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Everything posted by Manfred62

  1. @pwired not sure, you are a german?? If so, this is a nice book. Fun to read. http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/3836215292/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1/279-2256976-5125355?
  2. soma has a detailed documentation on github for MarkupSimpleNavigation
  3. depends on the structure of the site, but couldn't this also be done with a setting in MarkupSimpleNavigation? 'max_levels' => 1, // set the max level rendered
  4. ok.. forget my write-up. in my eyes this should be the (missing) h1.
  5. attention: OFF TOPIC you do compare your own sites with e.g. Microsoft, Facebook..? Wow. Fact is: MS, FB etc. have no need for clean code. They are big enough. I'm doing the web things only for fun since 3 years. Building sites for friends etc in my free time (beside full working). But I have learnt html and css from the base with books. So I say, clean (valid, semantic) html is the starting point for good design. Look through the category 'Showcase': the most people here are so called 'professional web designers' and make this job for money. But the most sites presented have errors. Also the most errors are easy to fix. So far I don't understand what they are doing. They are too lazy to check and fix this?? More worst, they don't know about this?? Or they think, webdesign is the use of Photoshop? Before hand over to the client: using validator is about 5 sec. Fix most simple errors is about 10-20 min? Just like macura said: do it frequently. Also nearly every texteditor supports you with highlighting. I'm doing even more to check logic and usability: check a site without js, without images, without css. That's just one mouse click. For me that's understood, to do my best when I earn money with a job. Doing the best with html is no real problem. html is a very simple language with simple rules (and also the basic of the web). What's the problem with e.g. including an empty alt attribute to img template? Way better, why not use a clever phrase for alt attribute to support SEO? Exactly that is the reason, why I choose PW and MODX as CMS. With both I can create my wanted output. Don't have to rely on a theme and plugins for getting cluttered source code with hundreds of senseless div, span, id and classes. end of OFF TOPIC scnr
  6. looks nice. But seem's that nowadays no one cares about the basics anymore...? http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dancingbear.co.uk%2F
  7. not sure, but in the API there's only image, not images? $sidebarAd->image->url
  8. looks nice, but the usability is bad... sorry. On Home the slider hgroup.home is too big! Hard to reach and scroll the rest of the content. The slider should be max. 30% of the screen. Resize your screen and look on 1024x768 --> content not reachable. Not everyone has a 24'' HD screen... On Projects the same. I experienced the same like pitbull above. After second click something is cut? (screenshot) Without js not usable at all!! Only blank page.
  9. my intention was to ask, if there's a global possibility in PW to set this (e.g. in the config.php)? This would be easier than placing the setlocale in every place you need it. Maybe like the setting for the date/timezone which Ryan will include in the install routine of version 2.4 (see here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2807-maybe-useful-to-check-in-installroutine-of-pw-the-php-default-charset/)
  10. for me it just looks a little bit unnatural (left to right writing). See screenshot. Test with Firebug, give .featured-image img float:right, so it looks ... cleaner? regards Manfred
  11. hmm, the same problem was also in MODX Revolution in older versions than 2.2. They fixed it since 2.2 with a system setting. Wouldn't it be useful to also have a system setting in PW admin for this? Or maybe could be set in the installation process? So the Admin only has to set the locale 'de_DE.UTF-8' in a field.
  12. Hi Tina, nice site. Also like your screencasts. But there's something to mention (from a semantic and validation fan)... http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fnilsnilsen.com%2F All the link-images (facebook, mail etc.) are better placed as background in the css. There's a side-moving of the text when clicking other links in top navigation. Test this by changing between Repertoire and Gallery. Wanted effect? On biography: maybe use overflow for the p's? So paragraph text will not creep under the picture.
  13. Tested on my local xampp installation (Win 7). At first got the same problem with the modules-manager. Then I checked xampp\php\php.ini: allow_url_fopen = On (was already set) In the folder xampp\php\ext must be the php_openssl.dll. Now check in the php.ini if this extension string exist and is uncommented. extension=php_openssl.dll (must be in php.ini) Of course the extensions directory must be set (normally by default) ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside. ; http://php.net/extension-dir ; extension_dir = "./" ; On windows: extension_dir = "F:\xampp\php\ext" After that the module is running fine in my case (path depends on your system)
  14. just find time to play around again with Teflon Version 2. In default.php, line 69 there is a doubled entry: adminTemplates' => $config->urls->adminTemplates, not sure why there is a extra translation section for the file upload? $upload_label = __('file upload', __FILE__); $jsConfig['translations'] = array( 'teflon_upload_text' => $upload_label // file upload button label text ); Wouldn't it be simpler to style the default button to Teflon needs? Tested this temporary without the code above. Then you get the translated string. regards Manfred
  15. sorry, until now I haven't work anything with github...
  16. here is an nice article: http://www.statstory.com/some-reasons-to-choose-piwik-analytics-over-google-analytics/ The main difference is, like Luis said, the data is on your server (and not on a third-party server). Also there are some terms about data collecting you have to keep an eye on, especially in Germany the rules are more or less restrictive.
  17. I have updated the german language files (depending on the latest cz files). Hope I found/changed all entries. Best will be, if yellowled makes a diff? BTW: the file 'wire--modules--sessionloginthrottle-module.json' seems to be obsolete now, and was replaced by 'wire--modules--session--sessionloginthrottle--sessionloginthrottle-module.json'? pw-lang-de.zip
  18. ok, I found this thread from diogo. Thanks for info.
  19. small workaround in this case: I locked the pages (january - december) for editing. So it doesn't matter, if the user moves the (month)pages around. The names are fixed and non-editable. And with the use of the module 'ProcessPagePublish' the user can publish/unpublish the pages anyway. But in general: this should be more exactly to fine tune. In the moment it's not possible to separate the functions. You have to check 'edit' for the parent, to get the functions for the child. Also if 'edit' is checked, you get automatically 'move', even when 'move' is unchecked. I think, it's no good idea to let the user move pages around (and brake SEO or even worst ..the site). Or did I oversee something? What are the exact conditions/constraints for this?
  20. next problem I'm stucked on... I have following structure: - recommendations (template a) -- january (template b) --- menu 1 (template c) --- menu 2 (template c) --- menu 3 (template c) -- february (template b) --- menu .. (template c) ..... every 'page' has its own template. Template b has no file! Now I restrict the access of templates for the role like this: template a: view, edit (page template) template b: view, new (should only act like a folder) template c: view, edit, move the problem is: 'template c' has no move. When I give b the move, then c also gets the move. Is there a possibilty to solve this? EDIT: played around with the settings. Seems, it's not possible. The 'move' config is only possible with the 'edit' checkbox. It depends on the 'edit' config. But also the 'move' checkbox is more or less senseless, because also if unchecked you have the 'move' box when 'edit' is activated. Is this a bug? thanks
  21. just testing some configs in roles, users etc. How can I restrict a non-admin-user to not see the settings inside a page (page - edit - settings)? If I restrict the user, will he be able to publish/unpublish a side (e.g. with this module) anyway? thanks
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