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Everything posted by Beluga

  1. Nice to see this conscious evolution happen in the Boom concept Stay blissful!
  2. I think SASS might be the least risky here. What's interesting is that the CSS Variables standard is already being worked into browsers (FF, Chrome): http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-variables/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Using_CSS_variables https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=164139 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773296 http://vimeo.com/69531455 The writer of the Variables spec, Tab Atkins, seems to take inspiration from SASS a lot: http://www.xanthir.com/b4N80 (find sass on page). So I guess you can take that as a good indication of future-proofness Btw. lots of tools popping up to make using SASS easier on any platform: http://sword.mu/ (no Ruby installation required on Windows).
  3. Hmm.. if I may try to correct a possible misunderstanding on Steve's part: Felix was saying the word "frontend" a lot, but it was in the context of "frontend development" - NOT about the Processwire frontend vs. backend! So he was talking about best frontend development practices for strictly the PW admin interface. (Sorry, if this is superfluous at this point, just not sure if we are all on the same page)
  4. Maybe you could join the Transifex project and complete the few missing bits: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/tinymce/language/lt/
  5. I can donate a couple of hundred euros as an incentive, if someone will work on this. No specific requests from my part, just follow the PW philosophy.. and maybe research emerging solutions like Discourse and Moot for inspiration.
  6. I'd like to see this module get some love, so if someone wants to help Antti, I can donate a couple of hundred euros.
  7. The translations could be managed in the PW wiki, if the file format support could be added to this: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/File_format_support MW Translate extension is one of the most advanced translation management platforms and I guess retaining the hosting ownership inside the project doesn't hurt.
  8. Perhaps these would be more appropriate for small gigs: http://catincan.com/ https://www.bountysource.com/ http://freedomsponsors.org/ Or even http://www.crowdhoster.com/
  9. If you would like to get Twitter via RSS, it is still possible with (free) services like these: http://www.rssitfor.me/
  10. This might help: http://www.lynda.com/Foundation-tutorials/Up-Running-Foundation/122442-2.html
  11. Thanks for being such a cool guy, Soma! It might take a while, but when the site is done I will post it in the Showcase forum. Design will be done by another person and I'll just try and make things smooth for him technically.
  12. I mean it was my first time trying out your blank profile I've already built one small site with PW. Do you want to take a look at the Sourceforge thing, if I send you the necessary info privately? The SF web thing was a hell of a job to set up (figuring out the documentation), so I wouldn't want anyone to try and reproduce it from scratch.
  13. Sorry, it was my first time trying it out and as I couldn't log in the admin I couldn't check it. That's why I mentioned I was using the blank profile, hoping someone might verify.
  14. I managed to install PW on Sourceforge, but I'm getting a 500 error for the admin url. The site outputs content without any html or body tags (using Soma's blank profile). I tried the change in .htaccess: # Options +FollowSymLinks Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch ..but it only resulted in a more verbose SF 500 error page and the site not showing. Any ideas? I'm doing this testing because I am considering PW for a website redesign of an open source software project. SF documentation for reference: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Project%20web%20and%20developer%20web%20platform
  15. Thanks, guys. Pete, yep, that's what I suspected about the passwords. CSV import module will be really handy as I find working with spreadsheets very easy.
  16. Has anyone converted a Joomla!-site to PW? Is it possible without resetting the user passwords? I'm not afraid of experimenting with SQL commands, but thought I'd ask first.
  17. Would it be possible to translate PW in the wiki with the help of this: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
  18. Thanks for this. In the comments of the Calendario article there is this: If we were to use a different field than 'title' for the date so we could have multiple events for the same day, how can we check for the same date and join those event titles/descs? Or would it be wiser to integrate a more complete solution like http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/ Btw. fullCalendar supports event descriptions as well: http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_rendering/eventRender/
  19. The extension used is this, right: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi Strangely, the example snippet on that page with line numbers pastes fine from Firefox, yet still gives extra breaks from IE..
  20. I was using Firefox. Chrome is ok for me. IE10 also has the extra break problem.
  21. Also, in the tuto you have a step to create the field article_thumbnails, but in the code it is called article_newsimage. And you have listingthumb while it should be listingimage: $out .="<img class='align_left' src='{$newspost->article_newsimage->getThumb(listingthumb)}'>";
  22. In the wiki tuto, you have listingImage,280,170 - the i in image should be lowercase. Thanks!
  23. Yes I noticed Matthew as I was lurking around on the forums for a while. Btw. copying the code snippets from the wiki give extra line breaks for every line.. maybe they could be changed to one of those where you can just click "Copy code" and it puts it to your clipboard neatly. Edit: ah-ha, I noticed the line breaks only appear with code snippets that have line numbers. The snippets in this copy without extra breaks: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_News_System
  24. Hi there, Joss and thanks for recommending PW on the SEBLOD forums One small correction to the tutorial: In the section Creating the Article Fields, you create a field named article_metadescription, yet later on you use article_meta_keywords so the first mention should be changed to reflect the later ones.
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