Extension: AdminOnSteroids: 1.4.1 EmailObfuscation: 1.1.0 FieldtypeAssistedURL: 1.0.0 FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker: 3.0.2 FormBuilder: 0.3.0 InputfieldAssistedURL: 1.0.1 InputfieldFormBuilderFile: 0.0.1 InputfieldLeafletMapMarker: 3.0.2 MarkupAddInlineScript: 3.0.2 MarkupLeafletMap: 3.0.2 MarkupSEO: 0.8.7 MarkupSimpleNavigation: 1.3.4 ModuleSettingsImportExport: 0.2.4 PageRenameOptions: 1.0.0 ProcessFormBuilder: 0.3.0 ProcessModuleToolkit: 0.2.3 ProcessWireUpgrade: 0.0.7 ProcessWireUpgradeCheck: 0.0.7 SchedulePages: 1.2.2 SiteTweaks: 0.0.1 TemplateEngineFactory: 1.1.1 TemplateEngineProcesswire: 1.0.1 TemplateEngineTwig: 1.0.4 TextformatterMakeLinks: 1.0.0 TextformatterOEmbed: 2.0.2 TracyDebugger: 4.3.1 TwigExtensions: 1.0.1 WireMailSmtp: 0.2.3
  7. What is the URL you are embedding?
  8. Hi @sms. If you are new Processwire, I would highly recommend installing the TracyDebugger module at http://modules.processwire.com/modules/tracy-debugger/ It will show your field names on the page with their values. Your code looks correct if the URL field name is "AssistedURL"
  9. Thanks @Macrura. I think I need to simplify things and limit the calendar postings to single day events only that don't span multiple days. I would need to create multiple calendar postings for an event that spans multiple days.
  10. I'm trying to show upcoming calendar posting pages that have an event_start_datetime and an event_end_datetime. The listing should show calendar postings greater than or equal to today (no past events unless it has an event_end_datetime that is within 3 days after today) if the calendar posting has an event_end_datetime and is within 3 days of today it should still show even though the event_start_datetime has passed. Ex. an event that spans Wed-Saturday. If today is Friday, I still want to show the event on my calendar. Here is the code I have tried: $date = date("Y-m-d");// current date $date_start = strtotime( date('Y-m-d') . " 00:00:00"); $date_end = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +1 week"); $paginated_calendar_postings = $pages->get("/calendar")->children("template=calendar-posting|community-event,event_start_datetime>=$date_start, event_end_datetime<=$date_end, sort=-event_start_datetime"); But that doesn't return the correct results. I've spent all day searching through the forums, but couldn't find an answer. Any help is appreciated. Also is there anyway to format your selector on multiple lines like this: $paginated_calendar_postings = $pages->get("/calendar")->children( "template=calendar-posting|community-event, event_start_datetime>=$date_start, event_end_datetime<=$date_end, sort=-event_start_datetime"); It would make it easier to read long selectors. When I tried it, it didn't work. I think it even gave the wrong results.
  11. If you are using cloudflare.com you might also want to create a page rule like: *mydomain.com/processwire/* Security Level = High Cache Level = Bypass Disable Apps Disable Performance This should prevent any of the Processwire admin from being proxied by cloudflare.
  12. Here is a pull request for the problem mentioned above https://github.com/felixwahner/TextformatterOEmbed/pull/7
  13. Great. I didn't know that. I'll just turn off that panel. Thanks Adrian
  14. No, I'm not suggesting you hard code those values. I just thought those "node_modules, .sass-cache, etc.." could be added to the other defaults (git svn etc..). I was also suggesting to include a new checkbox [Scan files for To Do items]. Checking this would show all the other fields(like defaults to exclude, scan modules? etc..). This way the whole functionality can be turned off completely if it isn't going to be used. No biggie though, as of right now I'm not experiencing any performance problems.
  15. The scanning of files for ToDo items to prevent any file scanning altogether. I remember Drupal having a similar problem here https://www.drupal.org/node/2329453
  16. Hi @adrian, I was just wondering what location gets scanned for ToDo Items in Tracy? I'm assuming it is your site's templates directory? I wonder if you should add node_modules, bower_components, .sass-cache by default? Seems like if it had to scan all those files it would slow things down a lot? Maybe you can provide an option to turn that feature off completely?
  17. @Macrura You might not need the json export/import functionality anymore. See this new module
  18. I prefer third party libraries to be included and managed via composer, but if you do include them in this module make sure to do it like this: https://github.com/gmclelland/TextformatterOEmbed/commit/ce3bdcd8145da3a369f56f34979cc0791fdb7fa8 Notice the /*NoCompile*/ to prevent PW3's file compiler from compiling the third party libraries.
  19. I was just reading about that module when you posted. I just tried Module Toolkit...Wow what a time saver! Thanks again adrian.
  20. Hi @adrian, thanks for releasing this module. I really like the concept. I can see this being installed on every site. I was able to copy over my TracyDebugger configs and AdminOnSteroids configs successfully. It may be premature to ask, but is there a way to copy the configs of multiple modules at one time like you can do when you export your field settings?
  21. Try installing the Tracy Debugger module http://modules.processwire.com/modules/tracy-debugger/ . I believe there is new feature in that module to handle ajax errors like this now, but may also require updating Processwire to a newer version as well. It might give you more insight into what is causing the error.
  22. I think this fix https://github.com/madebymats/FieldtypeLeafletMapMarker/pull/9 would solve the problem stated above when using TemplateEngineFactory and TemplateEngineTwig.
  23. Would it be possible to also upgrade the version to a newer Leaflet 1.0.3?
  24. Does anybody know how to customize the map's javascript options when displaying the map on the frontend? I'm trying to turn the mouse scrollzoom off. http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-scrollwheelzoom Also for anybody else having trouble when using this with the TemplateEngineFactory and TemplateEngineTwig modules, I had to do the following because my map wasn't showing on the frontend. No errors where displayed and the leaflet assets where loaded on the page. The map just didn't get initialized without the $page->inlineScript. In my controller.php, note how I had to add the $page->inlineScript: $leafletHeaderLines = $map->getLeafletMapHeaderLines() . $page->inlineScript; $view->set('leafletHeaderLines', $leafletHeaderLines ); In my view.twig {{ leafletHeaderLines }} Hope that helps someone.
  25. Bingo! that works. Thank you @Wanze I'm using ProcessWire: 3.0.52
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